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Rays Of Light
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About N3onNostalgic

  • Birthday 06/12/2000

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    United Kingdom (England)
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  1. Do we know who the vogue guest judge was? in Antwerp night 1?
  2. I've had the best night ever, easily the best concert I've been to. I am sad that some songs didn't make the cut but it was still an amazing night I'll never forget.
  3. It's only a Sunday thing at the O2 Monday to Saturday its 11pm curfew and Sunday's it's 10.30 which is annoying cause it seems like she's been on time so far.
  4. Hopefully, I get her skipping certain songs cause it seems like she's bored of them but then you get songs like Frozen which on the last tour was one of the few old songs she did so fingers crossed for that since it's my favourite.
  5. WHAT. A. SETLIST. From the clips I have seen it looks amazing though I'm wondering if she'll change things up from night to night since some songs were left off (praying for "Frozen" to get added back in).
  6. One week till my show who else is seeing her on the 17th? I feel like I've been really irritating to everyone I know cause I keep going on about it lol.
  7. I really hate the idea of AI but alot of these concepts look really cool.
  8. Finally got my digital ticket for London Oct 17th so excited.
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