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Je Suis Lart

Unapologetic Bitches
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About Je Suis Lart

  • Birthday 06/03/1986

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    Ray Of Light <3

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  1. Will someone reupload? And/or does anyone know if there is any good fanmade Madame X Tour studio versions out there? (No official versions have leaked yet, right?)
  2. Agree! The show yesterday was really a memory for life. And I'm so happy that she "still got it" ❤️
  3. Me either. But there is a Danish reviewer, Thomas Treo (who's a cunt) he is kinda known for being negative. It's his thing. Unless it's an old school rock band. He wrote she flopped. Luckily the comments under the article were mostly positive. I really think people had a great time. I'm going again tonight. This time I have a seat, yesterday I was in section A, and I can't wait to have a better view and soak it all in. I really think this show was amazing. I'm still high from last night (and no I don't smoke weed lol).
  4. Just got home from the show in Copenhagen. She was amazing. What a show! The danish reviews from the newspapers are not the best, but I think the audience had an amazing time. I did. What a show! She was an hour late (yes, she needs to stop that! People have to go to work the next day) but she looked and sounded great. Two hours felt like five minutes. Can't wait to go to the next show tomorrow ❤️
  5. It soooooooooo gooooooooooooooodddd!!!!!!!
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BroHvtgfEqY Found the whole song on YouTube
  7. I really like it! I Kinda feel like I'm the only one though 😅
  8. But I'm not gonna lie, I was really loving all the amazing heres-my-last-tribute-to-this-forum gifts we got. I was really getting used to it now. lol
  9. How am I first reading this now? This is fantastic! I really love this forum! And it would have been such a great loss for all of us. So thank you for continuing this forum! From the bottom om my heart; THANK YOU!
  10. I love the COADF version. It's one of my favorite songs of her. The live version is AMAZING! Wish she would sing it again
  11. Cool! I really like this version! Well I'm also a huge fan of the album version! But it's always nice to hear new versions
  12. I kinda always wanted to hear Till Death Do Us Part live. It's such a good song and so honest!
  13. Future Lovers/I Feel Love will always be my favorite. It's the first time I ever saw Madonna. I was frontrow infront of the catwalk, and she was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I couldn't believe it. It was a huge moment for me and I will never forget it. Sorry about my English, I'm Danish :lol:
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