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Alex JLR

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Alex JLR

  1. At this point, I know what would have been better : no cover at all. And, guess what, no picture means no need to pay a designer ! Seriously this cover is so bad I'm gonna puke over and over and over again... Months ago I did this, for instance...
  2. I saw a picture of it on Instagram so that was easy, I didn't see the movie ^^
  3. The imagery is more inspired by the german movie Der Himmel über Berlin than by the Precious video from Annie Lennox ;)
  4. Wow so great ! I'd love if she uses these photos for the next album. It could be called "Bad Feminist" ! This shoot perfectly fits this concept
  5. The GaGa HalftimeShow looks great and messy at the same time, I don't know if I loved it or not...

    1. Andymad


      I know what you mean. I REALLY disliked the camera angles. Loved the song choices and instrumentation and Segway into songs.

    2. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      That's not the camea angles that disturbed me, the whole show looks messy. The song choices could have been better (less Fame for instance)

    3. jump8


      I have to agree. we got to some old school Gaga, but her shows are always boring and powerless to me. And messy. The whole hanging on a wire (doing not so elegant moves btw) thing was just weird and awkward.Then again, her shows and choreography are always awkward...sorry, but there's no structure or discipline in her shows. The only thing I liked, all in all, was Bad Romance.A plus for singing live throughout.

  6. Maybe because some are just disappointed with the edits ? ;) That's not because some were freaking out about not having a release of the tour that others can't have their own opinion about it... I didn't freak out, but was expecting a finish product. When I see they didn't do the colour calibration (or they did in a bad way), they tried to merge different shots in one - or did in a messy way - and they used shots from the bigscreen which don't have the same appearance than the shots taken especially on Sydney, I have the feeling they made it quickly to thrown it to us. Some will like it this way, and I'm happy for them. But, personally, all those things that can sound like tiny details, made me quit the show too often, so I did'nt manage to enjoy it properly. And that's kind of sad because when I see some little extracts of it, I find them great, but the whole thing don't work for me... We have a release, that's great and I never doubt about it, it just don't work for me. That's just my opinion
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      A merging fail :)

    3. poserdemadonna


      Oh, the catwalk! I hadn't noticed that

    4. Fighter


      i think they removed the middle section so they could show everything on the stage more closely

  7. I watched it again, I confirm, they try to merge shots. Look at the "stage" in the middle of the picture... Oooh you can't because it's a fail...
  8. Yes I mean shot, sorry I'm french ^^.I don't mind costume changes either. I don't know what cameras they used but you can easily see when the shot is the same as the one shown on the big screens for the audience, it don't look the same, quality seems different, and that's the same for the colors, the luminosity and the contrast. I'm on my phone now, tomorrow I'll try to put screencapture to show that. I know MDNA was bad edited, but the filters had one advantage, they harmonised the colors^^ After seeing Rebel Heart teaser where colors seemed untouched and realistic, I hoped we would finally get a very good tourfilm, even if the latest looks like potato. If MDNA Tour was Instagram Tour, I guess I'm gonna call this one "Epileptic Backdrop Tour" ^^. I need to watch it again, maybe I'll will finally like it
  9. Here there is someone that have a 21gb version of the tour but haven't upload it yet : http://www.sharemania.us/threads/madonna-rebel-heart-tour-showtime-1080p-rip.40567/page-5

  10. Have a nice watch ! Personally the gap from a plan to another - in term of harmony of colors and sharpness of the shot - made me go out of the show very frequently. I don't understand this need to dig into all the recordings of the tour while she had better cameras to film the show of Sydney, why didn't she use exclusively Sydney shots ?! (Sorry I'm too much irritated by the final result, the teasers made me hope something as big as CT^^)
  11. The sides of the stage don't match at some point. On this other picture there is some poeple nearly invisible ! HERE
  12. Another picture of the same angle, no more "reflect", I don't know what they did but it's strange, even when you look at the video... The other picture is here
  13. Saw the RHT, why did they mixed all those plans ? From one plan to another the colours don't match, it's the same thing for the quality. For me it's the Epileptic backdrop tour...

  14. I finally saw the RHT DVD, I must admit, I'm disappointed... They use to many different shows, we can see which one is from Sydney and which one was taken with another type of camera on other shows. The color and quality change from one plan to another, and they put awful effects on some footages (they ruined Burning Up of Instance). Moreover they add too much backdrops over some scenes. It looks like a unfinished patchwork. My expectations were hight for this tour, the results don't match them. Anyway some passages are great and the audio is very good !
  15. Back from work, if there's a justice a link will pop right now :)

  16. Back from work, didn't see anything, hope to see a link soon
  17. I wondered a bit about the colors yesterday after seeing the trailer, but now that I'm on my computer it looks far better !
  18. For fun I resync the Rebel Heart preview and reworked the contrast on the spidercam shots, here it is : http://mega.nz/#!6NYj0R4I!Nk4hVtvxyKeFwp7GhQYTTkPqjRr68CAig1pYnrYkpGI

    1. Frank


      I'm keeping ur file, way better than the original!.

    2. Alex JLR
  19. Maybe the one from Spanky1995 will be less out of synch'
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