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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by androiduser

  1. I know it is difficult to say, but can we at least presume which celebrities M has never met? Of course, not counting the ones from previous decades and those who died before she was famous, but I'm asking mostly about her peers. I know she never met Freddie Mercury. There are some fake montages on the internet, but Madonna and Freddie had never met in real life.
  2. I am from Europe, and I started noticing True Blue regularly during Christmas about 4-5 years ago. In fact, my bf who doesn't know much about Madonna, pointed it out to me, he refers to it as "Madonna's blue Christmas song"
  3. Can we just take into consideration that this person (probably) knows Madonna personally and knows much more about her than the fans do?
  4. In my country, True Blue is often heard during the Christmas holidays, mostly in Christmas playlists on the radio. Although it is definitely not holiday-themed, I think a lot of 50's inspired mid-tempo songs have a Christmas feel. Is True Blue played anywhere else in the context of Christmas?
  5. Madonna, Sade and Tina Turner tribute at the Chanel show in the 80's, designed by Karl Lagerfeld
  6. An artists, but not everything she does is art... Surprisingly, she calls the messiest pohotoshop disasters "art"
  7. "Humor is Humor" until it's about Madonna... then it suddenly becomes misogyny, unfunny, ageism and so on.
  8. I think it was not strong enough for the second single release, maybe 3rd of 4th, but I don't think it ruined anything. GMAYL on the other hand....
  9. in 1990 she reached the highest of her peaks, but she already had her highest selling studio album and her first major stadium tour behind her, so I think in 1990 she reached a whole another level of fame, but was already a superstar since True Blue
  10. I joined the Madonna fandom sometime in 1990 when she was already at her highest peak, and my knowledge of everything before that is based on articles, anecdotes and personal impressions. So I am never sure about the moment when Madonna became an absolute superstar? I think with the True Blue era she solidified herself as the number one female pop star. My impression is that the first album was successful but definitely not big enough to turn Madonna into an instant superstar, and she became really huge with Like a Virgin.... but still not established enough to be the absolute number one? I always see True Blue as a huge turning point, and then the Who's That Girl Tour was the absolute indisputable proof of Madonna's superstardom. Can any of the older fans put things into perspective (while still keeping it real, without any fan bias)?
  11. oh my word, wtf was that.... I remember the song was available as a free download, and it was announced that for each download there would be a donation for charity.... Microsoft pledged to donate $0.25 per download to the "Alliance for Global Climate Change" society for the first million downloads of the track... and in the end we never heard what happened and how much money was raised... guess it was such a low sum that the whole thing was swept under the rug. Can you imagine raising money for charity with such a bad song
  12. It's a shame the entire MDNA album wasn't movie music, right?
  13. Never heard this information anywhere? And even if this were true, Oscar is awarded to the song as it appears in the movie, not subsequent versions. I do remember that Madonna wanted to make changes to the lyrics but Time Rice wouldn't have it.
  14. Why would she get a writing credit for not participating in the songwriting process? With established songwriters like Sondheim and Lloyd Webber she couldn't make adjustments to the songs.
  15. mostly some lead single choices. Some better choices really could have changed the course of Madonna history.
  16. interestingly, in 1983, Siouxsie and the Banshees released a song called Tattoo which shaped the development of trip hop ten years later
  17. Well, not at all... "trip hop" didn't really appear with that name until 1994... unless, OF COURSE, Madonna invented trip hop
  18. I've been hearing La Isla Bonita A LOT recently (I live in Europe).... on the radio, in bars, in clubs.... and it sounds like a slightly fresher mix, almost like it has an additional beat. Has the song been remixed recently?
  19. I find these comparisons ridiculous. Madonna fans always think that Madonna is on the level of high art icons like David Bowie, but when we need to justify average songs, then it's time to compare her to Janet.
  20. they MUST start the re-issue campaign with a well known album that the general public knows and loves.... Ideally Like a Prayer or Ray of Light. Like a Prayer is one of Madonna's most popular songs, if not the most popular song, so the album would be best choice because it shares the name with an absolutely iconic song. It wouldn't make much sense to start with something that is less known, or just a fan favorite.
  21. she did find the cure for unedited photos.... not quite like cancer or aids, but still it's something....
  22. who is the woman in the photo? is that from the Tupac movie?
  23. that sounds promising... although, it could be "brutally honest and raw" about the others in her life, the press, the media...
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