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Unapologetic Bitches
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emanon last won the day on June 9 2021

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  1. SHe said October, but didnt said wich year...she also didnt mentioned "soon"... That will give me time to enjoy all the wonderfull things that exist in this world... what journey? it was like sitting on a chair for two hours watching a clown ripping off 10000 euros from a really "devoted fan". Only her ego stands between us...wich is a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng distance Scarydonna...I think there will be nothing in October, its just her trolling us (again) because is the witches month...
  2. Better than all the rest, better than anyone... 

    Thank life I was able to see Tina live once in my life. She is simply the best! Cant wait to have my cd, coming from France (cheaper than pre-ordering it here kkkkk).

    She is AMAZING!

  3. Listening to Britney. I really understand her, and dont see myself has a  fan. Just can't understand why this shit didnt already ended, with the whole world knowing about it...  

    People should really try to get in her shoes...When she shaved her hair, or that thing with the papparazi...It was her own way to say: enough. To scream. when people are "attacking" you constantly, everyone would "freak out", if I can say it this way.

    Listening to her, I can see a person with capacity of taking care of her own life.

    #freebritney #leavebritneyalone

  4. OTTO Von something if we can consider that an album. Worst? I dont think there is a worst one...
  5. while chosing this one, I remembered Madaame X, Erotica...Can it be one for each album, pleeeeeease!
  6. Even youtube would be better...Like what Kylie did for infinite disco Baby...those little tiny really small foods in the middle of a plate big has the moon, that actually aren't for everyone. This release is kinda gourmet, not for everyone. A little bit of irony, sprinkled with sarcasm...you know. But we can use VIP if you want :-) But I'll stick with gourmet...exclusive and chic ( I mean...)
  7. Till Drowned World Tour, all her tours where shown here on tv. Now we have an album, like she said in a promo video, inspired by our beautiful culture...BUT it seems we are out of her plans to show the tour video. Yes, she is still a great "pop music product" but, I don't buy her "attitude" anymore, and it started a long time ago, not because of this "gourmet" release. Yes, torrent will do it better this time. Giving back... Obrigado Madonna, e como demonstras gostar imenso de "palavrões" em português, tal como mostras num dos teus imensos videos no instagram: olha, vai pro caralho! E já que gostas tanto de cultura e te achas tão culta, "caralho" não é aquilo que tu pensas ou gostas... (I did it on purpose. Google translate will help you, but its not perfect)
  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

  9. And MAdonna is the Queen of them all! In Europe we only have Good Stuff...and some of it comes from Latin America, like Shakira, for example, or bananas. the other stuff I don't use it. Why they call her that? She has a huge ego...but. The album is brilliant, agree. Admired her for doing the tour when she was injuried, but I also thought she should have stoped. Her health and well being is more important than a tour. This "gourmet" release sucks, Even if i think you are right about the 30 minutes looking for it. By the way the only thing I will move looking for it is my fingers. My ass, no. My heart is just a muscle. About not taking a no for an answer...Mmmm sometimes we have to (giving or taking) (even Madonna needs that). Agree.
  10. It might sound like Im an unapologetic fan, but sometimes...Yeah Yeah Yeah woa Yeah Yeah Yeah Madame X (think She) is gourmet ...because Not everyone , She Said, can cum into her future....but Everybody already licked that...
  11. You know what Lá Casa de Papel is saying about Madonna Not being on Netflix? She's Not me... She's Not me and never Will be...???
  12. ...does it better. Not going to say who ??

    1. Andymad


      omg those titties are a mystery to me

    2. MDRA


      Bob The Drag Queen :heart:

  14. I wonder if in a thousand years the world will still remember who Madonna & Tina Turner were... because the Music is simply The best!

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