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  1. Top 3 Madonna Videos, (as of right now, of course.) Go. Mine: 1) Justify My Love 2) Take a Bow 3) Frozen
  2. Hello everyone! So I was bored and doing something randomly in Photoshop and this was the result! An Erotica cover, 2017 version! What do you think?
  3. Watching The Girlie Show - Fukuoka What is your favourite performance of the show?
  4. Act Of Contrition is the eleventh and final song from Madonna's third studio album "Like A Prayer" released in March 21, 1989. Little has been known about the track. Most of the people who listened to this track in the album considered this song as "mysterious, confusing and haunting." I am one of the people who considers this track as weird and mysterious at the same time. I was so confused when I listened to it. However, after many repetitions of listening to this song, I did my best to analyze what this track meant. So here are my personal analysis. You may agree to it or you may state your own analysis. Here is the link to the song: The track has two sides of the story: one is the ability of a person to sin or commit mistakes again and one is showing how everything happened that led to that moment. The first part of the song is Madonna whispering the final part of the prayer. For those who don't know, the Act Of Contrition is a prayer recited more often during confessions when you ask forgiveness from God and promise to not commit the same mistake again. The prayer is said after telling the priest your sins and hearing his advise. This part of the song is the start of two possible stories. STORY ONE: A person sins again. After hearing her whispering the "Hail Mary" prayer that comes after the Act Of Contrition, a reversed distorted guitar (played by the late Prince) could be heard. Few seconds later, a reversed singing and clapping of a choir could be heard, overlapping the guitars. The guitars could be some sort of strong temptation or urge while the choir could be angels, reminding her that she has to fight the urge to sin again having recited the prayer in the first place. As the song continues, the guitars and choir voices are trying to overlap against each other, creating a wild conflict in the story as Madonna tries to concentrate on reciting the prayer. The kick drums come in as the conflict seems to intensify even more along the way. However, as Madonna recites the prayer again, you will clearly hear the distorted guitars fading out, giving way for the choirs to have their part. This means that she is truly reciting it with full concentration and she is clearing out any urges, temptations or thoughts that could lead to her sinning again later. As she finishes the first part of the prayer, the distorted guitars come in again for a brief moment. This could mean that Madonna might have thought of something that could disturb her in her moment of reflection but she comes back to concentrate more in her thoughts. After reciting the first part of the prayer, she recites the first part again but through singing it. However, the guitars are back again, trying to overlap the choirs. Madonna tries to concentrate on her prayer so perhaps singing it could work but it did not work as the guitars intensifies, disturbing her. As she sings the prayer, she slips out saying: "...like I knew you would." This means that she is starting to surrender to her disturbing thoughts. She starts to repeat the phrase: "I reserve" which means that she is trying the best she can to fight the temptations to commit a big mistake again. As she repeats it, her voice goes deep from her singing voice, being immersed in the prayer. The guitars suddenly cuts out, meaning that she has felt her thoughts in prayer and concentration. Suddenly, she says: "I resolve." She has a decision but what is it? She decides to reflect and think if she can go to heaven. Thus she says this line "I have a reservation." This means that since she said the prayer, her sins are forgiven and she can go in. However, her voice agitates a little bit as she repeats the line again, trying to let St. Peter know that she is pure again like she was before (referring to her first three eras in her solo music career). After that, the guitars come in briefly. Yes, she is finally angry. The guitars come in and overlaps the choir, intensifying itself. Finally, she snaps and shouted the line that scared the living daylights out of us: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT ON THE COMPUTER?!" So what does this mean? Well, it might be that she needs to do more work in Earth for her to go to heaven or she has given up being good, having surrendered herself to her darkest thoughts in the middle of praying. Personally, the latter meaning fits more, since this song oddly enough follows to her single "Justify My Love" wherein she finally embraces her sexual thoughts and finally starts her Erotica Era, which remains to be the most controversial era in her career. This story tells us that we sin again even after a confession but hey, we are humans who are perfectly imperfect. Now to the other side: STORY TWO: A person recalls having sinned. This side of the story is actually what I imagined when I heard the ending part of the song. Unlike the first story, this story is way shorter. Both the guitars and the choirs come in like a flashback kind of a effect. Madonna starts to recite the prayer again and again. As she says the line "...like I knew you would," in the singing part, she recognizes God to be forgiving and caring. She repeats the line: "I reserve" which means that she won't do it again following to her line: "I resolve." She locks in her decision to never sin again. In the last part of the song, we can imagine what she did that made her sin. In the last part, Madonna is in the restaurant saying that she has a reservation. However, she want to clarify that she made a reservation days ago. As the person in charge checks her name, it is no where to be found, leading to Madonna yelling the line: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT ON THE COMPUTER?!" If you would reverse this track, then this story would be clear but do not mind her vocals reversed. Have the thought that she sinned and she goes to church for a confession which means that the last part of the track of you were to reverse it is her reciting the Act Of Contrition. So that is all. I know that the second story is odd but that's what I imagined when I heard it for the first time. I hope you like it. If you have your own analysis to the track, let us know.
  5. Guest

    MDNA Skin

    So before MDNA Skin launches in the US on September 26 I thought I would let you know what kind of product it is. I live in Japan so I have access to it and have been using it since day one of release back in 2014. Chrome Clay Mask: The original formula for the chrome clay mask was much better than the one they use now. It applied to the skin much smoother and was lighter in color. Now it is a darker grey and applies very sticky and thick which means you use more of it and have to buy more...done on purpose perhaps. The batteries for the magnetic remover / massager run out quickly, although it is fun to remove the chrome clay, comes off fairly smoothly leaving a minimal trace usually around the eyes. Magnet is VERY powerful, keep it away from metallic objects. The Eye Serum: Little goes a long way, lasts a long time. You only need a tiny amount and is quite strong on puffy eyes. Recommended. Face Wash: Probably my favorite face wash, smells great-hint of rose and lemon, can't really pin point the smell. Face is instantly tight, fresh and clean. Lasts quite a while too. Needs only two pushes form the bottle and foams quite nicely. Serum: Two squirts is all you need, apply after face wash. Skin is glowing all day. Small bottle, does run out after a couple months but is incredible. Rose Mist: My favorite. I use throughout the day to get a refreshing boost to my skin. I use it at work when I feel tired, or when I'm traveling. Three pushes from the bottle and the rose smelling mist acts as a refreshing boost to you skin. Eye Mask: Ridiculously overprice. The Eye Serum is good enough. They are quite big and annoying on the eyes. Keep them in the fridge and apply them for a cool boost, but I haven't bought these since my first pack. Don't recommend. Finishing Cream: Haven't tried it yet. Just released. Keep in mind Japanese company MTG made it and asked Madonna to be the sponsor behind it. She didn't come up with this by herself from scratch. It's a partnership.
  6. Dear fans, I do not know how many of us will be left out by Ticketmaster's Verified Fan system, not receiving codes or tickets, and to not miss a fair opportunity to attend a show, I want to call all the fans with extra tickets and fans that need tickets, because re-sale web sites have up to 10 times more expensive prices, and often these are not real tickets, so from one fan to another fan, I want to open this post. Thank you And Long Live Madonna?
  7. Actually, I only became a truly hard-fan last year (I know, it's a shame-ame-ame-ameeee)! But long ago I used to listen pratically Madonna on TV and radio (only COADF), because my mom was (and is) obsessed. It was only last year, that I heard Open Your Heart for the first time, in Britney's movie Crossroads, in that opening scene that she's singing OYH while in underwear! I was shocked! I immediately fell in love with that song, and then, I listened to every album from Madge, watched every tour and performances I could (still I haven't finished). I realized that my favorite era from hers is Erotica: the performances (I adore the SNL performances, awesome live vocals), the tour, and the album itself. I also love her bravery for releasing the SEX book, breaking all the tabus from that time. Every day that goes by, I fall in love more and more for this queen! Tell me yours now!
  8. I've been listening to Madonna's whole discography again this week and it let me thinking... In your opinion, what songs from Madonna's albums should've been singles? In my opinion: â–ºMadonna: The First Album: â–ºLike a Virgin For me, they're both have the correct single choice. â–ºTrue Blue: Where's the Party White Heat â–ºLike a Prayer: Promise to Try â–ºErotica: Thief of Hearts In This Life Secret Garden â–ºBedtime Stories: Correct single choice. â–ºRay of Light: Sky fits Heaven Mer Girl â–ºMusic: I Deserve it Nobody's Perfect â–ºAmerican Life: Nothing Fails (should have had a video) Intervention X- Static Process (I should also mention that I wanted this album to have been a visual album.) â–ºConfessions: Future Lovers Forbidden Love Isaac Fighting Spirit â–ºHard Candy: Heartbeat She's Not Me [Across the Sky -- Leaked Demo that should have been on the album tracklist] â–ºMDNA: Love Spent Masterpiece Falling Free â–ºRebel Heart: Unapologetic Bitch Iconic Holy Water Inside Out Joan of Arc And I think that's it! What are your choices?
  9. "According to PPL Repertoire, Lana has recently registered a song titled "You Must Love Me." Fans believe it's the Madonna x Evita cover because not only is the title the same, but so is the duration of both songs. Lana's version clocks in at 2:44."
  10. In light of my previous topic in which I jokingly titled appropriately in honor of those who heavily criticize her or just plain hate her, I thought it would be fair to post something in support of how I truly feel about her exposing her... umm... well... Boobs! Let me just say, I LOVE IT! I have a feeling that even when she's 90 years old, she'll still be flashing us! She's been unleashing them long before she's been famous. Some claim she's had work to them, but I don't believe she's touched them. They've always been quite voluptuous. That said, like mentioned, she's been showing her assets off for years. Here's a thread dedicated to the beauty of her boobs. There are a lot of professional shots over the years where I feel they were done quite tastefully. But then again, "Beauty's where you find it". Here's your chance to post your favorite images where Madonna has unleashed her tits. I'll start! While she's not completely exposing them, I just love this pose. In fact, I loved the whole early LAP look she started with the brunette hair. I don't believe she could pull it off again, but knowing Madonna, she will find a way to prove me wrong. LOL!
  11. Guest

    Her Pussy!

    So what's your favorite Madonna video that features a cat? I added "What It Feels Like.." for fun since the car's license plates read "Pussy" on the front and "Cat" on the back. It was her "Pussy Cat". By the way, I had forgotten about this early shoot that featured a cat. There are variations from this shoot. Man, to be that cat back in the day.
  12. Been a while since I listened to either of these tracks, but nearly fell of my chair when I just realised that one samples the other. You can actually hear Prince's voice on Like A Prayer [Dub Beats]. The exact sample is "That skinny motherfucker with the high voice". Madonna - Like A Prayer [Dub Beats] Bob George - Prince So, still think Prince isn't the one playing guitar at the start of Supernatural?
  13. To celebrate Valentine's Day, Madonna uploaded Fever's video to her YT channel. It's not in HD, but in HQ (480p).
  14. Using such an amazing song to convince people that OS was good
  15. I don't know if a thread like this has already been made, but anyway... I thought it would be nice to post all the ''bonus'' songs performed at Rebel Heart Tour, that weren't on the setlist nor the DVD. [KYLIE MINOGUE SONG] [she also admits that she loves Kylie] Take a Bow [included on DVD, but only in Japan] [LOVE IT!!!] Substitute for Love Crazy for You Who's That Girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwnF-OpAj2k Frozen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_Dippce4r8 DCFM, Argentina If you have more videos, please add them! Don't forget to like EDIT: some links don't have a preview
  16. Madonna posted a photo on their social media that looks like the look of Express Yourself ... Hopefully, it may be a sign of the Blond Ambition DVD release!
  17. 2017 is the first year I can say I have heard it all! I spent much of 2015 and 2016 listening and acquiring all her songs on one format or another! A couple weeks ago I was listening to Turn Up the Radio (a remix) and got it stuck in my head. Its still running. And so I got to thinking about five Madonna songs that I have changed my mind about over the year, for the better! 1) Give It 2 Me: I have to admit that I thought this was never a good song, no where near as strong a single as 4 Minutes. But Give It 2 Me performed well enough as a single, just not in the US, which has the favored role of decided the worth of a song. Thats silly but we know it to be true. It has aged well (maybe not the video) and has that kind of energy for workouts and just closing door so know one can see us dancing in our rooms. 2) She's Not Me: When I first sat down I listened to Hard Candy in full, She's Not Me and Incredible just completely blurred. However, I have found that it has some of the best arranging and production on the album. I don't think it's sound has quite held up, as we aren't the Daft Punk scene anymore, but the more I listen, the better it usually gets. I would even place on my list of songs that should have been a single. The music video I always imagine in my head when listening has a Madonna wannabe walking out a steamy shower, door closing and Madonna wiping the steam away singing. 3)Turn Up the Radio: And then theres this one. I always skipped this song on MDNA, which I usually enjoy listening through on car rides. As of recently, with help of remixes, I have found this little bee banging around my head while at work or when stressed. It has even found itself as the bases of one my poems. 4) Bodyshop: Here we have an instance of a song I didn't actually hate, but did kind of cringe when it came on. However, despite some not quite correct references, the Rebel Heart Tour made me realize that it was probably one of Madonna's favorites. Next to Candyshop, some of her song choices start making sense. They're carefree and senseless. Into the Groove anybody? haha, jk... maybe... 5) Paradise (Not for Me): So I actually couldn't think of another big hitter that I changed my mind on, but I can say this little number did make a big impression on me. Nobodies Perfect and this song always blurred, as Madonna albums seem to have those two songs that sound similar. I never liked them, and I don't have any dislike for them nowadays, but Paradise, when I finally sat and let it roll, invoked melancholy and loneliness. The French verse is brilliant too... suck it Lady Gaga! Jk, for reals there. So what songs made measurable improvement with y'all this year?
  18. Photos by Cecil I Taylor from 1977 and other SEX book outtakes for audition http://www.gottahaverockandroll.com search Madonna
  19. I came across this while doing some research on Madonna. This article if from July 8th 1985, various papers reported this with the same basic info. There are dozens of articles from different sources with quotes from producer Howard Rosenman. Talk started in March 1985 and was still going through early 1986 (With the last start date mentioned as fall 1986) I can't find any movie that even remotely resembles this film (basically a new musical adaptation of Oliver Twist) So assume it never got made. What of the demo that was talked about? Does such a thing exist? In all my years as a fan I never came across any article that discusses this project or any unheard of music from Madonna. Granted this would not be her music, it was a demo of songs from the film (which is why it may be so rare) Then again why has there been no mention (that I know of) from anyone involved, such as the producers who have unheard Madonna music in their hands, does WB have it? Does it actually exist? Until I went digging around, I had no idea such a project was ever going to happen. Since the talk of the film started in March 1985 and went at least until Spring 1986 without Madonna or her team denying involvement, I assume it was legit. Anyone ever heard of this film or know more?
  20. I'm just curious as to why every other song on Hard Candy has a remix of some sort yet Spanish Lesson is left untouched. I know its ridiculed usually, but I absolutely love it, but it bugs me always just using the album version next to remixes of songs from the same album.
  21. I really love how Madonna is taking the Portuguese elements as an inspiration for the next album. Fado is a such beautiful type of music, and I hope the next Madonna's album has a lot of this. What do you think about Portuguese music? Or about Madonna using that for the next album?
  22. I mean... Just listen to these: Not to mention many of these and the ROL album itself.
  23. Is it? I really love the guitar part on the end. Also, if it is, can someone provide me a high quality audio of the demo?
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