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  1. There's quite a few concerts available on YouTube. I would recommend the Blond Ambition tour, and the Sticky & Sweet tours both of which are available in HD quality on there. Type in Madonna concert and have a browse. Watch a few songs from a show and see if your enjoying it. I would imagine The Girlie Show live from Sydney is on there also. I've not watched that tour in a long time. Might give it a watch.
  2. I own all the CD's and most of them are in the attic of the house I grew up in, in another country, so for me Spotify is essential as is Youtube. I work long hours also; 24, 30, 33 hour shifts a lot of the time so when I'm driving to and from, and between places is when a large percentage of my listening happens in the car on Spotify. I'll always buy the physical format for my favourite artists and CD's and vinyl would be my preferred choice, but I've got to be practical too as I'm so busy a lot.
  3. I'm happy for her to release 30 tracks. But as with Rebel Heart a lot of the fans are the ones who constantly dismiss it despite the wealth of incredible tracks between the demos and Super Deluxe. I do think more tracks can dilute a record though and less is more sometimes. And I think that's what happened with Rebel Heart for a lot of people; classics got lost among average tracks. But the truly great tracks are up there with her best IMHO. Hey, I'll take 50 tracks lol.
  4. Rain all day long. It's a pop perfection masterpiece. ??☔
  5. As much as I fawn over the Rebel Heart demos, I'm glad nothing is going to leak from the new album. 12 to 14 tracks would be ideal. A cohesive and consistent sound with each track mixed beautifully and a top notch job done on the mastering. Oh, and a brilliantly shot album sleeve with M looking iconic and a brilliant booklet and promo sticker.????
  6. I’m getting more heavily into her myself at the moment and I’ve found what I’m enjoying is just naturally letting it all happen. Tonight for instance I decided to listen to the first album; Madonna on Spotify and also ended up listening to the Like A Virgin album with the few extra extended mixes at the end because those first albums are incredible and so good to listen to. The “genius” function on Spotify is great because you can read the story of how each track came about as you listen. My Madonna collection is currently in a box in my mother’s house in the attic at the moment so I’ve been living on Spotify and YouTube. While in the car I use the Bluetooth function and have been listening to You Can Dance aswell as The Immaculate Collection. Also I’ve made myself 2 Rebel Heart playlists Perfect Rebel and Rebel Rest and have been jamming to those. I also purchased a fan made double album of the Rebel Heart demos in the highest quality (I did this for convenience and love it by the way) and I keep returning to my favourite tracks on it. I also picked up the double CD of Rebel Heart Live brand new for a few quid online. And I also bought the Hard Candy boxset sealed just to own it.? This week I’m going to be focusing on Hard Candy and a few tracks that I love from MDMA. I’ve now watched Sticky & Sweet tour twice in the past 10 days. It’s available on YouTube in superb quality. Also watche (AGAIN) the amazing Blond Ambition Tour. And finally for now I’ll be making an ultimate playlist for the car of my top 50 tracks. And thats it for now. There’s no method to my madness, just feeling my way as I go and enjoying it.??
  7. 1.Work ethic and stamina; Her work ethic is insane! She puts most guys to shame with her physical and mental ability to keep coming back and grafting. She’s constantly multitasking creating all sorts of interesting projects. 2.Forward thinking future dweller; Not quite sure what I mean by that, but she lives in the now and doesn’t look back or depend on her past work. She’s constantly evolving and putting a new spin on her older work. Her live shows are packed with the latest album tracks that she’s touring. She’s not a nostalgia act. 3.Incredible parent; I don’t think anyone could argue with this. She lost her own mother when she was a child and was robbed of a childhood herself. For such a sexually provocative performer she’s full of ethical and moral standards that she seems to have instilled in her kids. And her kids are everything to her. 4.Humanitarian and activist; Whether she’s building an orphanage or speaking out against injustice she’s concerned for the human race and the well being of the planet. She puts herself out there with strong opinions. 5.Pushing the envelope; She takes massive risks and has the balls to sometimes get it wrong. She embraces current artists and musicians she wants to work with. She sings, dances, writes, directs, produces and probably a million other things. Like all the best Icons she’s a deeply complex person of many great contradictions. She’s a true one off.
  8. People seem to forget that RH’s release was completely sabotaged by the leaks. It made M second guess herself and gave her a massive dilemma! Honestly people. Go back to Rebel Heart in the preceding weeks before Magic drops and explore the multitude of glorious M tracks within the super deluxe and demo tracks that there is to discover. There’s effectively 3 albums worth of material.
  9. I’ll say Lucky Star for now. I’m having a listen through to the first album now if anyone wants to listen along and discuss? Woah! This stripped down early mix of Boderline is something of a rarity to me. It has a certain early 80’s charm to it.
  10. For sure. I feel that too. But the dance version -Wash All Over Me- (at least in my opinion) brings out a different aspect. It makes the lyrics more hopeful? Or something like that. The album version is more fitting to the lyrics perhaps. The dance version plays off a catchy piano hook that makes it instantly accessible and danceable to a large room of people. Different moods. The dance version would have brought the house down live. You can almost see the multi- coloured confetti rain down on the audience as part of the finale and thousands of heads bopping up and down. I’m thrilled to have both versions.
  11. Heck no! It’s one of the best things she’s done in my opinion.
  12. Superb album! Superb tour! As you’ve said; well-produced, groovy -as hell-, badass and experimental. I voted Heartbeat but it could have been any track from 5 or 6.
  13. I get what you guys are saying, but the dance version is so infectious as a dance track and flips it from a more meaningful song into something that would have been a monster on the dance floor of any club or party, or M concert. I know everything shouldn’t or doesn’t need to scream “commercial appeal” but Avicii’s version is powerful in a completely different way. I’m all for beautiful lyrics complemented by subtle and understated music by the way but Avicii brought out other potentials and possibilities IMO. I love both versions and heard the album before I heard the demos, but for me the demos are better for the most part. I don’t know, perhaps I was feeling more of a dance edge for the overall album.
  14. I went with Jump but could have just as easily been Sorry. I love both of these performed live also.
  15. The pop charts in this day and age aren't exactly set alight with Shakespeare. Rebel Heart could have been massive and Avicii's sound would have helped it excell on the club scene. Not everything has to be deep and meaningful poetry. A great euphoric pop tune will do the trick thank you very much. Hung Up comes to mind.
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