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Unapologetic Bitches
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Andreo last won the day on October 11 2021

Andreo had the most liked content!

About Andreo

  • Birthday 02/06/2001

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American Pie

American Pie (57/89)



  1. Huge! Funny how not even the chance of getting popular again because of being featured in a blockbuster movie will motivate her team to merge all the versions
  2. Well, at least LAP 30 gave us Supernatural! *Crickets and awkward coughing*
  3. You cant say something like this and disappear without elaborating first like??? Better write an essay
  4. Imagine how tired french people are to hearing La Vie En Rose in any event ever whenever an international artist come over to perform
  5. Top10 and it's a chart for dance songs that needs 10 copies for it to be topped... My heart stopped reading the title godamn
  6. Idk im not expecting any kind of boost for some reason.
  7. I'll definitely be watching the movie with my friends someday in the next weeks, so please if someone of you does the same before and there's really a whole scene in the movie featuring the song, remember to put a spoiler when posting 🙈🙊
  8. Ready for a new shit brown vynil of and album you already own in 143 formats? 💪🔥🔥🔥💥💥
  9. It was added to the This Is Madonna playlist (instead of any possible classic of hers💀)
  10. I really want to believe the reissues will start with LAV this year. Just saying but next year it will be 20 years of CONFESSIONS.
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