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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Anapausis

  1. Funnily enough, yesterday I reminded of this unreleased cover by hers: It'd be so nice if she did it on a future tour... EDIT: if only @Leona Helmsley hadn't gone away...
  2. As I told once here, something that @Donna agreed to me and hearted too: The best expectation ever is to have no expectation at all.
  3. Oh dear @skyfitswim, imagine if Warner had given the green light for Thief of Hearts becoming a single... AT THAT TIME...
  4. So was it just a rumor? Anyways... A role I'd beg for M to accept would be Mother Mary if some movie studio has the balls to bring J. J. Benitez's Caballo de Troya series to theaters... For sure THIS Mother Mary she'd love to portrait!!! "TO THE HELL WITH THE LAWS OF MOSES!" - just one quote from THIS Mother Mary; sorry for having my @A. A. Aardvark's moment rn...
  5. Poor @MaDöner Kebab though... I only hope she makes it up to Shame (it'd be a way to her making it up to Shep too right?) and get able to offer the very early demo off GTI could, because, if she "hated" that by then according to Shep's diaries, for sure things would be very different rn.
  6. If biopic's as good as the last tour, I rly don't care to the veracity of it - it'll be a holy treat for sure!!!
  7. Just like Aretha said about Taylor so?
  8. As I told before several times here on forum, Madame X was Madonna's way to leave Interscope by front door. Sorry that the whole material and campaign never would have matched such expectation of hers...
  9. Guys, instead of discussing the past and its could've's, should've's and would've's, why not try flood Rhino's socials asking them to upload whole Just Say Yes compilations to streamings so we can have finally Goodbye to Innocence?? You could team to stans to the other artists linked to the volumes to get a louder noise if necessary! Imho it's the only possible way to have this on streamings! If I haven't put my mental health first and above all socials, I'd do my part! Warner could even add the "by demand" tag if they don't want to get to controversy! Imo it's much better than crying on how useless madonna.com has been since Madonna left Warner! At least there's a chance to get the compilations on the Spotify's so...
  10. It was for a musical, M confirmed it. Hello Suckers! or the Besson one. Maybe it was planned for the first, then the second, then...
  11. @ChromaticanMondasia why exactly Madame X managed to top Billboard Hot 200?
  12. That are all confessions on a dance floor... I suspect the Besson's scrapped film was not only titled this way, but the plot how M would present COADF album... Much more than just saving Hung Up, I Love New York and Future Lovers from the limbo where the other songs from musical were destinated to be.
  13. Maybe it's just Johann Delebarre (aka Emily) coming back from the buffet...
  14. Oh gosh, and she would rly accept it just for spreading the trollage and meltdowns. Andrew, Andrew...
  15. Have y'all got realized about the most possible reason why she won't get a studio album as soon as you want? (Hint: she could have delivered it until late 2020, but after that...)
  16. Late 2005/early 2006 was the peak of madonna.com indeed (during COADF campaign). I remember to have discovered the Virgin Tour live in Detroit videos through there.
  17. Ok @Andreo ur right, I shouldn't have played the moralist by telling I discovered Kesha's magnus opus so far through Katy's controversy. And I am wrong in comparing her to people who fuel their followers to do wrong actions everywhere as a way to defend them. She's no Nicki Minaj for instance to say to her katycats to mock and diffaim Kesha after it was pretty confirmed who's produced Woman's World and a large part of her 143 album. Her actual crime, if we say so, is to keep silent all over this situation and go ahead to the campaign much like atp she has nothing else to do. So she can try play the "holier than thou" as a last resort to keep Capitol's expectations if there's any so. I could even listen to her album, why not?, but in a way I'd never give Lukasz any financial return - after all, after listening to whole Gag Order album it's pretty clear something happened, even with only God knowing about that. What I will be doing for sure is to keep on listening on Gag Order and Hot City albums as they're pure gold to my ears and soul. I won't execrate Katy anymore much less put her to the same cell where the dictators live in, she just has got her choice - and she can be stuck to it, as like I said to someone here on forum, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." It'd be the same thing if I became a Madonna hater due to her being friends to Amy Schumer and co. People can miss, people can lose, the planting can be chosen but the harvest's mandatory. And for sure I'd never listen to 143 as a way to "support Katy in the trenches," tis not me, I ain't this type of people, I don't see need in embracing someone whose choices don't align to me, period. And about Madonna who is the main purpose of this thread: it's all up to her if she can go for the Saweetie route and be a part of it like the girls who were cameos to that Maroon 5's MV like Ellen and Cardi. She would survive for sure to this involvement. She has survived even to the fact she's tight up to very proud IOF supporters, and claiming Israeli kids are as suffering as Palestine ones, despite not being bombed by their own government. So, life goes on. Until life becomes impossible to keep on, just like if we keep to the global boiling as it's inevitable atp.
  18. Schöner, sorry again for bringing here the Neighbours accidental singer or whatever you think about her, but That's why I am adamant WTG will arrive NEXT WEEK instead of THIS WEEK - I believe in your own data as it's the most accurate ever in the whole Madonna fandom.
  19. What has happened cuate? Voguerista has finally seen the Light? OT: Little Sparrow could be a lovely name but the French people (and esp French press) would massacre her, so no.
  20. VOCÊ ESTÁ PERDIDX* AÍ, SHOFUL??? *foi mal for the misgendering...
  21. Congrats Popular for being popular!!! If only Vulgar had the same trajectory... #sorrynotsorry But we all knew it'd come DOA so there's not too much to mourn to it...
  22. And btw @Shoful Madame X didn't die in Paris but much before that, when she didn't shoot a MV for Faz Godstoso. With or without Anitta, it wouldn't have made any difference...
  23. Oh gosh are there Infiniters who are actually gajo's stans??? Please disclosure yourselves so I can do my usual Anapausis' drag here on forum...
  24. Wait, why they made me believe WTG maxi reissue would come this week??? Oh the trolls here...
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