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Kae-Leah Williamson

Rays Of Light
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Everything posted by Kae-Leah Williamson

  1. Yeah, there are MANY valid reasons to complain about her lateness. Is her being late shocking? No, of course not, but that doesn't mean anyone has to like it. Some people rely on public transportation, which doesn't always run 24/7, and there are people who booked baby-sitters, etc. Even some fans choose not to attend her live shows, even if they can afford it otherwise, just because it's very inconvenient for them to come home in the middle of the night. My question for long-time fans is when did the lateness issue start? Did you attend any '80s or '90s tours, and was she on time then?
  2. Yeah...thought the same thing...he's a jerk who should be called out, but don't think "gorilla" is the best choice of words...
  3. I love her songs that show a "softer", more vulnerable side. After all, no one is invincible. She's a badass, but she's human too. I know it's her tours, her choice, so if she really does not want to perform those songs, she shouldn't be forced to, but that's a good point.
  4. Other people have come up with such well-thought-out set list concepts, so I don't know if I can come up with a whole set list, but here's my main ideas, if it was up to me... *HUOT has got to go. Instead the original Hung Up would be performed with leotard and disco-themed costumes and choreography, sorta like how Don't Tell Me was performed true to its video. *If she wants a more upbeat song in the sex/Erotica section, Deeper and Deeper is perfect. *JML and Erotica combined as a medley/mash-up instead of in full both. *I don't mind Burning Up on guitar, but I'd prefer another '80s song, like Lucky Star or Dress You Up.
  5. HUOT has WLW in it, yes, but I never associated the OG Hung Up as a particularly sexual song. I know, it's Madonna, there can be a sexual subtext to everything she does and she did so some suggestive moves when performing it originally like humping a boom box, but it isn't JML or Erotica, just isn't the same kind of song. The closest I can think for narrative sense is the Hung Up performance is the prelude to Bad Girl, showing the hedonistic partying that the character in Bad Girl is starting to regret. It does end with kissing a stranger's lips, after all ;)
  6. Yeah, it's a little hypocritical as she infamously adores Candy Shop, a pretty silly song lyrically, but dislikes Cherish.
  7. My mom and I got into a habit of calling her "Mo" for short because my mom watched the Rosie O'Donnell show in the '90s and it stuck, but I don't see many fans or non-fans alike calling her that. It seems "M" and "Madge" are more common.
  8. THIS. HOUT is not necessary, and was the only part that came across as a little tacky to me. It felt out of place. I agree, in her costumes etc. she's actually pretty "modest" on tour by her standards, compared to her social media, I noticed that too. She herself shows much less skin than you'd see on a beach even in the "sex" section.
  9. Yes, I can see the thong in this pic clearly, thanks for sharing. In mediocre quality videos, it looks like they're truly bottomless. Most of the dancers in the faux "orgy" dance in JML are also wearing nude bodysuits. I think the most unsimulated nudity in the show is the topless dancers in Hung Up, which didn't seem truly necessary for that song, IMHO, as it would suit the song better for them to wear disco-inspired clothing like the Confessions Tour but hey, this is Madonna we're talking about ;)...
  10. I wondered about Sean...but I wasn't sure about the timeline if it makes sense for it to be about him. I know True Blue's about him, but at the time the LAP album was written, wasn't the divorce almost final...?
  11. As a mermaid cosplayer myself, I was always very impressed by that performance on BAT as the dancers managed to pull off some cute and fun choreography. Mermaid tail costumes are VERY hard to move in, so one has to be very creative with choreography, and BAT did that well. I love seeing two things I like combined, and that performance combines old-school Madonna with merfolk.
  12. What's the dealio with M disliking this song? I admit the lyrics aren't high art, just standard love song stuff, but I still love this song, and I especially love the video and BAT tour performance. I'm biased because I love mermaids/mermen, my profile pic is literally me in a mermaid costume in a kiddie pool haha, and I actually thought that performance would be an easy one for her to re-create today as the mermen have all the challenging choreography, and all she did was sing, pose, strum on a harp, and touch them suggestively. She may not be fond of it, but it seems to be one of her most popular songs. I've heard it several times in my local grocery store. Maybe that's why she doesn't like it? Too tame and mainstream for her "artists are here to disturb the peace!" side?
  13. In layman's terms, I'm not a sound technician or anything, does that mean she's basically singing along to a recording of herself...? I don't mind that at all, as I think it's pretty standard in the pop music concert industry these days? This tour still sounded more "live" than I expected. Though I do love her raw live vocals on her first few tours. She wasn't the strongest vocalist in the world technically, but she was very expressive.
  14. I was trying to see if Howard Ashman was on the screens during Live To Tell. I'm also a BIG Disney and musical theatre fan, so he's one of the celebrity AIDS deaths that always got to me most.
  15. What made Holiday in Celebration for me is the ending where one of the dancers "dies". It's a sobering reminder of the lives lost to AIDS, and I really didn't see it coming. I don't always "get" some of the artsy stuff in her tours, but that I totally "got". I love the '80s but it's a good reminder that there was a darker side to that decade, it was certainly not always a fun decade for the LGBT+ community and others effected by AIDS. I lost two cousins to it myself.
  16. The sing-along aspect of LAP in MDNA is so fun! I know some people find those sing-alongs gimmicky and annoying, but it's fun and gets the crowd engaged. And it was backed by a full choir.
  17. If I was in charge of the set list, I would've considered replacing Hung Up with Deeper and Deeper, as a Confessions song feels out of place in an Erotica-era-themed section, and she was clearly going for a "celebration of joyful hedonism" vibe with the HU performance, like D&D in the Girlie Show.
  18. This version of LAP is growing on me, but I think this song sounds best backed with a gospel choir or back-up singers giving up more of a choral vibe. The gregorian-ish chanting is cool too though. This performance does fit the "is this song sexual or religious, or both?" theme so inherent in the song well though.
  19. I'm far from a vocal expert, but I do enjoy listening to Georgina's opinions. She seems like a nice person and even when she's being critical, she tries not be mean-spirited.
  20. There's two possible directions I've like to see her go for a new album: #1 I know Madonna's always been political, but I'd like a fun, lighthearted dance album to contrast with the constant "artists are here to disturb the peace" vibe she's been into for the past few years. Less features please, and musically more disco or pure pop and less hip-hop. #2 A ballads-centric album. She's a dance artist, first and foremost, but a STR 2.0 would be interesting. Her last few albums have such heavy layers of production, a more back-to-basics musical approach would be interesting and refreshing.
  21. One thing that just occurred to me, though it might be 'well, duh". Bad Girl is on the set list after Hung Up, a number which ends with her literally "kissing a stranger's lips". There's some narrative continuity there or something like that ;)
  22. Yes, thanks! The vid I saw before of JML was done from a distance and not the best quality. It's sexy, but there's actual artistic dancing involved, so it definitely comes off as more "tasteful" than the Girlie Show orgy. I see one topless dancer, but most of the dancers are wearing nude bodysuits that can be clearly seen in this HQ video, so there's more simulated nudity in this act than real nudity. There's a classy sensuality to the choreography.
  23. Haha, that is what I said before. "You know how she is...". Though is this the most female nudity/toplessness in her tours to date? I know the Girlie Show had Carrie Ann Inaba, and Rebel Heart had the Josephine Baker look-alike. My mom and I mostly watch her first couple tours together on YouTube etc., so I think she's expecting more the level of sexuality in her '80s tours, in which there was suggestive choreography and she talks "dirty" talking about her "box" etc., but there wasn't much in the way of actual nudity or anything that goes much past a PG-13 rating...
  24. I didn't notice topless women in LAP. On the videos I watched, the "gimp Jesus" dancers looked male, and my mom has no problem with shirtless men whatsoever ;). Hung Up was the number that looked most questionable to make my mom uncomfortable, yes, from the videos I watched.
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