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Unapologetic Bitches
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The Look Of Love

The Look Of Love (21/89)



  1. I think extreme Occident is about her following her own path and having the courage and determination to follow her heart/follow her dreams and instinct/own intuition and not conforming and doing what people advise her and not taking the easiest path and realising that she was right all long despite maybe moments of self-doubt along the way. Think is so similar in its theme to Easy Ride from American Life apart from the obvious references to circles in both songs. Extreme Occident came across brilliantly on the Madame X tour was so emotional with such an amazing baseline combined with the staging - the filming/recording of it doesn't really capture It as good as it was. Interesting so many people see the song in different ways and what she is referring to/singing about
  2. She just didn;t need to for many of her era's as there was so much interest and being a bit elusive only added to the excitement when she did do an interview or performance or appearance. As others have said in the 80s the amazing videos did the promo for her She would be on the front page of every newspaper in the UK in the early 90's just for landing at a UK airport like when she visited for 24 hours to do the Jonathan Ross interview for he Erotica launch/Sex book promo in October 92
  3. I thought Extreme Occident might be about her moving to New York with $35 and finding her identity as a person/artist despite adversity and people telling her she shouldn't /not believing in her and maybe also in general about her life in general and thinking about the early 90s's backlash she got and wondering to herself if she was lost referenced by the lyrics 'No I wasn't lost - I was right' - 'the thing that hurt the most was that I wasn't lost' - that she was right all long with her move to go to New York that took years before she became sussful and had money and then again in the 90s how the media turned on her with the Erotica/Sex book era
  4. That would be amazing if they filmed London and Manchester dates - such a shame we didn;t get a professionally filmed and edited show of such a great tour I kind of like the Lisbon taped footage and like how it is not over edited but the quality is not great and doesn't;t compare to how brilliant the footage is Jonas shot in Paris for the documentary
  5. Agree with the comments that her instagram/social media is off putting - too many pointless photos and overdone photoshop giving a fake look. Am not against photoshop at all and photos have been polished and edited forever even before photoshop but needs to look real however much improvement is made
  6. Candy Shop for sure - best version was the Rebel Heart tour amazing baseline Body Shop just MOR forgettable track boring too
  7. Burning Up, Candy Shop, Human Nature, Best Within, Bitch Im Madonna,
  8. I think she will a guest judge
  9. I think the next best thing is the worst film she has been in - just so cringeworthy all the way through - awful film and acting
  10. Yes it;s an amazing epic music video more than a film and looks stunning
  11. She liked it enough to accept a Golden Globe award for it lol
  12. Think the overuse of vocoder spoiled most of the tracks on this album as you don't get the same connection compared to when you really here her singing I liked I Don't Search I Find and Extreme Occident plus Killers Who Are Partying though
  13. There's just far too many important and interesting things to fit into a film that we know about and probably loads more that she knows about that we don't that could go into the film. There could be an entire film for each era really
  14. I do wonder if the celebration tour was in part done to get the biopic made as a teaser/promo and to convince film studio to back it again that there is enough interest still to make it a profitable movie e.g. 1.5 million people at the Rio show
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