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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Pretender1978

  1. In all honesty, I believe he is best ignored, there is no use arguing with a troll or a narcissist, they fuel on any kind of attention or reaction (hence the reason I don't quote the post) But the whole train of thought is ridiculous and full of fallacies and yes, as fiction quite entertaining. I just want to put it out there that among the trolling and infantile reactions by theoriginal poster there are some rather conservative comments that, at least to me, read as problematic.
  2. In entertainment value I must say this thread is pure gold. But apart from that I do find it quite offensive that it has been suggested twice that homosexuality is something the GP should not have to be witness of if they don't want to, that's pretty F'd up. I can forgive Tom of Finland ignorance but there is a line
  3. may I ask your age? And can you explain how one takes something with a pinch of salt of edge and latches it onto something? What does that even mean?
  4. So Erotica passed me by, might as well be for the best because I think that one is impossible to rate, but I voted for BS, but jeez, actively listening to these songs is a chore lol
  5. I am sooooo curious how the solo versions of Medellin sounds. Future we know kind of through the superior tour version but Medllin is hard to imagine, but to think there is a version without all the surplus addlips in the verses makes me want it!
  6. lol, wait let me guess, it's Guy O's fault, how dare she grow old use too many filters and photoshop and then just go out in the street, how can she do this to her fans, so so sad
  7. is this actually it? I mean fine, whatever, it doesn't insult me, but if this is something our lady needs to hype on the socials as an actual release we might have to start embracing the power of goodbye
  8. Funny I also went in thinking He's A MAn was gonna be one of my top songs, but it didn't age as well as I suspected it to. For me SOL is the song, but also WCYL is such a beautiful duet. The real surprise to me is how low More scored, it's such a trip! However this one was surprisingly easy to score, now for Erotica, that will be harder and probably more surprising
  9. prediction time! Not my list but I think it will be something like this from top to bottom Vogue Justify My Love Rescue Me The Beast Within Hanky Panky Sooner Or Later More He’s A Man Back In Business What Can You Lose Something To Remember Now I’m Following You I’m going bananas Cry Baby
  10. voted! every once in a while when I hear JML, I hear it the same way I did when I was listening to it the first time on headphones in a record store and I couldn't believe how dark it sounded, how new and unlike anything I knew but knew I needed in my life
  11. For this one it was hard not to give only 9.5's (sorry I am that person that won't rate a 10 easily) It really is that album for me. I remember being blown away as a kid (11) by the maturity and all that drama. EY video the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Hearing LAP on the car radio, memories. Still listening back most of the record is as good as it was then. I understand some people's preference for the shep mixes for EY and KIT but I prefer the Steph versions tbh. I am preparing myself for a very low score for Love Song, but you are wrong y'all! ;-) I know it kind of drags along but I've always seen that as intentional as it is about a relationship that is going nowhere. But behind that there are such beautiful vocal harmonies, little rifs and motiefs. I also love it's position on the album. That A side is just perfection, starting from LAP to EY, then throwing a curveball like Love Song and end with TDDUP (major highlight for me) and PTT (which is sappy but the juxtaposition between the bitter mourning of the former and the sentimental of the latter just works) The B side is a bit more jarring, Cherish is a wonderfull opener and sparks with joy, Dear Jessie works in the lineup but hasn's aged very well. I have the same with OF, it is a great track and I wish I could love it more but there is also something that leaves me a bit meh, I guess it's the drum arrangement that is too generic and those awful guitar rifs that put me off. KIT and SE are both highlights. I even like the closing track's vibe and I just adore Supernatural
  12. I seriously think this should be it, maybe with a remixed background so it's not just coad and a more delicate font for the title but the assypography is fire!
  13. To add, with M's later records I don't mean MX, that is true glory! So for anyone coming for me and my stay stanning, I am that person that believes I'm Breathless is an album, American Life is a masterpiece and confessions damage control, and yes, believes MX is top tier Madonna
  14. So let's go into pretender and stay defence mode and throw shoo bee doo in there as well ;-) To me most of the b-side of the record (not including ITG) showcases M's signature melodies and gives her voice more room to shine than anywhere else on the record. It is also the only place where we get real bridges and mid8's, something 80's Madonna excells at. Listening now during these ratings, LAV seems very much a calculated record designed to catapult her right between Prince and Michael. The three big singles were very succesful in solidifying her image, musically they are less impressive, even though DYU will always glitter in my ears nothing can forgive the mediocrity of that guitar solo. It all feels very constrained and designed for mass appeal. So on side A that leaves LDLHA, which is another song not penned by her, and though it's nice, soul it ain't, OAO, which I used to like now is a bit thin, but it's enjoyable, so that leaves the only real gem of side A, Angel, which soars, and what else? there is a bridge, albeit not the best one of M's canon but at least there is one. So LAV to me is a bit like M's later records, a bunch of bought singles and a batch of self written tracks that are far superior
  15. lol, I can't with how far off my list was, even though I had ITG as number one, stay and pretender were on 2 and 3. I just really love those songs as they have much more delivery and musical complexity than let's say Material Girl. Also I always used to live for the b side
  16. voted! I'm a bit surprised how underwhelmed I was listening to this record now, musically it's very thin, a few non singles excluded. Though Into The Groove is and will always be pop perfection, and my favorite Madonna song as a kid, Stay also still sounds lush!
  17. Sounds exiting, though I'm still very much hoping the movie will be about Madonna conducting her career and life in the limelight. Hers is the most interesting story where it comes to how the public shreds fame and popularity which is still so true today. Her formative years and becoming succesful are not what set her apart from the crowd, her ability to stay relevant, talked about, getting back up time and again because there is sincerity to what she does is where I believe the true magic of her story is in my opinion
  18. This was truely Madonna pro forma, what a delightful appearance, good humored, genually funny, and I loved her comments on the movie project. Also here for M reinventing history again and not remembereing the T about vogue lol
  19. Actually I think the kid's theatre is a bit of a reach for M, in the hands of, let's say Tom Hanks it is hilarious, but it only works with actors that can, well, act. However i'm all for it and for Fallon, they always have a nice rapport and here's to the performance of crave/rescue me mash up!
  20. note: with great succes I mean not a major hit like vogue or JML, it was I think in the top 10 in US
  21. As a single it wasn't a great success back in 91, however it is on her biggest selling record, so it's safe to assume everyone in the crowd knows it from the immculate collection
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