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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Video from May 23!!!: http://www.cmjornal.pt/famosos/detalhe/madonna-janta-com-nuno-gomes-em-lisboa?ref=HP_Grupo1
  2. @@Turuncan LOL, and don't forget about VHS. I fucking need it.
  3. @@G House that's amazing. I really wish the great bootlegs' times would be back. Bootlegs used to be so well done, so amazing... i'd love to see a bootleg like that [because we all know that asking for something like this as an official release is an impossible dream]. Today is all about these messed up things LOL:
  4. It's just the demo, exactly the same thing. I don't get it, this is absurd LOL
  5. Something like that would also be AMAZING. Ayyyyy, a girl can dream... LOL
  6. @@G House that's stunning. Please share it in HQ when we get the final tracklist. NOW THAT'S A QUALITY ARTWORK, DEAR ALDO.
  7. The thing is that this "edit" of a cover is very badly executed: rough montage, horrible selection of pictures, hideous background textures... I'm happy the BD is getting released, that's for sure, i'm just talking about the cover. That's it. And i wouldn't call Aldo Diaz "an artist"...
  8. @@G House when we finally get the full tracklist and bonus content and all, would u be so kind to create a whole new cover for all of us to print??.
  9. BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT EVER MADE. God forbid her working with that dude ever again. Or i'm done buying her physical releases.
  10. Voted! It's amazing how make up can make such a difference on her face!!.
  11. https://scontent-mad1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/18160438_1204570293003979_8678983557697241088_n.jpg
  12. BEST ANSWER EVER. Some fans should learn from his answer.
  13. I highly doubt these kind of posts exist in, for example, Bruce Springsteen forums... And he'll always be the fucking Boss.
  14. @@MadonnaLove nope, that's from the S&ST show Pharrell was in, aftershow.
  15. Cmon dudes, that's just a comment by Guy, that's it. Don't read further than that.
  16. That "press release" is simply ridiculous. MadonnaNation always making up fake shit... NEXT.
  17. @@RebelHeARTPOP this is the best u'll find around: http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/9715-dl-tears-of-a-clown-20-better-quality-file/?hl=%2Btears+%2Bclown and u also have this one: http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/9694-tears-of-a-clown-miami-restored/ that kinda has a title intro, and some Beautiful Stranger footage from Instagram, on the table, is edited into the performance, which is really cool. Apart from that, it's just the same file [as the one in the first link, the original stream from Facebook] resized. REMEMBER GUYS, NO NEED TO GO TO OTHER SITES. WE HAVE EVERYTHING HERE, HEHEHEHE.
  18. As i said before, i don't expect the full thing, just a kind of doc with some speeches and some performances [or even some excerpts]. I hope i'm wrong.
  19. With M, u never know. That's almost the exact "edited-by-nuno-xico-preview" she posted back in October 26 2016, so... maybe she already got a 30 min. doc of it edited by Nuno, just with some performance bits AND ALL THE JOKES, LOL. See???
  20. At least she's trying this time LOL YO YO YOOOOOOO just put the whole damn TOAC in there, girl!!!! Make us fags happy!!!! <3
  21. http://www.danceon.com/madonna OPEN CASTING CALL: Audition to be Madonna's next fitness trainer! Here's how: 1. Create a 60-second video showing off your best dance and fitness workouts. The first 30 seconds should showcase your dance moves, while the second portion should highlight your fitness regimen. 2. Post your video to either YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (as many as you like) and use BOTH #DanceOn AND #MadonnaChallenge. 3. Fill out the form below with URLs to your posts. 4. We'll promote the best videos on our social channels, and select our favorites to audition in New York City. For more info, email madonnachallenge@danceon.com or check out the #MadonnaChallenge terms and conditions. Good luck!
  22. Blond, it softens her face and makes her look younger.
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