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Unapologetic Bitches
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About feehgarcia

  • Birthday 07/15/1992

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  1. Don't know f this is the right place to post this, I'm usually on the downloads section haha sorry if it's not. But today is happening the PRIDE Parade in São Paulo and Pabllo Vittar performed a bit of Madonna's Nothing Really Matters among her set! Official predictions say 3.5 million people are expected to attend the event throughout the day at Av. Paulista today! https://x.com/centraldapv/status/1797326365642895628
  2. I was talking about RIT on another board with some Brazilian fans and stumbled across this old news about Hamish Hamilton's RTI project I had forgotten about! We were talking about the lack of an official release for this tour, how she taped the Lisbon concert but hated the images + they allegedly had some caption issues with the sound so it was scrapped in the end. I personally think they could've used the footage shot in Paris that was later used on the IGTTYAS doc (it makes no sense having crew and equipment placed to shoot a couple of songs... I'm 100% SURE the raw footage of the entire Paris concert exists. Anyway... this led us to think RIT did not have a full concert release because she didn't want to. Maybe she and the label thought the doc was enough. Back to Hamish Hamilton... I was researching new things about that period after that conversation and found a Billboard article talking about the Hamish x Madonna lawsuit! How he sued her at the time for not wanting the pay for what he had already shot because It was not going to be released. The article mentions he shot a full dress rehearsal + Mancherster + London shows! From what Iu understand, the idea was always to shoot Lisbon, so the Manchester and London nights were probably tests, Am I right? Or the plans for Lisbon came later? I wonder if that raw footage still exists somewhere... Never heard about it, not even clips or any sort of leak. Do we have more info about it? https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/madonna-sued-over-euro-tv-show-63171/
  3. They did the same thing for the Rolling Stones when they performed for free in Copacabana back in 2006! Would be impossible to get to that stage withou that operation haha the base of operations is the Hotel and they cross straight into the stage. https://musica.uol.com.br/noticias/redacao/2016/02/18/ha-dez-anos-rolling-stones-faziam-show-historico-na-praia-de-copacabana.htm PLUS... We have a new add on the streets.
  4. Lisbon was INSAAAANE last night! I decided to go last minute, got a resale ticket and THANK GOD I DID! The last time I saw her live was Sticky & Sweet in São Paulo... Damn, what a night! The show works much better live, tho I still think the whole life narrative loses it self a bit after the Erotica Section. Its a hell of a fun show! And she's clearly having fun!! Bob is amazing. The dancers are incredible, her babies playing with her is sooo beautiful... And |We got SO lucky last time with Gaultier as special guest! I'll spend the rest of this month a tight budget, but it was worth it! My personal highlights: Nothing Really Matters, Open Your Heart, Live to Tell, Like a Prayer, Bad Girl, Vogue, Crazy For You. And the Beast Within Interlude!!! That's my all time favorite intro, get to experince that live was MAGICAL! The new edit/effects/staging around it is amazing. The No Fear intro is also incredible! As a whole... the way they used her old visuals, redited interviews/videos/backdrops is pretty cool! They did an amazing job. EDIT: they finally got the Erotica/Ballroom short wig right!!!!
  5. maybe it will release next year for the US dates?
  6. If she serves amazing tweets like Cher does... But I guess Guy will reset that password and block her access in a few weeks LOL
  7. This. Lisa Marie Presley and Janet talked about this a few times. Janet even touched this on her documentary earlier this year! Saying they totally lost access to him on the final years of his life.
  8. This is what I said earlier! At this point, she should know how to do this with her eyes shut, team or no team! It should be in her DNA. But apparently, it isn't... Without her own team and hundreds of hours of grueling rehearsals, it seems she can't perform a 20yo song she probably sang at least 1000 times through her life. This is what made me saddest and worried the most.
  9. I want to believe there's no designer behind it. Or even a sylist! Cause if she paied any money for someone tell her to wear that, THIS PERSON SHOULD GO TO JAIL lol
  10. But that's the point... SHE'S FUCKING MADONNA! She's doing this for 40 years now. She should be able to perform "Music" of all songs with her arms and legs tied! And to me, that's the main point about last night. She drew a line of quality standards, of what we should expect from her! And at some point, for whatever reason, those standards dropped, that scale changed… That happened to Janet too! And most of us (myself included) have a hard time understanding this and adapting to the new reality which leads to frustration. It's always painful to see THE BIGGEST PERFORMERS IN THE WORLD being just average. And it's fine, I guess… they're not machines! They've done it all already... But it's hard when we look back, it's impossible not to compare them with themselves. I said this here a few days ago... I truly believe something happened inside of her after the knee injury in 2019/2020. She spent her WHOLE life being perfect. The work out. The discipline. Rehearsals. Controlling everything... And even so, something went out of control. The 30 years of being clean and working out weren't enough, her body failed her. IMAGINE THE FRUSTRATION?! So I guess she's taking things less serious these days AND THAT'S FINE! But I guess THE Madonna we all know and are used to can't exist without all those layers. Maybe, without all that discipline, she's just an ok performer... And for some reason, she can't even active "muscle memory" to bring that back on stage to perform 01 song randomly.
  11. Her weight has nothing to do with what happened last night. She can be old and fat and still give a good performance! A nice outfit, looks and cool performance. Last night was sloppy! Something we never imagined Madonna would ever be.
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