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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Riccardo1975

  1. I really hope someone will record the whole show from Multishow along with Diplo's DJ set
  2. ...so, has anyone managed to record this appearance on the Tonight Show directly from HD TV?
  3. Her dancers are even more ridiculous and embarrassing than her fans.
  4. Già, 350 euro per un bomber, non si vergognano proprio...siamo diventati solo polli da spennare noi fans. A Milano la gente sostava davanti alle bancarelle del merchandising giusto per guardare.
  5. https://www.malpensanews.it/2023/11/madonna-e-atterrata-a-malpensa-e-si-prepara-al-celebration-tour-di-milano/897416/ ...she's here, buddy!
  6. ...why don't you post the original file here using mega?
  7. Gorgeous!...did anybody happen to buy it at the concert directly?...if so, which is the price?...also, i did not see official tour book scans yet here...any help?
  8. ...can't really listen to many songs from "American Life" and "Madame X" albums
  9. ... and let's also put into this soup how boring lesbian attitudes got, in their falsehood.
  10. When you talk about "their website", are you meaning RSD associated shops' websites or Rhino website?...or both?
  11. Please excuse me if i repeat a question that someone has already asked, but i would absolutely like to know if there is already a trusted site that is offering it for pre-sale.
  12. Please excuse me if i repeat a question that someone has already asked, but i would absolutely like to know if there is already a trusted site that is offering it for pre-sale.
  13. The free market makes sense when you have a rarity that you bought 20 years ago and that you want to sell because you don't care anymore, not when you buy it specifically to resell it by quintupling the retail price, taking away the opportunity to buy it from all those fans who would like to purchase it at an honest price, as it should be. Other than available for a month! I logged on madonna.com as soon as i received the warning email and the "Finally Enough Love" box was already sold out.
  14. Just to mention some shit that has already started https://www.ebay.com/itm/363866311385?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uiyx6meptye&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=8v8fP2MDRCy&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY ... to throw up
  15. It would be a big step forward if the authorized selling sites only gave one purchase option for each credit card.
  16. To these people i wish strong testicular tumors, the vinyl box of "Finally Enough Love" keeps showing me the tongue from any trading site...I don't understand why the record companies still remain inert towards these assholes.
  17. I tried to make the pre-order through a friend of mine who has an account on Amazon but it is not allowed to buy it from Italy, at this point it seems that the only alternative to buy it is the Rhino website, correct me if i'm wrong. Anyway, could anyone tell me if it's possible to buy on Rhino without registering an account?
  18. ...everything but "Like A Prayer" once again, thank you M.
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