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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Breathless

  1. I absolutely loved it - laid back and nice and her makeup and hair looked great! I'd like a whole show like this! :hearteyes:
  2. 1.Gang Bang 2. I'm a Sinner 3. Masterpiece 4. Love Spent 5. Falling Free 6. Some Girls
  3. Oh wow, if she said this now she would have so many people against her (as if she doesn't already)! Fat people would take to Twitter and Instagram and FB and go crazy with it lol
  4. Yes, that would be amazing!! Would love it if she managed to keep it all quiet and then suddenly we get the best surprise ever
  5. I think late 2017. And she'd better keep it all locked up this time lol
  6. I got her other perfume, the white bottle and I really love the scent.
  7. Everything is easy when you're in front of a computer screen and no one can see you....
  8. What a great read!! I miss the 80's!!
  9. I actually never saw the BET ad, but read about it and what they said..... someone should boycott them. You just don't do something like that to someone. How incredibly childish. It's sad. :1f614:
  10. Sometimes I think it was better when the Internet didn't exist..... you really only read stuff in the paper that was going on, or heard it on the radio or TV but that was it. There was no comment section or anything like that - no cellphones, nothing. It was easier back then.... God, I feel old lol. Being online you find/meet a lot of idiots (but nice people as well .
  11. I like Dick Tracy's motto. Rise above. Maybe if we would react less, or not reply so much to what the haters say, they would get bored after a while. Although, sometimes I do get annoyed with people who say stuff and kind of feel the need to defend M too.
  12. I don't like Amy but this is actually damn funny: "As Amy Schumer so brilliantly pointed out in her sketch of the same name, Madonna has long outlived her “Last F**kable Dayâ€, and the public is ready for her to spend the rest of her life in ankle length skirts knitting sweaters and watching 60 Minutes."
  13. OMG I love that after party outfit!! More colour! :heart: Kind of like Confessions era. But my favorite is still the suit.
  14. All these magazines, and online news sites who always attack Madonna for anything and everything are going to praise her when she's gone, believe me. Then it's going to be all nice talk..... Btw, she should definitely wear more colours, like the purple outfit, it suits her much better than black.
  15. It's very hard with tributes because lots of people expect it to be like the original artist, which is never going to happen. Some tributes sound like shit, others are amazing, and this one was truly amazing. I'm really glad she didn't do an "all about me" thing of it.
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