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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Halex

  1. Was directing to the Julien link posted above.I love how everyone's using them all around but won't say where it's from, well, all of it and more is sourced in the auction online there's really no reason to act mysterious for buzzTrue beauty

    What are you talking about ? 

    The first pics I posted, I didn't have the source yet as I saw these on different places, and I posted the link to julien's auctions as soon as I got it, no mystery there.

  2. -What do you think of this album as a whole?


    As said above : not a bad album per se, but it certainly didn't live up to the expectations. There are some good ideas here and there, but there's a huge lack of production on too many tracks. For an example, it feels like Love spent is gonna explode at some point, yet the whole song has a smothered feel to it. As for more creative and unusual tracks (in Madonna's catalog), they sound a bit dated (Gang Bang sounds a bit like something Tom Snare could have done six years before that).


    -Which songs clearly stand out, 3 years later?


    I'm addicted and I don't give a, as they're somewhat powerful. Also Gang Bang, especially because it sounds like no other Madonna song.


    -Has your opinion changed over the course of 3 years?


    Kind of - not for the good, unfortunately, as the album as a whole doesn't really stand the test of time. It sounds better to me if I play some tracks individually, though.


    -What do you think of the promo/singles choices/aesthetic?


    Well, promo was nonexistent, therefore singles and aesthetic suffered from that. All the glass photos could have become more iconic, but thay would have needed to be printed in prestigious magazines to achieve that. 

    GMAYL and GGW videos looked good, but none of them is very memorable. As for TUTR, well... 


    -What did you like, or dislike, about the MDNA Tour?


    What I like about it is that it's very theatrical, especially the first section as well as the Masculine/Feminine segment. Very good show overall, the only real flaw was its lack of powerhouse hits. And it was a much better experience to attend it live than to watch the DVD/BD.

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