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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Starchild

  1. It's not that big. It just jiggled as he jumped. Much ado about nothing.
  2. She needed them just as much as they need her. They benefited hugely from each other. I will always love what Orbit did in the 90s and early 00s. I so wish he'd upload Spiral to Spotify already! By the way, does anybody have this article in full please?
  3. Yeh, from the PR agency's rent boy catalogue.
  4. "I do love Madonna but it's like... you know what I'm saying?"
  5. He definitely has the Ciccone heart-shaped face. His bone structure is similar to a young Christopher's.
  6. I'm no collector and I didn't buy it but I feel like the Everybody RSD release wasn't worth her team's energy.
  7. I actually find it hard to choose between the two, but AL is more cohesive.
  8. Definitely similar instrumentations. Both exquisite songs. Interestingly, Stuart Price produced two songs on Rina's new album, but not Send My Love To John.
  9. True, but in general she does. But fashion? C'mon now.
  10. Exactly. When fans say ageist things towards older fans, I wonder if they momentarily forgot that M is in her 60s.
  11. Mercy? A musical artist? I'd be okay with all of her children staying away from recording studios. And yes, nepotism is pretty nauseating.
  12. Totally. I can really sense that challenge looming. I think there's a way to do a bit of both. She has good instincts but has been hit or miss for years now, so it's unnerving.
  13. Dude, why don't you post these pics in the relevent threads so that everyone can see and enjoy them?

  14. And you can thank the incredible Vincent Paterson for a good chunk of what we so love about BAT. There are many unsung heroes behind the scenes who inspired or supported M's vision. A genius collective.
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