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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Pretender1978

  1. The relief mostly comes from not having to worry about it anymore lol, but travel and acc have been booked, lucky for me my bf is joining me so we will have a romantic weekend instead of stanning M
  2. In all honesty I don't even know if I am sad, disappointed or slightly relieved right now. This tour has been such a tense era, so many fans let down by cancellations and yet so many fans loving the show. This constant checking how the tour is proceeding, is she still ok, isn't she? Is my date gonna be cancelled? I'm not sure how I feel about the management of this tour and the decision to go ahead when your artist is already injured at the start of the tour (she herself even says she didn't expect to get this far) On the one hand she's a trooper, performing under such pressure and in obvious pain, on the other hand I'm not so charmed by her attitude that everyone has to be understanding when she starts hours late, cancels last minute, shortens her show etc. Don't get me wrong I think she is a great artist and the only one I would even concider traveling for, but I also get the impression her world view has become very narrow and just includes her own state of mind. That said, I would have loved to see the show and do wish everyone who is still lucky enough to see it a, likely guaranteed, marvelous time! X
  3. oh no! I was so afraid that was going to happen, my only show :-(
  4. it would be great if she could make a deal with warner that would allow her to record and release new material and them to release material from the back catalogue and the vaults. As for touring, I think from here on out she will probably work on a single tour basis with promotors, it's in no one's interest to have a 5 or 1o year agreement imo
  5. Among other beautiful moments, I think hearing True Blue live on the ukelele is one of my highlights
  6. Not sure about them falling out, he still praised her decision to work with Timbaland and remixed Miles Away, this was when Angela was no longer her manager (she was the manager after Carrese). Maybe, and I know this sounds crazy, he didn't want to tour anymore? I mean it's not for everyone, and Madonna just signed a huge touring deal, which would mean he wouldn't be availlable to produce other acts at the hight of his own carreer for huge swatches of time or so, nor see his new love interest...;-) Also he already did 3 tours and a bunch of appearances, so maybe he wanted something different
  7. to awnser the question, x-static process is without a doubt my favorite SP collaboration, after that maybe erotica for confessions tour and most of the reworkings for re-invention. Though I always whish she kept SP as musical director for her tours I'm not that keen on their recordings. Confessions, to me, is one of the most overrated M albums and definitly not the definitive album of the 2000's, both Music and AL are way more Madonnaesque and frankly just better. I think sticky and sweet got a bit in the way, as I can't see stuart making anything urban or hip hop work in his favor, it's natural she wanted a different direction, but every tour since would have benefitted form stuart's touch. I think he has a real understanding of what makes a madonna song, and that translates really well live and with the oldies. At the same time that is also the problem I have with confessions, it all sounds too much like how you would expect a madonna record would sound, without having any real umph or urgency in the time it was released. That said Forbidden Love is an absolute gem ;-)
  8. Give It To Me, but barely. 4 minutes is the first lead single that I actually disliked, so it's punnished for that ;-)
  9. Well back when we knew nothing, the rumor mill was spinning about the Euro performance, apparantly negociations were slow because Euro wouldn't let her perform the new song she wanted to as it would be too political, and insisted on a classic instead. With the roll out as we've seen it, and the video in the bag as one of the first ones I think it's safe to assume this was supposed to be the big media draw right before the album drop. So a big second lead single. Future probably replaced GC, which is a shame, because nice as it is, it's also quite underwhelming for a mass audience. It would have been even more impactful if this was the first single, yes. So in the alternative universe she would still sing LAP horribly but people would assume it was her nerves because of what she was going to perform next, there would be outrage, praise and hate and everything else that goes with a new madonna single. But the whole world would know Madame X was going to be weird, provocative and political. As a side note, in an alternative universe the choreo would be completely different. It would have Madame X center stage at a desk with typewriter and showcasing some of her American Life era bedframe routines. While at the rest of the stage severel moments of leisuretime are played out by the dancers until an armed dancer steps in and the scene fades to black (think Girlie show Erotica, with the boxers in the back of the stage) By the end, as the violence is moving closer to Madame X, she interacts more with the dancers, and then, please let her be shot in the eye, so all journalists will not get so hung up on the patch she wears for the rest of the album roll out. Needles to say, in an alternative universe Faz Gostoso and Bitch I'm Loca were never even recorded, the booklet would include lyrics and the credits to GC would say written by M. Ahmadzai/M. Ciccone, additional lyrical editing by C. Spooner
  10. the tourbook being this late does allow for a sprinkle of hope the book will include pictures of the staging, backstage and the show itself (more like the girlie show book released after that tour) That would be quite nice with the lack of good official pics
  11. seems odd to me, as Madame X era has been such a visual event, surely there is tonns of material from all the video and photoshoots. That said I stopped buying her tourbooks after re-invention, after that most of them rely on one shoot and become somewaht one-dimensional. I miss the quality of blond ambition and girlie show (my fav) they're more a document of the whole era. Anyway, we'll see
  12. it was during an interview for ghv2, in which she said she had to be able to listen to a song at least 3 times in a row for it to pass for inclusion, when asked if she wasn't able to with AP, she replied that someone in her record company made her add it to Music, but that in the end it didn't belong on there so now it was being punished, my memory though lol
  13. Not in the mood for a GH tbh, though listening to her rehearsals on insta, I would very much appreciate a studio recording of her Madame x tour renditions. I love the new album so far but Lauren's vocal production keeps from really really loving it. Hearing her bare vocals on crave makes me root for a "Madonna and a guitar livingroom session mixtape"
  14. Does anyone know if all Cat3 tickets are free seating?
  15. After the stress of having two tickets for Lisbon on saturday that magicly disappeared from my shopping basket, I was preparing not to get to see Madonna this time around (I really can't afford the higher priced tickets anymore, so I had all my hopes set on the lower priced tickets which are gone in a flash) Though this morning, after some panic and figuring out the french ticketmaster site, I saw lower priced tickets availlable and jumped on them without hessitation, so I'm going to get to see her after all!!! I'm so happy
  16. According to madonna.com: "Tickets for these very special Madame X performances are available at €84.00 - €386.50 (plus applicable service fees)"
  17. registered yesterday, here's hoping!
  18. It will be interesting for sure, as most of her set designs were based on the stage itself (having lifts, rotating podiums etc) Now they will probably rely more on setpieces (like seen in BBMA) But don't be fooled, these aren't tiny theaters, I've seen some very elaborate sets in smaller venues. I just hope the amount of video will be brought down to a minimum, or done in a way that suits a theatre setting. Well, and then I also hope I will have a chance to see it lol
  19. Well first of all they didn't read the article, just the soundbites, and of course they didn't get it, at all. It's rediculous to say you don't feel sorry for Madonna, nobody asked you to, least of all M herself. It's very telling these ladies (besides Joy I think) assume M is victimising herself and asking for pitty when she is doing the opposite. When she states she is being punished for being 60 it is just that, a statement, she's being defiant, it is not a complaint. To me it reads exactly the same as when she said she was being punished for being open and unapologetic about her sexuality back in the Dita days, she was pointing out hypocrisy, not boohooing. I could go on but maybe it's better just to see this little tidbit as proof of what Madonna ment with "be what women feel comfortable with" in her billboard speech and move on, it's always better to be on board with Madonna because you'll be going forwards. x
  20. I really think, believe, hope that this tour will be the time Rescue Me can shine! The theme of Madame X does really seem to tie in with the lyrics. What's always funny to me is that RM seems to be this totally forgotten song, but as it is on her best selling album, the majority of her audience will know it. Even just as an interlude (it better don't be) it would work, all the "with you I'm not a" would make for a great counterpart to all MX's persona's, as if all her disguises falter when it comes to love, aaah
  21. rescue me for sure and I would die if she'd give us sooner or later once more
  22. well the woman did steal his video, so I understand he wasn't too fond of her for a while ;-)
  23. yes, also the one who mixed all M albums from ROL through HC ;-)
  24. Tony!!!!!! and yes young and buff Guy does make me breathe a bit deeper too
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