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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Aiwa08

  1. Your duty is to learn the song and sing and dance to it. This way, you can promote it to your friends.
  2. This song should be a worldwide hit. It needs an extended version and remixes right now.
  3. This is the Madonna I fell in love with 30 years ago.
  4. Ahhhh, I need a CD-Single, I need a 7'' vinyl. I WANT THIS FUCKING SONG IN PHYSICAL FORMAT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
  5. One more time the dolby atmos versions (Explicit and non-Explicit) are quadrophonic (4.0)
  6. Of course, GMAYL is a good song. And one of her best videos. Let's celebrate GMAYL
  7. Confessions, MDNA and ROL would be amazing in Dolby Atmos. Also American Life and Music.
  8. It wouldn’t be the first time that an official distributor stops a bootleg Blu-ray in Spain. But it could also be production problems.
  9. Popular is a basic urban song. It's not Blinding Lights.
  10. Purity conversation? It's just a notice. You are buying a bootleg copy, not an official release (and that doesn’t mean bad picture or sound quality). If you want to buy it, no one is going to stop you.
  11. Same here. If the price drops a lot and it doesn’t sell out, I might buy one to play it. But not for now
  12. In 1986/1987 her music was known all over the world, by fans and non-fans, specially her singles. Believe me, the general public knows very well True Blue and Like A Virgin albums (yes, I've said Virgin, not Prayer). Another story is the young generation who didn't live in the 80/90 decade. Anyway it just my opinion.
  13. In my opinion, True Blue is very well remembered by the general public, even more than Like A Prayer or ROL. True Blue has five worldwide hit singles (six if you count Where's The Party as promo single from You Can Dance).
  14. Don't forget that LAP was considered a blasphemous album. Pope John Paul II encouraged people to boycott Madonna. And many "christians" obeyed that. Even my own grandmother forbade me to watch the Blond Ambition Tour on TV. She was very christian. Of course I didn't listen to my grandmother.
  15. Honestly, believe it or not, they said the same of "Like A Prayer". Yes, ROL was a comeback, but LAP was treated as her first "adult" album. And the impact of LAP and its singles was huge (extended thanks to the Immaculate Collection).
  16. I hate when a fan tells how Madonna should behave, dress, feel, act or what her songs and lyrics should be like. They seem more like a bad husband than a fan. If you like what Madonna does, great. If not, go listen to other artists. When I don’t like a Madonna song, I don’t listen to it. But I admire that she does what she really wants.
  17. For the love of Christ, She is Madonna, not Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It's just a fun song.
  18. Now I need a philosophical writing about "Where's The Party" and "I'm going bananas".
  19. On the contrary. It’s more alive than ever!!!!
  20. I never liked Everybody until the You Can Dance remix. It really enhances the original.
  21. The instrumental remix is the one leaked with the start fixed. The other one is just my edit of the extended version.
  22. Oh... This is really vulgar, but it’s hypnotic and fun.
  23. In Spain was famous the "answer" to short dick man. A rapper singing how big his dick was (in spanish). So clubs always played both versions.
  24. Is there a radio version without the ‘short short man’? I can't find a radio version with "short dick man"
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