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Rebel Hearts
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About Dashfox

  • Birthday 08/19/1986

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Like A Virgin

Like A Virgin (7/89)



  1. I'm brazilian and Madonna fan for more than 15 years. This is my first Madonna's tour and first trip to another state, Rio de Janeiro (I'm from Sao Paulo). Was amazing! A dream come true!
  2. Can't wait for God Control video!!! :rainbow:

  3. Really, really, really beautiful!!! I'm almost in tears
  4. I'm in love with I Rise.... :heart:

    1. survivalartist


      Its a great album closer! The silence and the mic drop make me wonder what happens right before it!

  5. Fuck yeah
  6. OH YEAH!!! Good definition of the song, means alot to me too!
  7. I need to make a Rebel Heart tattoo someday. I made one in 2017 but only was only in rena, temporaly.
  8. Nice to see too many interesting stories! Thanks guys for sharing here =) Madonna is pure inspiration! I love that episode when she said: "I want to rule the world"!
  9. Even with all this stuff, I guess Madge always make good albums! Even American Life, Hard Candy and MDNA, considered weak albums for some fans, are good ones!
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