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Lucas B.

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Lucas B.

  1. Do u guys think there will be a second leg for the tour by the end of this year or 2025? Would luv if she does it, as she hasn't confirmed the Rio concert yet.
  2. If the bitch does that I'll go bankrupt, cause there's no way I can afford to buy 14+ albums in special editions, probably limited, at once. Please Madonna, have mercy on us and especially on our bank accounts. My wallet will be grateful
  3. IMO Argentina shouldn't be in the tour set list... I recognize it's a fan favorite, and I like it too, but there's a lot of other iconic songs that deserved that place on the set list like Express Yourself, Material Girl, Get Together, Sorry, True Blue, Deeper and Deeper, Girl Gone Wild, Give It 2 Me, Rescue Me. Same for Little Star.
  4. I would love new songs as long as they're not disasters like Popular, Vulgar, Hung on Tokisha, Material Gwooorl and that awful remix of Frozen
  5. I don't get why people here say she's gonna have to rehearse for a new show... I'm sure it's gonna be the same show, but with some sections like Live to Tell and Ray of Light adapted
  6. I just hope she doesn't screw up with Live to Tell, Bad Girl, Erotica/Justify and Vogue
  7. Pleeease hahahaha, if she sees this we're all faded to have a dvd with performances switching from coloured to b&w (or we're already faded to any other kind of disaster she wants to do editing the show, after all it's Madonna we're talking about)
  8. I rather believe that the tour will end in Brazil, it would be amazing to have the last concert (and my first one of M) in my country.
  9. I was thinking on something like this, but a regular tour book. Buuuut if she does release a coffe table book I would love it, she could include iconic shots from the previous tour books, unreleased shots and pictures from the tour.
  10. We're in middle March and nothing yet... if we don't get a tour book it will be truly disappointing since it celebrates the 40 years of her career
  11. May the lord hear ya, we need new music with Stuart (and Patrick and Shep and Diplo)
  12. I really hope it doesn’t get to be like this, but sometimes I catch myself wondering that probably we’ll only see this after she’s gone. Warner probably will try to catch every penny of the fans and will release everything they can, which is a shame as she’s still alive and should herself release all unseen material and new editions of the albums with unreleased tracks, b-sides etc. As I said before, I hope they manage to release BAT for the 40th anniversary in 2030
  13. It would be a dream come true to see the whole concert in HQ, edited just as in TOD. All shots look amazing, the colors are so bright. I LIVE FOR THAT LIKE A VIRGIN PERFORMANCE!
  14. According to a member in the thread about who owns the rights to BAT and RIT on video, he talked to a person who works with this kind of job and that person said to it that basically it would be a pain in the ass to film only selected songs bc that would involve turning the cranes on and off (something like that) and the show would have to stop for at least 20 minutes. So for me the idea of filming only selected songs seems very unlikely. I also don’t believe in this talk that the tapes have been lost, I personally think they’re lying just bc they have no interest in remaster the material and release it (which is a shame as BAT is a huge part of her history and one of the most important). I just hope they release it somehow in the near future, maybe for the 40th anniversary in 2030.
  15. Total stan since 2007, for sure. The Sorry mv made me discover her music and since then I never looked back. My 11yo me thanks the universe for that. Tho I never seen her live in concert, every now and then I'm watching her tours (especially Confessions which is my favorite). As a collector, I own all the studio albums on cd (and almost all on vinyl), the Sex book, every tour book since Sticky & Sweet, some posters, some postcards and the Lucy O'brien biography. But quoting friend @Pedro Beltran''There are times that I’m closer to her and moments that I’m further apart'' and I think that's pretty normal, the same occurs with Lana. I will be forever a stan, but I know there'll be times I'll be like an addict listening to her nontop 24/7 and there'll be time I'll be away listening to other artists and watching/reading about other things as it has happened before. Quite odd lol
  16. This just made me remember when RH leaked and how pissed she was, the statement of feeling r*aped on instagram... it's her right to announce things when she's ready, no one has the right to leak anything. I feel sorry for her, but now that it leaked I can't help but feel very excited/anxious and want more info so I plan my trip calmly
  17. Tho I'm enjoying the book I find it quite sad to imagine that if their relationship wasn't the best before he published it, after it all went down like a mountain of playing cards. In the end, as you said, it's a family affair lol keep people together forever and ever Brothers and sisters We have a connection
  18. Disgusting to say the least... I must say, I can't stand swifties. They are so poor in knowledge of pop culture and what being an icon really means, for them she's the best one (better than M even) just because she has won AOTY 4 times at the Grammy's and because she break a lot of records. BIG DEAL! She's just another country girl who went pop and writes and sings the same subject every damn time - but for them she's a true poet. Sorry swifties, but she ain't no Lana Del Rey (that's a real true poet in every meaning of the word)
  19. I was a bit shocked over the fact she used to sent 500 bucks to Elsie (or Nanoo) for month, but it's her money anyway and she does whatever she wants. In this point I feel like he tried to paint her not only adstight with money, but as someone who didn't care even for someone so close as her grandma. Big mistake of him, cause she can do whatever she wants and, as himself said, Nanoo would never say anything and to her this amount of money was enough - she wouldn't ask for less or more. Yes, in some points I feel he wrote things resentful of her - like this excerpt about Nanoo
  20. I'm reading it again, after some years, and I find it to be quite interesting. It's nice to see M through Christopher's lens, as he was always beside her in everything she did and can give us a full insight that some other biographies just can't because the author, obviously, didn't lived with her. I know there's some people who really dislike the book, as in some points he paint her as quite bitchy - but after all, isn't she a diva and we all know that and still love her? It's quite fun to see him dismistify the mith that she went to NY with only 35 bucks on her pocket and a dream, but regarding this I prefer to pretend that this story's real and when someone asks me something about her or her history I always tell this hahaha. Also for me it's a book that once you start reading you just don't want to stop 'cause you want to know more more and more about everything that happened since the early days til stardom.
  21. I wish she’d release the tours at least on HD (even if only on streaming platforms), but I would also be happy if someone could leak it. I love BAT and RIT but I’m tired of watching it in SD, even with upscales it’s clear that what we’re watching is from some old tape. She needs urgently to have someone to clear all the 16mm and 35mm films before the worst happens and we lose it forever. I also ask myself, if she doesn’t release them do you guys think Warner will do it when she’s gone or they will let ir be forgotten just as she does?
  22. Or Stuart and Shep, I would die if she works with Shep again as Erotica is my favorite album of hers. Also she could work with Diplo again... you guys can throw bricks at me for saying this, but it is imo one of her best albums and one of the most underrated. Actually MDNA and RH are pretty underrated and were her best works post-Confessions.
  23. For sure I love my Brazilian men, but I still want to taste the gringo sauce 😂😂😂
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