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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Shoful

  1. I’m trying to remain optimistic that this will be amazing when it finally comes
  2. I could go on all day about how Mirwais is an amazing producer and my favorite!!! Do we have screenshots/video of the full Q&A? I’d kill for more electro AL outtakes and Madame X ones
  3. Honestly her bsides are really bad and so inferior to tracks that made the album. I guess the best I’d have to say is Has To Be
  4. These shoots have to be for the reissues. They’re calling back those albums so hard
  5. Does this account have credibility? https://x.com/insidethegroove/status/1804042591278706969?s=46&t=jNtuxc6yBQdbj8rTPRB77A https://x.com/insidethegroove/status/1804066524883308642?s=46&t=jNtuxc6yBQdbj8rTPRB77A
  6. I had to post cause the rambling was so incoherent and hilarious
  7. Does he not know that most Madonna fans dont give a fuck about him and his incoherent ramblings
  8. Does this man have a single digit IQ? Wtf is he even rambling about nobody gaf
  10. So what does she mean when she says it 😅
  11. What does Paris is burning mean. I feel like she has said that a lot in recent years
  12. Yes and she’s not on any future track
  13. WHAT ARE THESE SERVES ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Uzq66uywT/?igsh=MTJoYjlxN3NuODZwZQ==
  14. Let me wake this thread up. If I had a download link to something there’d be 500 people @RUADJAI @deathproof @Jackie @Roy @Andreo @scallywally @Dazedmadonna Friends let’s celebrate
  15. Not on the first page ma’am keep your thoughts to yourself
  16. If anyone has any demos now is the time to release them
  17. Five years ago on Friday June 14th 2019, one of Madonna's best albums was released! It delivered innovation, visuals, themes, personas, and an era unlike anything we've witnessed before!! Let's all celebrate this immaculate album that deserves to be treated better than it was on release! The Artistry: The Visuals: The Album: Performances: The Documentary:
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