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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by steady75

  1. So there’s essentially 34 tracks that are utterly useless to her chart position in this compilation? random.
  2. Causing A Commotion was an internationally released hit from a well promoted film. It sold loads and was top ten in most countries and deserves its place here hand over fist when companred to Keep It Together which was an amazing closer on Blond Ambition but was a 5th single with no video that was only a minor hit in the few territories it was released in. I'm still glad to have it on this collection. I love the single remix too. Not mad about this slightly frankensteined mix. I like how there are some wild cards on the collection though. Can't argue with Billboard I suppose.
  3. The hyperbole. It's probably Beyonces fault right?
  4. Eh? We can disagree and have friendly fire without it being bullying? Sorry you are in your feelings that wasn't what was going on here Its all love
  5. Lemme know if you're selling day passes to your world because it genuinely seems lovely Glinda.
  6. I still stan I still stan (Sean...Sean voice)
  7. Did anyone try the Twitter? I thought the twitter was horrendous. Replies under Cher and Dolly are largely positive. Madonnas are repugnant she definitely evokes a different kind of reaction from her fanbase, old fanbase and the general public. The most recurring theme and most of the vitriol is from casuals who used to love and respect her. No greater critic than an ex they say. Its sad.
  8. I think with Janet its more a return form the wilderness for years and that she's back out doing festivals. The Black Diamond thing is fucking annoying but I'm convinced there have been dark forces at play in the Jackson estate for a couple of decades, I'm not sure who they pissed off but Janets career seems like It's been given a wide birth by many industry people. Cher and Dolly do not take themselves seriously which is lovable, and Cher has always been sort of indifferent to her career. She's just Cher first and foremost.
  9. I cant even believe this is a real question? Are you being willfully obtuse? Have you missed all the threads even in this forum about her over edited pictures, the dumb unfiltered things she has said, the bathtub, Fried fucking fish, even her best friends calling her out of stuff. Yes every major artist uses social media. but not everyone uses it like Madonna. It's become a point of ridicule for her for the most part and has been largely toxic to her brand sadly.
  10. Sadly I have many friends who absolutely stanned the hell out of her right up until about 2008. Some stuck around for MDNA but the drop off was huge. They even ask me now "do you still follow her?" I occasionally get the odd text with a link or a performance of her with a "uh what has she done to herself" " she should retire" " why is she like this now?". One this week even with a picture of her saying "is this about the last time she looked like herself" These are good liberatarian people with progressive opinions, amny of whom come from an artistic background. The same people who will stan Dolly Parton, Diana Ross, Cher, Tina, Janet and other ageing divas. Something about Madonna choice of direction really turned people off, even among the people that supported her through thick and thin for a good 25 years of her career. I do think a really well rehearsed Greatest Hits tour where she's having fun and dancing within her capabilities with reasonably priced tickets would do wonders for her. Lots of funny, (non spiteful) talking to the audience with some cute stories in there like the Madame X tour and she'd win over hearts and minds again, I'm just not that sure she'd bothered tbh. She wants to do her own thing and I completely respect that. It'd be nice tho.
  11. This is largely the experience I'm talking about. I'm not sure many of these fans would go to a standard Madonna concert these days with the lateness, album track heavy curious setlists and her pricing people out of the market, but if Madonna put together and curated The Immaculate Projection tour these peeps would buy. They just would. I'm not even sure Madonna would do a musical based on her songs like Elton / Tina / Beegees / MJ / Queen / ABBA etc which are huge business but I could really see her putting together a high tech Live Show with real dancers and band and a projected version of herself. She'll still perform but if you think her and Guy and pretty much every ageing artist in the industry is not looking into this new tech now I'd hate to tell you you'd be wrong. Record companies and Estates able to tour an artist past their prime or postumously. I'd even wager record companies are looking at people like Beyonce and Gaga who are still in their physical prime and are wanting them to do the movement mapping now for future endevours. People will always want to see artist in their prime. No future Avatar experience of Madonna is going to be trying to recreate anything past Confessions era tbh. I think that's just the reality of the situation. This really is going to be part of future entertainment. a million perecent. Guy O and other industry bods will be keeping a close eye on the Benny and Bjorn project and 100% trying to get buy in from their ageing artists while they are still alive. Record companies now plan for postumous and anniversary projects at the inception stage of the original project. Artsist are 100% recording more material than they used to for further releases along in their career and sadly for when they are gone, whether the artist realises this or not Specifically artists who don't always write their own stuff. Kylie Minogue will have one of the longest postumous careers of anyone I can imagine. The amount of vaulted material she has recorded is insane. This is just how the music business works now. Like it or not.
  12. Her biggest problem with the general public is she hasn’t gone away.… except on the charts. No one has missed her. She’s omni present on social media and columns. The music has, for the first time in ner career, become completely secondary to the articles about her surgery, her young lovers, her performance gaffs, her social media antics, and her bad political takes. When historical controversy ran alongside a consistently high level of artistry and tangible non spiky pop music it aided and benifitted her career and sales. Now it is detrimental to it. I was watching Uncoupled this week and Neil Patrick Harris character had a line about being bad gays in their 50’s. he listed two things and the third was “we abandoned Madonna” It really jumped out at me. Probably because very very sadly It’s part of the narrative which hurts but … people just haven’t missed her or got that “good old Madonna she’s still going” in the same way they do with Cher or other ageing gay icons. Social Media has been her undoing sadly. The mystery is gone and I now think that even her MO has become about maintaining The Fame and not the artistry in the most part. This is why a stadium tour is probably way out of the question which is insane for someone who is the queen of pop. People haven’t missed her, if anything the general consensus is more along the “ugh go away” lines. I hear this a lot which makes me sad. I wonder just how much of the reissue campaign will be as successful as Warner and she expect it to be? It’s not exactly coming off the back of a hugely successful project for her. It’ll be an interesting time to see whether she can win back those bad gays in thier 50’s who abandoned her or whether she’s going to focus on gen tiktok or both
  13. I don't think acid would get the dirt off a bath tub tbh. Try a bit of Flash Liquid.
  14. No Glumda. I said future of live experience in a "new medium" Much like VR headsets are new for film and TV and Gaming rooms. The live format will always exist. but things can evolve along side If you and your friends love an artist and they can't or don't perform anymore and you go and see them in this new format together and relive those memories THAT is the human to human experience, with other fans. Have you been to the ABBA show?
  15. Steps are a cornerstone of British gay pop. From the same stable as Kylie in the 80's and have been consistently brilliant in who they are for 25 yrs. They deserve their flowers tbh. They'd paid their dues. One of my best friends produced their last two albums and essentially reignited their career.
  16. Madonna and Steps are giving me Brit Awards flashbacks. Cant cope won't cope Can't Cape, Wont Cape
  17. You cigs betta stream innit. Just for one week then you can cig back off to your physicals.
  18. Just do the ABBA thing as a greatest hits tour. Agnetta and Frida could come out and join her for Hung Up. Honestly I'd so be here for this the ABBA show is incredible. Imagine being able to go and experience the Blond Ambition or Virgin Tour live again in prestine format. These are the things she should absolutely be doing now because it's the future of live experience in a new medium. She's already tapped into it with the Insta filters and NFT thing. Being in the arena as the mechanical sounds start and then the beat kicks in, lights up and DANCE AND SING GET UP AND DO YOUR THING!!!!
  19. She's also behind Steps in the UK midweeks.
  20. So it doesn't really look like the new compilation is exactly doing the numbers over on streaming. From what I can see the best one is doing about 12k a day (Like A Virgin) and the worst about 4k (Bitch Im Madonna). Thought this would do a lot better. I suppose cumulatively the numbers are a boon but it's defo....slow.
  21. A Like A Virgin and Erotica double header would be low key Iconic The Virgin & The Whore. Release one of those old school full page ads Warner used to be as a throwback move.
  22. Oh actresses of the Ilk she wants can often have their diary filled up to five years in advance. It’s not unheard of.
  23. I think all the artist will do some kind of nod to Madonna. A line, an outfit, a sample, an interpolation. Feels right.
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