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Blue Skies

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Blue Skies

  1. I don't know much about Eartha's singing. But she was in the greatest Halloween movie ever made
  2. Well she still has the ageless & timeless sex appeal in those premier pics, TikTok video. Hot mama Her fitness and diet regimen for the tour I think gave her the lean and mean look now. That being said unfortunately it wouldn't surprise me if she did um have some work done.
  3. I had some nostalgia this morning. I just finished college and remember the H&M clothing line by Madonna. It just stood out to me because I still found her absolutely gorgeous in all the ads. I think that was the point I realized even at 100 plus years old and in a walker I'd still find her attractive. Ditto the Material Girl. I recall actually walking past the main Macy's in NYC around 2010 visiting a job agency there. Which completely turned out to be waste of time... the job agency. But yeah I still recall like a huge poster there for the Material Girl line. And I recall it was like a big deal as well to be the face of the ads. I think it was even Kelly Osbourne at one time and then there was that blonde model Tyler. I forgot her last name. Were they like successful though? I would think the Material Girl clothing line was at least at first..
  4. Underrated soundtrack in general. All 4 songs in the poll were great. I'll pick Who's That Girl just because the music video is still real cool
  5. Who would play Jellybean would be an interesting question too. Because it seems there's no love loss there at all.
  6. She hasn't really been that vocal this election (which tbh I kind of like). I bet that changes though if Kamala gets the nod. I think she's posted in the past of being a great admirer of hers.
  7. I thought the cartoon version of her even looked hot
  8. I remember thinking this one was kind of insulting at the time. But today I think it’s pretty funny. Mad TV
  9. Yeah I know she admitted to being super nervous about it and I thought it kind of showed at first when she came out a little. But for sure she did put on a really good show. She''s hardly alone though. I saw Missy Elliott being interviewed for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame recently. She said she had an anxiety attack before she went on stage with her Super Bowl performance with Katy Perry. It started to dawn on her how big a stage it is and how many people watch..
  10. That was my first reaction of my mom who for the most part is largely neutral to her…. Super Bowl well I mean I don’t think she can start trouble on that stage
  11. Ellen DeGeneres I think she’s related too as well like 10th cousin or something like that? They actually do resemble each other a little to me.
  12. Someone I heard talking about Montreal recently. I was at the city some years back. Nice place to visit but I've heard winters there are brutally cold. Very much helps to speak French as well. I know I had started a thread here about Madonna and cross jewelry. While I know her dad was very religious and strict.... Montreal has many Catholic churches there as well. Many are beautiful and recommended by me to people that like architecture even if non religious. I thought I remember Madonna saying as well Like A Prayer was dedicated to her mom who taught her how to pray. Maybe there's some influence there. But perhaps posters know of more obvious ones?
  13. Her debut album, Like A virgin, and Like A Prayer are my 3 favorite albums of hers. Spanish Eyes is one of my favorite deep cuts of hers. My unpopular opinion though is while Like A Prayer itself is a great song, I feel it's kind of played out a bit. Like it was cool to see it showcased in that X-Men movie or whatever it was to introduce the song to a new generation. But at the same time Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill was a single from the 80's that hits home more with me today.
  14. The Virgin Tour- where it all started. Would be something to see Madonna wannabes from that era in person. Drowned World- just to go back in time. It’s the first tour I remember her being on. I saw Madonna more as this beautiful goddess of a woman only. I could appreciate the performances and what not more now.
  15. Actually her rendition of it seemed sort of ahead of its time. I like the song better today than in 2000. Her actually performing it say at the Super Bowl with a diverse group of individuals as a background visual like in the video seems quite modern.
  16. I want to say in that special she did with Rupert Everett where she walked on her old NYC stomping grounds she said something along the lines of she'd rather die than sing Like A Virgin again.
  17. Candy Shop at least I recall and thought it was kind of catchy.... Body Shop I guess it didn't leave a lasting impression on me as I have no real memory of it. So Candy Shop
  18. Yes my thoughts as well. And the Give Me All Your Love video around then. She’s forever sexy
  19. So true. I didn’t know either until recently Madonna used to live in Union City and recorded some of her debut album there. It’s not far from where I grew up https://jerseydigs.com/madonna-bloodhounds-of-broadway-union-city/
  20. And she took it well and still loves her https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/madonna-record-label-once-told-superfan-and-rupauls-drag-race-judge-michelle-visage-to-stop-copying-her.html/
  21. Her haters/detractors have always claimed she was a narcissist. While I don’t think that’s the case, I would say yeah she likes herself for sure and has high self esteem.
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