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Unapologetic Bitches
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wtg1987 last won the day on April 4 2018

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  1. just got back from the movie - sorry but i fucking hated it - it was soooooooooooo boring and not funny - im not a marvel geek and only went with a friend who had no none else to go and see it with - lap was cool in the film (unusual choice for a fight sequence though ? ) i dont think its going to be a kate bush running up that hill moment for her though - everyone knows the song anyway ....
  2. Just what ive been waiting 3 years for - her curating is top of the pops and her team should be awarded with the top notch landmark releases 😜
  3. Music just doesn’t sound that good in atmos - it’s mostly meant for movies and the overhead channels are for sound effects so it never makes sense to me to have music in overhead channels - I’ve listened to jagged pill , Prince diamonds and pearls albums and to be honest they weren’t that great due to the limited instruments used - the only good one was air moon safari which did sound very good being an electronic album so all those sound effects flowed nicely - I think ROL would be a good one too 👍 TIC was just another lazy release from her team not thought out correctly- you can’t have empty channels on a 7 speaker set up 🥱🙄
  4. LAP and the BA tour are often cited as her most imperial era and yet we’ve had fuck all to celebrate them - no official full BA tour release - music videos never proper remastered and according to bray some wonderful unreleased songs ( first is a kiss ) not to mention some beautiful ritts photo shoots 😥🥰
  5. Exactly- as usual everyone focus on Madonna face / Hugh jackman is 55 years old and he looks awful but as usual being a guy it’s ok 🥱🙄
  6. i dont put the blame of this on Rhino - this is clearly M's decision to not release anything special or new ... i was wondering if thats why LAP (song) was not going to be included on the soundtrack album of Deadpool - maybe its to wet the appetite for the expanded LAP release ? ... of course im clutching at straws and its wishful thinking but im glad people are finally saying enough with this now.... in the other thread people were bitching about the ITG edit or DYU not being on streaming ??? makes me laugh so much ....
  7. this is a joke right ? another fucking colour vinyl re-issue ???? surely with this movie it would have been perfect time to release expanded LAP with BA tour ? the movie is gonna be huge ..... this has to be the laziest and most thoughtless campaign ever for a major artist :(
  8. What song are you guys obsessing over now ? An edit of ITG ??? Seriously I don’t get you guys - look at what Queen are releasing :
  9. And would please the vinyl lovers and CD lovers plus video content - imagine a behind the scenes of some of her videos included
  10. I think it was more successful than that dreadful gap jeans commercial 🥱😛
  11. Tough choice but went with the look of love - next WTG then CAC - can’t stop is definitely last on my list
  12. If that’s true then how was she allowed to perform it every night on tour ? Surely a deal would have been struck so they knew it was to be filmed ? She had no trouble clearing imagine , I feel love , disco inferno and billie Jean on previous tour performances
  13. Plus if they are including video elements too that will also take time - I just hope she isn’t butchering the editing on those 80s concerts we all love - I would be more disappointed if NO video content was included seeing as she is such a visionary
  14. I think we can safely say that whatever ( if anything ) does come out we won’t be happy - maybe M thinks that too and has basically said “ fuck it - no expanded releases, Warner - here is your money back - after all , artists are here to disturb the fans “ 😂
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