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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Rupert76

  • Birthday 02/24/1976

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    Naples (Italy)
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  1. Mi esprimo in italiano, essendo questo post rivolto a utenti italiani. 

    Dal momento che è terminata definitivamente la relazione con il mio ex compagno, mi trovo un biglietto in più che potrei rivendere, senza alcun costo aggiuntivo, a qualcuno che fosse eventualmente seriamente interessato. 

    Premetto che ero e sono molto indeciso se andare a questo concerto oppure no, perché a causa delle ultime vicende personali ho perso quell'entusiasmo che avevo pochi mesi fa... 

    Ho finalmente ricevuto risposta da parte di Ticketmaster.fr ad uno dei quesiti che avevo posto, e mi hanno rassicurato che per poter utilizzare il billetcollector intestato al mio ex compagno non occorre altro che mia presenza al concerto, fattura con la quale ho acquistato i biglietti a mio nome, e mio documento d'identità, nel caso alla persona che utilizzerà quel biglietto fosse richiesto di giustificarne il possesso. 

    Ergo... Siccome al momento tra i  miei conoscenti ed amici non ho nessuno che sia interessato a venire con me al posto di quella carogna, mi chiedevo se tra di voi ci fosse qualcuno (maschio o femmina non conta, purché sia una brava persona), magari proprio di Napoli, eventualmente interessato a condividere e progettare questa esperienza. 

    Non ho mai viaggiato solo, e l'idea di andare da solo a Parigi mi mette un'ansia tale da farmi sentire molto indeciso se andarci o meno... 


    1. emanon


      Hi dear!

      I dont speak italian, but I could get a lot from what you wrotte. First you have to go...for yourself. You deserve just one day out of life, and it will be so nice!

      If no one goes with you, and you cant sell the ticket. GO alone to Paris. If you dont do it, nobody will do it for you. You're not ready to do something until you do it. I used to go to Barcelona to watch concerts, I'm from the north of Portugal. The first one was DWT and I went with my sister. But all the others I went there I went alone. So...you can do it. I used to think I was affraid to fly, but if I didnt go I wouldnt live at all.

      On rebel heart tour. I had an extra ticket for Barcelona first night. long story... I went there alone, with an extra ticket. Then, from Barcelona I went to Milan to visit a friend, then back to Portugal.

      If you cant sell the extra ticket...GO. 

      I hope you go, alone or not. Do it.

    2. Rupert76


      2 hours ago, emanon said:

      Hi dear!

      I dont speak italian, but I could get a lot from what you wrotte. First you have to go...for yourself. You deserve just one day out of life, and it will be so nice!

      If no one goes with you, and you cant sell the ticket. GO alone to Paris. If you dont do it, nobody will do it for you. You're not ready to do something until you do it. I used to go to Barcelona to watch concerts, I'm from the north of Portugal. The first one was DWT and I went with my sister. But all the others I went there I went alone. So...you can do it. I used to think I was affraid to fly, but if I didnt go I wouldnt live at all.

      On rebel heart tour. I had an extra ticket for Barcelona first night. long story... I went there alone, with an extra ticket. Then, from Barcelona I went to Milan to visit a friend, then back to Portugal.

      If you cant sell the extra ticket...GO. 

      I hope you go, alone or not. Do it.

      Thank you so much for your moral support: I really appreciate your words, and you don't know how much strength they give me right now, even if I don't know you personally. I'm learning that special and sensitive people can also be met on this forum. 

      Thanks ❤️

    3. emanon


      Thank you too :-) If my words give you all that strenght I can't imagine, I happy for you,because it made me smile (doing something positive for someone) :hug:

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