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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by theglamorous

  1. I think most of us already own the Madonna part of the song multiple times though
  2. A special multi LP edition of You Can Dance would be my dream.... You Can Dance Remastered You Can Dance Dub You Can Dance Extended You Can Dance Single Edits
  3. Imagine if tracks like Warning Signs turn out to be proper stinkers lol
  4. It would've been interesting if for each album a respective producer would have been involved for the reissue. Not sure who's stayed friendly though. Pettibone and Orbit might be unlikely.
  5. I feel bad for Bedtime Stories but it's fair comment. No votes for any of the Interscope releases? That does surprise me
  6. Outside of our cult I'm yet to meet anyone who doesn't like Bitch I'm Madonna
  7. i can't stop laughing. are we sure we want a new album from her lol
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