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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. I am not saying any of the film is fluff what I am saying is pretty much every event in that last movie, was as exciting as our monotonous routines at home. Not saying make up scenes like the forced scene about being a god mother in TOD (and some of the other parts was totally playing it up). However it isn't the events it was the period in time, she was so fucking huge and it was a blast everywhere. Watching her doing literally nothing and make it B&W and watchable, not to me because everything in that was basically watching paint dry. So unless there is a little bit of joyous stuff that happened during RHT and yes some wacky - also kabbalah watching is not fun but her going to her mom's grave was beautiful and if you know this is the movie you are making now, keep it!
  2. Sorry this was too good for the social media thread.
  3. Is going to have a scally wet dream tonight. :)

  4. If you can write with Paint - that is an accomplishment in itself.
  5. But the live album, Pretty much feel that about all of them except Sticky and has it's moments but yeah I want the album and one for TOAC, please!!
  6. What is a favorite of ours? The only good scene would be her and Stuart working out TBW but the rest...nope.
  7. I love Diplo, solo and Major Lazer - Bitch I'm Madonna one of his worst productions, it means well and the video is killer. Although I do like Auto-Tune Baby which is samples Major Lazer's song Baby, for a song where the baby is on most of it, it's not in the least bit annoying I mean that sound is usually... But than you got Living for Love, Best Night (JML for a new age) and UB being what I wanted with him there!
  8. I don't care if we get any vulgar songs, loooove it but I do without another bitch for awhile. I mean even Trust No Bitch is amazing (actually wish it were there over BIM and sorry Diplo!). Although if she happens to start swearing atop some hot guitar riff, I will pass her the gear personally.
  9. I was planning to say anyone who put HU over LFL is crazypants.
  10. Ballad overload I can't do it BUT I would love a return to the ethereal stuff (ROL) like Falling Free and Borrowed Time - and with little more CPG guitar.
  11. Will regret; when they get her talking in black with white threw a grill about nothing because IMO there wasn't a single scene worth us watching on IGTTYAS, just release the concert!
  12. This song is epic! always thought it was the centerpiece of the album, when the MDNA tour was being planned (and maybe it's just the fact that they both use police sirens) but I wanted this and Thief and Hearts to be a mash-up so badly.
  13. Ok we're still mates cause that is my jam! At my RHT show the people on both sides we would stand and sit at the same parts, but this came on I stood alone and bopped hard lol.
  14. Ok Gaga i'm on board with this era, sexy bitch!

    1. Andymad


      I haven't heard anything yet... kinda scared I won't dig it...

    2. G House

      G House

      Perfect Illusion and Million Reasons are cool, but A-Yo and Sinner's Prayer are just boring.

    3. Gabvinet


      Downloading Million Reasons was the first thing I did this morning and gotta say It's a wonderfull balad ! love it

  15. You're welcome but what is this business? lol and someone else felt the same.
  16. Seeing her do this show is torture so she better film/record and give it!
  17. I would love a solid short album! like Music or American Life. I want the number of tracks on RH but for the best? just take your time and widdle it down. Also slay us with the music videos queen!
  18. Honestly with what we have now, Immacuate was made with such care. Some artists will tweak when they release a GH collection and sometimes fails and this worked! Also considering GHV2 is so forgettable and majority being radio edits (offensive). And I thought Celebration was solid, great artwork, two discs, Who's that Girl? but if read this: https://requiem4adream.wordpress.com/2009/09/19/celebration-a-retardation/
  19. It didn't seem right to put LTT instead but I just went by what they said. Tech American Pie was Music's first single but the jury said no.
  20. I agree Open Your Heart has better sounding drums and prefer the Immaculate, same with Boderline but the piano bridge is a bad thing??
  21. What song that made the album that you love over the orignal release. Subtle because some ended up almost the same or the more remixed. Another of mine Into the Groove - before that piano broke it down, what was this song? lol
  22. Not for me it's obviously like You Can Dance in terms the remixing for the day but like EY, the stuff on LAP is so bland and can only see that when it's worked on more. That remaster I heard recent and new appreciation for this album - lyrics it's too mature (even now her now) the other stuff is childlike and production is not probably a career low with like Bedtime Stories for me. But Love Song is amazing and Til Death Due Us Part. Sorry Cherish you will never be saved lol and don't think they tried.
  23. Oh for me it is LAP because I didn't have the IC on my radar for so long and than realizing how messed up Celebration really was; went back to this collection. LAP came on and this was first Madonna album with ROL and I was like hating this song but than I was "fuck that added bridge".and the live version on BAT was just amazing also.
  24. Is there a big difference in the edit version of Vogue and this one? but yeah lol. For you the change might be suble or you can never listen the old verison if you tried kind of love?
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