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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Starchild

  1. Gee, I'd love to know how you keep getting away with saying such ugly things about members you know little about? Big M fan here, since 1992... but, newsflash, I don't love everything she does, and your opinion isn't more valid than mine. If you wanna exist in a soft, cushy echo chamber, go start your own forum dictatorship.
  2. We need to introduce an eye-roll emoji reaction because I'm getting tired of her victimhood.
  3. I didn't read the thread but M stans should know that she enjoyed sex with 16+ year old Latinos as an adult, back in the day. She has admitted this twice, publicly. Personally, that feels morally wrong but I also understand that it was a different time.
  4. She's Facetuned in that photo with the pink shorts, but sure, in that Facetuned photo, she does look good. I was referring to her outfit mainly. It was meh on her. She was drowing in it. Needed more neck to pull it off. And the Grammy photos weren't doctored. The reality is that filler/fat transfer does look unusual when in motion. As M stans who constantly look at fresh (and mostly Facetuned) photos of her face, it's easy to lose perspective. The general public had a perspective that M stans don't. Anyway, this is a futile discussion to have with some fans!
  5. In public, at least. Let's not pretend to know every thought or feeling she may have about other artists. But yes, M has been quite dignified towards other artists for the most part.
  6. P!nk responds to the media's interest in her history with Xtina (and Madonna). https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fp3Z4xMWwAA-1a_?format=jpg&name=large
  7. Madonna, is that you lol? Oh, it's just a fan repeating what she said in her IG post.
  8. The cover is so boring, and it wasn't clear to me what the differences were between the two editions. Oh well.
  9. P!nk is not out to bring M down. She was explaining why she feels M doesn't like her, after being asked about it by Howard. She's just very real and transparent, almost to a fault.
  10. I agree with you that it's not exactly a matter of sexism and ageism, but this is not P!nk trying to be in the news. Did you read the article? She was focusing on the fact that M deserves respect for all she's accomplished, above her looks.
  11. You do realise that her face as it appears in your avatar and your attached image are both heavily Facetuned... right?
  12. 'Shouldn't'? According to who? There is no issue here. She's allowed to share her truth when asked a question.
  13. You thought the uptempos Trustfall, Runaway and Hate Me were boring, and can't appreciate a soulful ballad? Rightyo.
  14. P!nk is a major Madonna fan and defender, however some members of this forum choose to ignore that part. Hilarious!
  15. She was asked why Lady Marmalade was her least fun video to make during a ranking game, and she said why. She was asked about M's Grammy backlash and showed complete respect and maturity towards M in her response. She was asked if she knows M personally, and she answered honestly, all the while proclaiming her undying love for M. What part of this do you not understand?
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