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Unapologetic Bitches
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Roy last won the day on October 10 2022

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About Roy

  • Birthday 10/24/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cebu, Philippines
  • Interests
    burning whoever did the Celebration "remastering" job, dragging the hell out of Emily, protesting outside Madonna's home for her not to snub Bad Girl for a 4K video, long walks on the beach, seafood, bus, another bus, another bus, another bus... oh, and video and audio editing
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  1. Oh lawd... not the discourse on the digital vs. very good vinyl rip thing again... In this case, I need to drag @Aiwa08 with me on this. Y'all remember when DYU on Spotify was the 12" Casual Mix?
  2. If she releases it as a RSD exclusive on red vinyl, guess who's going to the bank to loan some money? :D
  3. These don't sound bad at all. Fever sounded way better than the CD/streaming version.
  4. WAIT WHAT?! Who the hell boosted PTT and what pressing? FFS.
  5. There was a time where a Philippine radio station played the 12" remix version of Borderline but stopped at the instrumental breakdown. 🥲
  6. Oh yeah, it is shortened... I wonder why... :(
  7. So it is a "remaster" that they were using... got it. Eugh... They did boost the others but they sound good. I was surprised that we get the original ITG without the boosts like in the Celebration album.
  8. If they arranged the damn compilation in chronological order and did the IC method and added the new songs at the very last, it would have been cunt but NOPE.
  9. So it is a new transfer? I went through the waveform and it is compressed, similar to the Celebration version.
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