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Gwyneth Paltrow


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I'm interested in knowing what went wrong between M and Gwyneth Paltrow. The pair have been acquaintances since the late '90s (I'd say 1997) and have definitely somewhat grown into besties throughout M's London years. Up to 2008/2009 I'd say.


What do you know about it?


I think that, generally, M has this thing of surrounding herself with big shots - until the spotlight moves elsewhere. Paltrow is still a recognised name, but certainly not as popular these days (I wish hee the best because she genuinely seems a nice person)



And by the way was Harvey Weinstein feeling M's hip in these pics? :)



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I'm interested in knowing what went wrong between M and Gwyneth Paltrow. The pair have been acquaintances since the late '90s (I'd say 1997) and have definitely somewhat grown into besties throughout M's London years. Up to 2008/2009 I'd say.


What do you know about it?


I think that, generally, M has this thing of surrounding herself with big shots - until the spotlight moves elsewhere. Paltrow is still a recognised name, but certainly not as popular these days (I wish hee the best because she genuinely seems a nice person)



And by the way was Harvey Weinstein feeling M's hip in these pics? :)



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1997 MTV VMAs291f974da398cc4b1f693881c22412fd.jpg


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Yep... it relates all back to Tracy Anderson.  A matter of taking sides when shit went down between them all.  However, it's none of our business and frankly stupid to gossip about since we don't know all the real details.  In the end, who really cares?  And this is probably a thread that belongs more in OFF TOPIC.

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Yep... it relates all back to Tracy Anderson. A matter of taking sides when shit went down between them all. However, it's none of our business and frankly stupid to gossip about since we don't know all the real details. In the end, who really cares? And this is probably a thread that belongs more in OFF TOPIC.

Nah this is about Madonna. It's life details like these that help us have a bigger picture of her. Feel free not to participate if it offends your sensibility. Thanks.


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Gwyneth started business ventures with that Tracy Anderson person and it was said it stemmed from that, but it's just hearsay. Personal life gossip that's all it is. I don't think it can paint a picture of who she is when so much of it is BS.


PS: Maybe im misremembering but yeah.

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Man Ben Affleck was so hot back in the early 00s - Gwyneth was so lucky to be shagging him then :))

Hahaha he's not my type but to be honest if Weinstein lost a few pounds...(don't judge me) lolz


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Nah this is about Madonna. It's life details like these that help us have a bigger picture of her. Feel free not to participate if it offends your sensibility. Thanks.


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No it's more about another small yet negative aspect of Madonna's life that really has no merits to bring up.  It changes nothing by talking about it since we have no idea really what happened.  As stated, it's just "gossip".   It doesn't offend me, but just more proof some spend more time posting about negative B.S. than talking about the positive aspects of her career or what we enjoy about her.   :Madonna032: 

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No it's more about another small yet negative aspect of Madonna's life that really has no merits to bring up. It changes nothing by talking about it since we have no idea really what happened. As stated, it's just "gossip". It doesn't offend me, but just more proof some spend more time posting about negative B.S. than talking about the positive aspects of her career or what we enjoy about her. :Madonna032:

Like I often say, I'm not a Madonna follower. I'm a fan with a head. I adore her personas but more deeply her personality. Discussing about her life allows me to deepen my search of her. We will never know the real thing, in any of her life contexts. But we can try to come closer to it. It's not gossip, it's research.


Not to undermind, there are many of her ex collaborators who populate the internet and feed details to us fans online. Instagram is one of the various platforms where this happens (example, Tony Ward confirmed me personally it was him in the foot fetish pic from Sex). For all I know there can be people close to her in this very forum.


Maybe you can try and be more positive in your replies. Or I'll smash you with my wit, like I do with all the other bitches out there. Thanks.




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Like I often say, I'm not a Madonna follower. I'm a fan with a head. I adore her personas but more deeply her personality. Discussing about her life allows me to deepen my search of her. We will never know the real thing, in any of her life contexts. But we can try to come closer to it. It's not gossip, it's research.


Not to undermind, there are many of her ex collaborators who populate the internet and feed details to us fans online. Instagram is one of the various platforms where this happens (example, Tony Ward confirmed me personally it was him in the foot fetish pic from Sex). For all I know there can be people close to her in this very forum.


Maybe you can try and be more positive in your replies. Or I'll smash you with my wit, like I do with all the other bitches out there. Thanks.




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I think it's more interesting to get to know her through what her collaborators say and her creative process, her art... not what the tabloids say about her personal life. It's gossip but have at it if you want i mean its your time.  :thinker:

you can never trust people who just one to sell their product, only few collaborators will say something bad, they are all on ass licking mode, so it should be normal to investigate into gossip if there is some

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It's after the promotion of that record ends the behind the scene stuff tends to leak out through collaborators. Of course, you wouldn't want to discuss anything negative with your client to the press. Easiest way to burn bridges but most of her collaborators have praised her and her ethic and if they are critical about it, it's nothing about her abilities but more of time management, too many things ongoing etc.


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you can never trust people who just one to sell their product, only few collaborators will say something bad, they are all on ass licking mode, so it should be normal to investigate into gossip if there is some



To me its weird but yeah. Im only here for the artist IDC about her personal relationships or who she is at her very core. :stare: I don't care about her every blemish. As if that changes anything.....

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To me its weird but yeah. Im only here for the artist IDC about her personal relationships or who she is at her very core. :stare: I don't care about her every blemish. As if that changes anything.....

Hmmm like having a favorite character of a tv show just for his performance in this show, without paying attention to his real life i guess?

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Hmmm like having a favorite character of a tv show just for his performance in this show, without paying attention to his real life i guess?


I'm just fine with not trying to work out who she really is, as if thats even possible, especially from the most tepid gossip about her personal life. She's an artist and I just assume she's a complicated person like everyone else.


The speculation here that she chooses friends who are big shots is very off the mark imho, we probably have never even heard of her closest friends. Lately she's befriending more female artists to create a more supportive community of females in the industry, but she's been friends with Rosie, and Debi for ages for example. I don't see what Gwyneth's level of fame has to do with anything. Madonna is not some kind of predator of celebrity friends.  :oi: In fact in ToD she expresses the exact opposite sentiment.

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Tracy Anderson had an affair with the man who was stealing money from Raising Malawi / Spirituality for Kids.

Anderson got fired but Gwyneth continued to be her friend, as does Monica Berg (wife of Michael Berg who runs the Centre) who still trains with her.

Berg was also accused of filtering money through Raising Malawi and the Kabbalah Centre were removed from the charity.


Anderson also complained she had no life, she would miss her sons school recitals due to being on M's clock.


I can't imagine one has a life if you were for Madonna.

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This LIAM has to chill. You sre always super bitchy about everything. Let the people express their thoughts/ opinions/ and gossip please. Thx

He's a contrarian. His job is to go against everyone and say the opposite thing to gain the superior moral high ground.

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