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Posts posted by Mauro

  1. Lady Gaga is Donald Trumps twin. She came from money in New York. Had all kinds of privileges and support in whatever she wanted to do. Tells people what they want to hear to gain support and has fans that feel empowered to bully people who have struggled to get where they are because they are self loathing. They don't want to struggle and look down on anyone who does. Hence their obsession with awards and praise. If you try to talk to their supporters about them you might as well talk to a brick wall. Trump supporters sound just like little monsters. "Well Trump won and you will deal." I've actually seen that. Where are all the adults? I feel like I am in the twilight zone. I'm sick of strong women being attacked and insulted.


    ...And I didn't like that stunt piece of clothing she wore standing next to Hillary Clinton. Seriously not the right look the night before the election and I suspect she knew that. Then protesting in front of Trump tower. I wouldn't be surprised if she helped him.


    In Trumpland some guy says how Hillary came from money and Trump is self made. That's the biggest load of Bull. It mirrors what that woman has been trying to do to Madonna. Hillary has been working for years and years and started off with very humble beginnings. A couple of spoiled brats are trying to steal other people's life experiences to appeal to their sheep who frustratingly buy it hook, line and sinker. This election has just pushed me over the edge because these cult followers and their support of these salespeople are now going to affect other people's lives. Most recently MY country. Not a happy person. I am so sick of con artists but the fact they coast so much easier today than they ever did is the most frustrating thing.


    Madonna is a worker. She works. Madonna's views don't even come close to that sad excuse for a presidential candidate. I'm sick of people creating their own reality. Madonna is nothing like him and I think it's offensive.


    How awful it was to watch Hillary give her concession speech. I could feel her pain. All that work for a misogynistic man to basically walk off the street with no experience and no morals and take it away. Your only beloved as a Woman if your tragic or a victim. I'm devastated.


    Every syrong woman out there is compared to the worst of men but all men are regarded as individuals.


    I think the article like so many sneaky people have tried to do was printed as an attack.


    Have a look at Hillary's latest tweet and tell me the comments don't remind you of little monsters. He used the same tactic that lady gaga used.


    John Cleese on Conan O'Brien:


    A simple principle of the KGB is to accuse the opposition of exactly what you’re doing yourself, and I thought that was what Trump was doing, as a result, Putin has got exactly the president that he wants.â€


    George Takai to Donald Trump on Twitter:


    "Denounce the actions of supporters who see your election as a license to hate."


    And of course Donald Trump will stay silent and this sounds too familiar to lady gaga's fans saying horrible things about Madonna. lady gaga's fans who were also Madonna fans emplored her to say something. They still never wanted to believe that this is exactly what she wamted. Of course when people get upset Trump supporters turn it around on Liberals just like little monsters turned it around on Madonna fans when they were simply defending Madonna or themselves.


    This whole thing with Donald Trump so reflects lady gaga's scheme and she was right on top of Hillary at the end which did Hillary no favors.


    lady gaga is an elitest like Donald Trump. How about her interview with her comments about Madonna? She lies to somehow make her above someone else and she doesn't care if it's a lie like Donald Trump.






    Honestly tho, even if you're not a fan of Lady Gaga, comparing her to Donald Trump is beyond low. My god. Don't even. 

  2. She seems way better meeting fans candidly these days. I've seen her stop to sign things at airports. She never did that. I never blamed her for not stopping. She had people who wanted to kill her. Look at John Lennon. Look at the nut she had stalking her back in LA in the 90s! She did CD signings in the early 2000s for Music and AL.

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