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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by clkelley39

  1. On 10/30/2019 at 3:38 PM, ninjya said:

    have you received a ticket yet?  Im going on 11/2 but I still havent received it yet.

    My tickets arrived in the mail a few days ago. The reminder email from Ticketmaster also says that will call tickets can be picked up at the venue when you arrive. All tickets are physical/paper tickets, it says.

  2. 4 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

    Madonna is the biggest star in the world and people don't know how to act around stars. Even BASIC stars. They scream at them, stare at them, hound them for autographs... I can imagine when she gets to work she doesn't want everyone just gawking at her the whole time. Most places also have their own rules about talking to or approaching a celebrity, I would imagine she can't rely on every place to have sufficient guidelines though and her team know what to request so there is no confusion. 

    Thats why almost every celebrity I've met I just treat them the same as anyone else. With a few exceptions cuz even I can't contain myself sometimes. 

    I was thinking something similar. Can you imagine the weird things people have said to Madonna when they meet her? Remember the story Rosie O'Donnell told about the guy in the elevator saying he thought her hair "looked like shit"? And remember extremely scary stalker too?

  3. Agreed. It seemed like the Rebel Heart Tour had so many recycled ideas. She'd already done the matador themed stuff. She'd already done the Asian themed stuff. She'd already done the Catholic themed stuff.

    I enjoyed that there was a pretty good amount of old material included and I liked some of the musical arrangements. "Deeper and Deeper" was excellent. "Like a Virgin" was great. I'm glad she included "Candy Shop", "Music", "Holiday" and "Love Don't Live Here Anymore".

    I would have loved to hear some other Rebel Heart songs like "Hold Tight" and "Inside Out". I liked those songs, but was never a fan of "Iconic" or "S.E.X." We could definitely have done without "La Vie En Rose".

    But overall, she seemed a little tired and bored, which I think explains why she decided to really mix things up on this current tour.



  4. I'm a legacy ICON member. I requested tickets for one of the LA shows right at the exact hour requests began. Never heard anything back until Ticketmaster and/or LiveNation sent me a survey asking my opinion of the process. One of the questions was something along the lines of "how did you hear that you had not gotten tickets?", which I hadn't heard.


    I am severely disappointed with this process, and disappointed that she's not coming to Northern California, which is where I actually live.

  5. I wonder if Kevin Antunes will be the musical director again. If so, he'd be her longest serving musical director. Jai Winding and Stuart Price both worked on 3 tours each. This would be Kevin's fourth tour with her. Can't say I'm excited about that. Madonna's live music was EXCELLENT during the tours she did with Stuart. It's mediocre with Kevin, in my opinion.

  6. On 4/21/2019 at 10:55 AM, Bat-Fan said:

    I read a rumor on fb from someone who claims to know someone working for live nation and they said it won't be an arena tour but rather multiple dates in the same theater. I personally don't want that. You think there is any truth to this?

    Like mini-residencies? That's interesting. That might actually be pretty cool since you'd get to see her closer up. But I'm sure that would come with a premium.

    And to get the same quantity of audience members, she'd have to do, like, 10 nights in the same theater to equal one night in an arena. I don't see her spending 10 nights in some of these mid-sized cities she's been visiting lately (think Cleveland, Louisville, Tulsa).




  7. In case you haven’t heard, the season 2 premiere of the podcast JC’s Musicology is about Madonna’s Immaculate Collection and Erotica eras.


    I’ve been waiting for him to do a Madonna episode. I haven’t fully finished listening to it, but so far it’s pretty enjoyable. Not a ton of deconstruction of audio tracks, as he did with his Janet, Jam and Lewis episode, but still good. Hopefully he does more episodes about her.

  8. 10 minutes ago, frozen78 said:

    So what mix do these stems come from?

    Maybe this stems pack is missing some parts, including the piano solo and has some tracks that haven't been used in the final mix (like the backwards snares?

    These stems, in my opinion, are from Shep & Goh Hotoda’s mix. Sure they include some elements from previous mixes (the 1983 & 1987 mixes), but all remixes, by definition, include elements from the previous recording(s).


    If the stems pack includes elements from the 1990 mix, then they’re not the stems from the 1987 mix, they’re the stems from the 1990 mix. Simple chronology. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

    It's a great mix and i Love what youve done with it. The vocals are a bit loud though compared to the other elements of the track. Lower those a little and youve got a great mix.

    The vocals somehow sounded better in your first mix.

    Don’t get met started! The vocals are definitely be hardest part. I’ve revised them about a million times. And to complicate things further, this stems pack has two lead vocal tracks. One is obviously the scratch vocal, but they are nearly identical! I had the hardest time deciding which to use. 


    Thanks for the feedback!

  10. 8 hours ago, alessan_dro99 said:

    What you call the q sound mix was based on remix Shep Pettibone did for you can dance. Actually the stems are the original longer album version of holiday (it even has some vocals near the end that were cut from the final album version). Indeed that stem pack also has elements of the additional shep pettibone remix tracks but synched wrongly. If you streep the stems from those you simply get the original full lenght version of holiday.

    And yes, at the time of release all the immaculate collection songs were speeded up a bit to fit all on one single cd 

    Shep didn’t do the mix for You Can Dance, Jellybean Benitez did. These are not the stems from You Can Dance. That mix did not have backwards snare parts, but did have an additional piano track (the piano solo).

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