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Unapologetic Bitches
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DontTemptMe26 last won the day on October 13 2019

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  1. Still waiting for a response. Ugh.
  2. Sent an email and I'm waiting for a response
  3. And one of the hands fell off as I open the poster tube. What a disaster. Emailed them and waiting to see the response.
  4. https://m.mixcloud.com/stuartprice/madonna-celebration-tour-stuart-price-dj-mix/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0y6Go6SC9LiRg2CuN4h8DRdKPgCHEtAGw6xZMwAsYQQlPzHl0blQFq91M_aem_Ab2MPErKwgqALFykx2eJbisRm0r-taXuREAOP2f4Vy5BcY00vayID3OXW5M140DOKWAKTTUWK-alnTBoyFGZgyPX Can anyone rip this??? :-)
  5. Is there a link where this is still available for sale?
  6. These are mine :-) I hope I can save the remaining files. My card is playing back the videos when its inserted in the camera. Otherwise, most of the file won't transfer. I ordered a USB connector to insert the card into. I hope it works!!! If not, I will need professional assistance.
  7. I did get them. But I may snag another set :-)
  8. Omg. Amazing view and so close by!!!!! I wish I was doing both nights.
  9. I would have picked a later departing flight, but the price pretty much tripled abd was like a 26 hr layover. Nope.
  10. Miami Saturday. Who is going? I have my fought figured out. Sadly enough, I arrive in Fort Lauderdale at 6 PM and then at 6 AM on the flight back home. So 12 hrs in Florida. Not doing a hotel. Seems ridiculous. So trying to figure out what to do afterwards. Maybe arrive at Airport at 4 AM and wait.
  11. I hope the candles show up!!!!
  12. Lithographs on Ebay. 250.00. Just so wrong...
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