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Everything posted by mysweetaudrina9

  1. that person was absolutely hideous and single handedly ruined the rio show. can't believe people actually stan that.
  2. so we just have to settle for mediocrity and sub par product because that is all there is?
  3. also, do you think chart position is the reason why she ignored this song for 30 years?
  4. it really should have been forbidden love over take a bow.
  5. the explanation makes no sense at all. Also, doesn't she have enough fans to assure at least some chart success? it's kinda interesting how none of her singles chart anymore. like where are the fans?
  6. I guess maybe the public just didn't like the song, isn't the commission of many remixes a sign of the label's commitment? it's a great single like what it feels like for a girl that also had a lot of mixes but didn't do well in charts.
  7. don't break your finger hitting the report button, sweetie. we know you have to.
  8. it's all been pretty much forgotten now, but the video was popular.
  9. https://youtu.be/GemwsucYb9A?si=UUN52KrJhW9KKsEE dont know if this was released in America, judst showing NRM as one of the looks of the video, just showing how people liked it.
  10. whatever, i've been a fan for 20 years, but the community has become a cult, and i will always think for myself.
  11. awww it's that your attempt of getting newcomers banned so that you are safe in your cocoon? are you so threatened?
  12. that is not true, she was on top of people's minds in 1999 and beautiful stranger was a huge hit.
  13. The theory seems to be that the physical release came out really late? i don't know how it works but doesn't really make sense, she was on top of the world and the video got a lot of publicity and people liked it, it reverberated for some time, even getting referenced by that band who made a video with madonna lookalikes, etc, it's weird to have it chart at 93, it's literally her biggest flop.
  14. Why? I've been a Madonna fan for 20 years. Again, if you like children being exposed to taint, that's you sweetie.
  15. This is her best period of her career and the most influential, everything she was doing was avant garde and dangerous and that in itself is fascinating but equally fascinating was what came after. The backlash literally sent her into therapy, re routing her career and decades of guilt. in later years she has fallen into the woke indoctrination and she now sees herself as a victim. She cries in front of millions for being called a "witch" in the most embarrassing moment of her career that the stooge press and fans now celebrate. truth is, she learned nothing from the experience. She dismisses all criticism as coming from the right wing boogeyman instead of understanding what actually happened. SAD. Still, the book is there and it is amazing and I love it although it is annoying to see how sick people not only have plagiarized it but infused it over every element of the culture, without giving her any credit for it.
  16. A ten year old child being exposed to male taint and anus on a nightly basis is not sexual freedom. if you think that is sexual freedom you may be in need of professional help.
  17. Typical response from the peanut gallery. The truth of the matter is that the show is obscene. She had her ten year old daughter watching literal male anus on her face during the ballroom sequence, and i'm pretty sure the fans in the area also had to see the two male dancers' anuses, not that the middle aged creeps did any complaining but still. you also had Madonna kissing all her dancers, which were the ugliest dancers she has ever used. i just don't get that, does she really go around kissing everybody?? that attitude was defended here, "we all know how she likes to kiss", dude that's fucked up. it seriously borders on m**********.
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