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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Clark_Kent

  1. After seriously loving Living for Love and Ghosttown I'm not entirely happy with this one, and mainly because of edition problems.


    I like the first half of the video , is fun and entertaining like the song, but... WTF with those 'guests'? they recorded their scenes from a screen grab of an skype call? it just doesn't fit right and looks poorly edited. If they can't be on set and record a segment that can be properly added to the video then don't include that shit.


    And what about nicky minaj part? did they have to put the guy with a green screen square and then add her there? it looks terribly bad! a dance routing mixed with minaj here and there would have been ok, even the guy holding a led screen would have been ok, the placement of the video flooting there looks too much awful and artificial. 


    Apart from that the video is good and right for the song, but those messy points really makes me don't wanna watch it more than once. 


    If I remember correctly, I believe that the rights were sold to Laserdisc (Yokohama & Nice) for twenty five years in exclusive.



    Rights for Nice & Yokohama actually belong to Pioneer, not laserdisc, wich is just the brand of a home made format. 


    Regarding this release, she told in that reddit Q&A that she'll release it when they can find the masters, wich seems to be lost into the file.


    I assume if this show is released some day it will be the footage taken for Truth And Dare, not only because that was shooted in filmic for the cinematographic movie so it's appropiate for an HD mastering, but also they shooted multiple dates with many more cameras, so it will give a better result. 


    Nice & Yokohama were both shooted in standard definition so there's no point of using it when you have a better recording in the files.  

  3. This whole post is a laughable mess.




    May 12.....


    I think her team has officially lost it.


    All is too improvised, it's like they're sitting drinking coffe and they just say "oh you guys, we should release an EP now that the song is one month old and nobody cares" "yeah great idea"



  4. The thing is that... it's been promoted in both Europe and the US. It has already a video and the physical single comes out tomorrow... Now, it's a complete different story if the general public don't give a shit about it  :broken:


    Unfortunately I think it's the last one 


    Still, I don't think the promotion was correct for the single, she sang the song in february in europe, then twice in US, the video came weeks after that and the phisical single weeks after that. It's all just way too separate for the people to actually connect to a song  that wasn't properly released. 

  5. I remember a similar situation with the GGW video, we were all waiting, anxiously, and then nothing. This isn't news whe it comes to Madonna. Maybe she read some comments on the net saying it would be a better idea to upload the damn video on Vevo first so it doesn't lose views that will go to the charts. Oh well..


    And remember what happened with 'Miles Away' video. It was announced and in the release day was plugged off and not officialy released until celebration DVD came out.  

  6. Me too until I noticed the meerkat tweet was deleted, that was a pretty big hint.


    Sure, they should've been clearer, but they DID tell us before the countdown was over...


    For once, I think people need to be understanding that something went wrong last minute with the video, and it's coming tomorrow anyway so it's not like we have to wait that long. 


    You always stick up for the people we fog!


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