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Lucas B.

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Lucas B.

  1. I just need Spanish Eyes, Bad Girl and Words, that's all
  2. I don't know what to expect but all I can say is that I'm super ultra mega excited for this and just can't wait for it's release. Hope we get it by october/november 2023.
  3. Hope we still get an Erotica reissue with demos and rejected songs. AND I hope when it comes the time for Bedtime Stories to be released, we get Love Won't Wait on physical 'cause it is one of my fave M songs
  4. Well, if the Paris show from MDNA was filmed in full, then I guess it's just a matter of time til we get the full thing? We have the first act and beginning of second (it stops after GAYL), and I would love to see the full thing without all those filters and terrible audio from the dvd
  5. May you be right, please... I would die for a commemorative box set or something, instead of only a vinyl reissue
  6. Confessions, absolutely. She can show the release and massive hit the album had and end the movie with CT opening night
  7. Still waiting for this to be released, Dan K managed to do an AMAZING edit of the concert but hasn't uploaded anything in his channel for the last 9 months :(
  8. I'm so mad at the fact we're only getting this... wish we were getting the album on this PD instead of only the single. Like, Christ, it's the 30th anniversary of one of her most memorable and iconic piece of work. Erotica for sure deserved better than a single picture disc.
  9. Me too, unfortunately I never went to a M. concert but love to read what other people say about them
  10. Maybe we'll get a little treat this year? What can we expect as we approach her 40th carrer anniversary?
  11. Just LOVED it, for sure her best dvd since Confessions. Thank god the use of different footage isn't something bizarre like in Erotic Candy Shop from the MDNA dvd. The Vogue performance is for sure one of the highlights, same for IDSIF. Crazy and Fado made me cry, as a brazilian fan it makes me emotional to see her talking and singing in portuguese, very beautiful! Loved to see the girls with her on stage, especially Esther and Stella. The whole concept, the art direction, is mesmerizing. She really knew what she wanted to give to the audience, and even tho I wasn't able to go to any of the concerts I could feel it by watching it. I would only have added Crave instead of Future (can't stand it, one of her worst songs ever imo).
  12. Can't believe she's not in MX costume, it would fit the event perfectly. A trench coat, sunglasses, high heels and gloves.
  13. Wait what? I didn't knew the guests needed Anna's approval for the outfit. Plus M. is always stunning and dressed according to the theme of the year, wish we knew what she would wear back in the day
  14. Do you guys think she'll go? Plus there's A LOT of people guessing she'll appear with the dress she wore in Oscars 1991
  15. Fully edited and mastered? This means the quality is superior to the shity Lisbon leak? Those angles and audio are terrible, I hope that what leaked in an unfinished version of the dvd. Also, this BU and DAD leaks are available anywhere? - if they're different from what we see on the full Lisbon leak.
  16. I hope we get a boxset for Like a Prayer, Erotica and Confessions. Would love to see some rarities included plus some goodies
  17. Did you guys saw that Frozen's backdrop has been uploaded to youtube? Watched it last night and it is simply beautiful, can't wait to see the concert performance.
  18. Guuuurlll I can't believe GS was filmed only in SD quality. We need this gem in HD! I hope at least BAT, RIT and CT get to see the daylight in pristine HD as we deserve
  19. Wish they didn't cut some parts of the CT on TV, if they didn't we would already have a full HD version of it. LANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3
  20. What you guys think? I would love to see at least Girlie and Confessions in pristine HD. Blond and Re-Invention probably will be released only after M. is gone (let's hope it takes at least more 50 years til this happens).
  21. I watched Ari's doc on Netflix a few months ago and today, while checking it on wikipedia and other sites, I noticed that at least 5 songs from the setlist were cut on the final edit of the doc. Just hope M. doesn't do the same, I want the whole concert.
  22. SD upscaled? I believe that at least BAT were filmed in film in its entirety, probably Girlie and RIT too. I heard that VT was recorded on film too, so with the proper remaster it would look crystal clear pristine just as BAT on TOD
  23. Wish we could see a blu-ray boxset with all concerts remastered in pristine HD. Just imagine watching BAT and RIT in HD, christ!
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