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About Valdu25

  • Birthday 01/10/1996

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  1. Did she really add Music at the end of the show ? How was it ?
  2. 1 - Re-Invention Tour 2 - Madame X Tour 3 - Drowned World Tour The S&ST is good in the flow of the show and the addition of Open Your Heart & I'm Not Alone is great. However, this song is the best when it's close to the album version. The Celebration Tour version is too short : it's not a song that can be sung in 3 minutes and I don't like the vocoder effets during the chorus.
  3. It's not easy, while I think some performances are not as strong as the others (for example Human Nature/Crazy for You) there are a lot of great moments. However : 1 - Live to Tell - it was a really emotional moment live, with the first verse of In This Life and the sound of thunder at the beginning, the first notes of the song in the arena and then the tribute to a lot of her friends 2 - Justify My Love - love the new mix even if the song is shortened, love the choreo and the tension in the music. Particulary loved the moment the big eye appeared on the screen. 3 - Mother and Father - American Life is one of my favorite album and I really liked seing Madonna singing that song looking at her mother on a big screen. The rap with the face of her father appearing was also nice. A very intimate moment + the acoustic start and the new elements added make it better than the album version to me. 4 - Open Your Heart - recreating the iconic choreo with the chair and the new mix (while keeping the core of the original song) + the fact that I shed a tear realising that I was watching the world's greatest performer live on stage 5 - Like a Prayer - to me this performance was everything that made Madonna who she is ; one of her most iconic songs, the religious staging ; I even liked the addition of Unholy Everything else was awesome : Bad Girl, Rain, Bedtime Story, Ray of Light... It's really one of her best tours.
  4. Ah yes I think I can hear it after watching the video again, it's louder at the end of the verse. However, I think it's nice to have some changes as the tour goes ! I really like Express Yourself for example. In a week or two we could have Candy Shop.
  5. Definitively team Rain on this one. I hope it's the one included on the released video. I'm not really liking the vocoder effects on the chorus, with the just the beat of the remix and live vocals it would be amazing. However, the verses sound great (but 1998 voice ? Maybe it's the audio ?)
  6. I can't manage to think about anything else since sunday's show. I still can't believe how amazing it was and that after 40 years of career she manages to put one of the best shows she has ever done after more than ten world tours. Really obsessed with the new versions Stuart created, do you imagine what he'd done with Sticky & Sweet Tour if he was the musical director ? or Rebel Heart ? That man knows how to keep what we love in M songs and improve them big times.
  7. Hello everyone ! Last night was amazing ! It was my second time seeing M (first time was RHT) and I can't believe how great it was. I knew the setlist but I didn't see any videos before the show and I have absolutely no regrets () The opening with Nothing Really Matters works very well with the "In your arms" ending and then the countdown to the eighties takes us back in time immediatly ! The first segment from NRM to Like a Prayer was my favorite part of the show. The new version of Into the Groove is amazing and I shed a tear during Open Your Heart Live to Tell was very emotional, it really is one of her best songs and Like a Prayer is an ideal follow up for this song, Unholy working really well here. The Erotica segment is beautiful, but the bass was very heavy on that track. This new version of Justify My Love is everything ! Then Hung Up was the first moment that the crowd really went wild, we could have gone with another chorus as everyone was on its feet at that moment ! I have to say that the only segment that I had trouble getting into was the Vogue section. I love this song to death but it misses a verse to feel more complete and it was hard to understand what Bob was saying. Human Nature and Crazy For You felt too short. Die Another Day is another highlight of the night for me. The choreo with all the dancers, the lights, the violins and the lasers made it an awesome moment. The horses running before Don't Tell Me make a beautiful transition. Mother and Father is another emotional moment. The public wasn't tired and interacted a lot with Madonna, particulary when she sang I Will Survive "Je survivrai !" as she said. La Isla Bonita was the second crowd pleaser, everybody went wild ! Ray of Light was my second favorite moment of the show, the remix works well and those lasers are amazing. The ending felt kinda abrupt, but I was prepared for it (and honestly I expected worse). The incorporation of GMAYL is nice and Bitch I'm Madonna is a fun song and works great as the closer. Overall, I think it is one of my favorite Madonna show, right after Confessions Tour and I'm very grateful that I was able to witness it in person, Madonna is an amazing entertainer and she proved it once more last night. It was also an amazing moment for me because my girlfriend was with me and enjoyed the show a lot and thought that M had a nice voice and gave everything ! Finally, I was afraid that I would miss some of M songs but the show works in the way it is presented and I don't even miss Music or Express Yourself. However, I would have loved some songs to be sung in full such as Vogue or La Isla Bonita. Now I can't wait to watch videos again and again and follow the rest of the tour with you all ! =)
  8. Hello everyone, At what time did Stuart Price's DJ set start last week in Paris, please ? We don't want to go too early but we don't want to miss him either in case he is present again tomorrow. Thanks
  9. He should read The Celebration Tour thread because some people here have the same obsession he has.
  10. I was randomly scrobbling Madonna song when "Wash All Over Me" came straight after "Rain" finished and I was picturing how it could be amazing as the last song before the encore. Rebel Heart is a really good album, I'm sad that she doesn't acknowledge it that much.
  11. Didn't she say something about her ass at the end of the recorded performance of Human Nature on MDNA tour ?
  12. I hope they had time to record studio versions. 👀
  13. Even if I love Frozen as it is one of her best songs, the fact she had not sung Rain for 30 years makes it a better choice to me.
  14. I need her to do Sorry and Oh Father tonight 😍
  15. Maybe Hold Tight or Sorry are supposed to be in the last section ?
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