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My hopes for M's new album.


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Since she's basically in pre-production for a new album, meeting with producers, probably writing songs and whatnot, Here's my hopes for the new album.


Real musicians, real instruments. Not boring like the album version of Borrowed Time though.

Good songwriters to work with, I wouldn't mind at all some songwriters from Rebel Heart like Mozella or Toby Gad, as well as the co-writers from the Avicci songs.  Those were some solid lyrics & melodies!  Pat Leonard, it goes without saying, is ALWAYS welcome.  


As far as producers, yeah, lets not go the DJ route. I don't mind some electronic elements but nothing sounding like Bitch I'm Madonna. A Mirwais-produced track could be fun, but lets go more in a fresh direction here.


Overall, I just want something organic & new, not relying so much on technology & fake sounds so much.  You can have a dance track without EDM sounds.  I certainly don't want a ballad album. I just want it to be genuine and fresh, without sounding artificial.

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I don't mind whatever direction she takes this time around. With Rebel Heart, it seemed she was reflecting on her past, her accomplishments and had a full coming circle moment before she looks to the future with new ground to break. If she decides to continue in an acoustic direction as she's been hinting and was the original intent with RH, I wouldn't mind. Though, we're always surprised when Madonna ventures into a new sound and being inspired recently as she's said, who knows where she'll go with this record?

We all need are dance tracks and those ballads. RH had some great fine ballads which her voice always shine.  :hearteyes:

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I would love her to go in a different direction with the next album, more rock and real instruments and less dance...


I would love that too. And that was the rumour about American Life's sound back in the day. Headcleanr rock mixes of the title track and Love Profusion were the closer that we got.

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I posted it already in another thread, but it fits in here aswell


I just hope for this new ALBUM that everything is well planned:


talking about the topic of the album

no matador-likely stuff, she looked like someone coming from the carneval in her red carpet dress),


new ideas how to promote it,

she should really stop trying to get medial attention with her often misinterpretable statements, that turn out being  "ironic". fans love them, i do, but normal people will just think shes weird and a  diva with a gods complex. to name some examples:

-the hydrangeas incident

-roccos "little sausage" moment on her instagram/ new years party with under age drinking pics

-when she flashed that girls breast on stage

-when she flashed her breast

-kissing/eating drake

-comparing the abum leak "rape"

-her nelson mandela promotion for RH

-giving head for hillary voters

-blowing up the white house


come on, she knows the media for 4 decades.



good single choices

i'm good with the RH ones but MDNA was just weird; I mean they really forgot Love Spent, Materpiece, Gang Bang (I know its not mainstream enough but come on, thats how she could have shocked people, i remember that the Gang Bang audio snippet they posted on YT got a lot of views)


good videos

nothing over edited and rushed like GITM, TUTR, and Ghosttown ( the last two more for their weird story and dancing scenes)


good and creative backdrops for the tour

I mean, did they just use the same backdrop they used for Spanish Lesson and Heart Beat/Best Friend again? and whose idea was it to use this horrible montage of Ghosttown...


and maybe a great concert film,

with great cover for the disc,  a calm view, a good sound, no exaggerated crowd,  and a not white skinned madonna

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