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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Anapausis

  1. I only read the first page of this mess and I just felt secondhand embarassed. And the people who had nerve to call me a "Madonna hater" and an "internet troll" because I just felt, in one word, REDUCTIVE all her behaviour during MDNA era - while Rebel Heart era were her redemption, what they have to say to the members who said worse stuff than me in this thread??? Ok, I really believe these people really had one thing or two to say in this thread - and naturally much worse things than I said here back in my previous incarnation. Btw, I no longer find MDNA era this trainwreck of a thing to M (even if it actually turned into). She had right to express how fucked she felt after all the debacle we all know about. I'd have done the same if I were her - but I still would pick up a much better setlist for MDNAT. Even to slight, scalpelled changes.
  2. Samuel Decker is a very nice guy btw (but I rather stan another Samuel, Samuel Bueno - used to be huge during early 00's and tried a comeback before pandemic but now he's retired - I have a very strong friendship/worship to him and also to his timeframe fellow Marcelo Lagoas - who's a massive M stan btw... Nobody does a bottom's work like my 2 forever idols...)
  3. It must be such a miserable experience M feels with Danielle being somehow a lookalike to Martin. I guess this is what first drives her every night to do all her "touching-the-death" speeches after Mother and Father.
  4. Pitchfork's saying farewell the best way possible. There's no opportunity to never redeem themselves.
  5. I really want Erotica with the Shame and Goodbye to Innocence versions found on the tape that @club78boypossesses.
  6. Haven't she said at the beginning of the trailer for her OnlyFans thing that she was once married to a millionaire who used to be extremely abusive to her and, during her divorce process she found Madonna (and then her obsession ecloded like a chick from its shell)? Well, as much as Oxie doesn't try do any potential harm to M aside from scamming M fans to spend more and more on M... By the way, Madonna met Oxie first at Saint Paul's Rebel Heart Tour stop when Oxie was one of the Unapologetic Bitches, Oxie wore the Schiaparelli dress replica M used to sing Joan of Arc on the Ellen Show and shoes right from Material Girl collection - M recognized the shoes instantanously - and the rest is history... Better saying, now Oxie should take out a restraining order from me, WHY NOT BLYAD SESTRA, YOU ARE USED TO MESS AROUND UNTIL YOU FIND SOMEONE WHO MESSES TO YOU SO... #WeAreAllJailKeys
  7. @vitoralmeiida and @kauebarros1, pls, ignore those people, they have no clue about how our Babylon (Brazil) is much better than theirs!!! Having said that, I love especially my Irajá because, aside from being a mess like any other Rio's neighbourhood, we used to be almost entire Rio's actual municipality territory. Yes, Santa Cruz, São Cristóvão, Maracanã, Jacarepaguá, Penha, Madureira, Tijuca, Piedade, Pavuna, they all were part of Irajá when Irajá was founded as a freguesia (how Portuguese people called the neighbourhoods from a town during XVI century). Basically only the Zona Sul and Centro/Downtown weren't Irajá when Rio started as a place. So I feel so happy for my Irajá! (Check out the History books for Rio if I'm lying...)
  8. Oxana Nabokova aka Oxie aka blyad gal (search for "blyad" in Russian) is in a league of her own and she's defined by what we call here in Brazil "jail key," as everyone who falls to get in her way ends up in trouble - even Madonna herself. I have suggested her to look for a very good pyschiatric who's not indoctrinated by Pervy Kanal like she was during her early years who can solve her delusions of grandeur. Hope I have been clear as cleaned crystal and also that I don't have to give my last coins to Miss Blyad Jail Key who could eat a very good meal at a Tasty Period near to her with them (Google "Tasty Period" pls).
  9. Chicago, Illinois IS BURNING!!! Wanna see your Gotham mixtape on Spotify and co. as I SPEAK!!! Get out of the bed, and you look in the mirror...
  10. This person in particular seems to have been born with a considerable amount of neurones missing from their brain - I just have been used to how they function and I see no harm in their thoughts. They're my friend and I love their passion for Ms. Aguilera.
  11. We are MALANDROS. We face things with a large smile and a blessing from our orishas. We don't care for the bad reputation we have overseas. We just salute and embrace and kiss everyone around us. We are proud to clap our hands everytime the Sun comes out or gives space to the Moon. I bet no one will find a people like us - only in Africa where ubuntu's a mandatory way of life. WE LIVE THE GOOD LIFE. MUITO OBRIGADO MEU BRASIL BRASILEIRO!!! EDIT, IN TIME: SALVE MEU OGUM GUERREIRO!!!
  12. Poor little things... The saddest part is that they (the "fans") really want everyone to believe they didn't know anything of that prior to coming to arena... ...Well, as Flea Dip said (sorry but this name would have to be mentioned on a Madonna forum sooner or later), "bad press is good press" so... (actually they said "bad press is some press at all" but we know what they had in mind when having said that)
  13. I reply u with this - inspired by @Cyberraga And now this has come back to be.
  14. I love this tour has reignited the vivid, torchy flame I used to carry my Madonna fan card back in 2001 when I played nonstop my Drowned World HBO selftaped VHS. Always and forever grateful 2 u @Dazedmadonna...
  15. She did this instead on the date I attended. You may only see how PISSED OFF she was then...
  16. I guess you're aware both Rain and Take a Bow have since forever MASSIVE airplay on Brazilian AC radios - but the same applies even to You'll See. JB!!!
  17. @Honey Little we just discussed earlier this morning about how much I wouldn't wanna post back here anytime soon - but a Brazilian always helps another Brazilian. Yes, BITCHES, I'M BACK!!! ARE YOU STILL IN MY GANG??? @Pedro Beltran had u missed ur forever jail bitch, cuate???
  18. Yep. Well, same takes, same order they appear on such video. I guess Madonna also uploaded it to her account but I don't remember the exact link for her post and, as I don't use IG anymore, I can't trace her older posts. Globo wouldn't pay for an exclusive trailer, as to their current economic practices.
  19. From this footage by Sasha Kasiuha (Google him) https://www.instagram.com/kasiuha/reel/C2aKpQ_sm_j/ You're welcome too, my fellow Brazilian.
  20. @Leona Helmsleyhow are your bets for tonight concert? Will she sing Express or Survive? Will she rest Take a Bow and bring Rain? @True Blue 84feel free to give your guess too, you too @Lorx, @FraP, you too, @Spanky1995, by the way, I have no problem in being taken for someone else than me, especially the BITCHES IN MY GANG like Dave, @Honey Little, @Would You Like To Try, and even @Blue Jeanwho is now my lost then found brother from Australian continent!!! You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as a ONE!!!! #IAmBecauseWeAre
  21. @Jackie so sorry for this hell - it has been very exhausting to be a Madonna fan, esp to us the fossils who lived much better at times when we refrained ourselves to play the fools as we've been doing nonstop thanks to the presumable comfort of a hidden account(s)... ...I just imagine how it's so hard to M herself to endure these recent times... ...#DownWithInternet #GoReadABook #TouchSomeGrass #LiveYourLife and here we go Taaaaampa!!!!
  22. Honey's Argentinian, well American living in Argentina. Dave's Italian. Me is Brazilian. And u?
  23. Who has named who? Oh gosh are you still believing me and Dave are the same? Well, Dave, just let them believe it so!!! Hanky panky, nothing's like a good spanky... I just love stupid people! How does it feel like getting a warning point? May I call you @MCL_1993 so???
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