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Posts posted by gafuller

  1. To be honest, I haven't really experimented with the songs I've disliked, this year.  However, as much as it makes me cringe, the RHT version of Candy Shop makes me groove. And I REALLY didn't like Candy Shop. Ever. And i'm ok with that.  Lately I've been obsessed with The Girlie Show. 

    Candyshop grabbed my attention from the beginning. Its simple, thin, nothing to it... Well it sounds like a terrible song in those words but I have always loved it! Wish Hard Candy had had some other candy or sweets references, Latte having actually been lattes or a song called chocolate kisses, etc. And plus, I jsut learned today, Candy Shop was certified platinum in Brazil of all things.

  2. 2017 is the first year I can say I have heard it all! I spent much of 2015 and 2016 listening and acquiring all her songs on one format or another! A couple weeks ago I was listening to Turn Up the Radio (a remix) and got it stuck in my head. Its still running. And so I got to thinking about five Madonna songs that I have changed my mind about over the year, for the better!


    1) Give It 2 Me: I have to admit that I thought this was never a good song, no where near as strong a single as 4 Minutes. But Give It 2 Me performed well enough as a single, just not in the US, which has the favored role of decided the worth of a song. Thats silly but we know it to be true. It has aged well (maybe not the video) and has that kind of energy for workouts and just closing door so know one can see us dancing in our rooms.


    2) She's Not Me: When I first sat down I listened to Hard Candy in full, She's Not Me and Incredible just completely blurred. However, I have found that it has some of the best arranging and production on the album. I don't think it's sound has quite held up, as we aren't the Daft Punk scene anymore, but the more I listen, the better it usually gets. I would even place on my list of songs that should have been a single. The music video I always imagine in my head when listening has a Madonna wannabe walking out a steamy shower, door closing and Madonna wiping the steam away singing.


    3)Turn Up the Radio: And then theres this one. I always skipped this song on MDNA, which I usually enjoy listening through on car rides. As of recently, with help of remixes, I have found this little bee banging around my head while at work or when stressed. It has even found itself as the bases of one my poems. 


    4) Bodyshop: Here we have an instance of a song I didn't actually hate, but did kind of cringe when it came on. However, despite some not quite correct references, the Rebel Heart Tour made me realize that it was probably one of Madonna's favorites. Next to Candyshop, some of her song choices start making sense. They're carefree and senseless. Into the Groove anybody? haha, jk... maybe...


    5) Paradise (Not for Me): So I actually couldn't think of another big hitter that I changed my mind on, but I can say this little number did make a big impression on me. Nobodies Perfect and this song always blurred, as Madonna albums seem to have those two songs that sound similar. I never liked them, and I don't have any dislike for them nowadays, but Paradise, when I finally sat and let it roll, invoked melancholy and loneliness. The French verse is brilliant too... suck it Lady Gaga! Jk, for reals there.


    So what songs made measurable improvement with y'all this year? 

  3. Eh, the only problem there is that what might be a decent single might mean edging away from mainstream. Lady Gaga faced this by trying to pull from mainstream with Joanne. Million Reasons did exceptionally but brilliant songs like John Wayne, likely meant to be a single, didn't get to be. Too different. Hence Cure, which sounded like some Chainsmoker crap. Madonna needs to find a happy medium.

  4. A hit is possible. It always is. But the music market seems pretty neglectful of anything outside of today's big names or some highly supported indie. And her legacy is grand, but if I had asked many about Prince before he died, I woildve received some blank stares. Michael Jackson had so much crap happen leading up to his death, that it was just the icing on top. Now everyone knows about both Pop Legends indisputably. Neither were making hits towards the end. Madonna may land some hits outside the US, but I'm pretty sure the US Mainstream Express keeps shorting her a ticket. She just cramps the party, which is a shame.

  5. I discovered Madonna when I was around 9-10 years old and at that time Britney and Christina were ruling the world. However, I did feel something different from the 'nice lady' (according to Gaga), some magic and beauty that I didn't see in the others' work. Madonna was always better. That's it.

    Lol, while they were ruling the world for their short period of time, they just looked sweaty and out of breath. Madonna didn't need to look grungy, she'd already had a whole era sex and a decade before.

  6. Well Madonna's older fan base is the conduit to her future fan base. My mother exposed me to the Immacualte and Music when I was maybe 4 and now where she's lost interest, I've become addicted, lol. And anyone who has sat in my car, knows a handful or more of her new and old material. Besides the ones who said their parent listened to her, those kids were in a losing battle before it even began.

  7. Yeah, honestly when I was a kid I had little concept of music I liked or wanted to explore. I grew up with music, obviously influencing my taste, but it wasn't until I hit college that I started exploring more genres and artists, Madonna being a huge impact ofcourse.

  8. I’m Going To Tell You A Secret - CD/DVD jewel case, amaray CD/DVD case

    Confessions Tour - CD/DVD digipak, DVD/CD amaray case

    Sticky & Sweet Tour - CD/DVD digipak, Blu-Ray

    MDNA World Tour - Blu-Ray, 2CD jewel case, DVD Super jewel case, 2CD/DVD ‘deluxe’ digipak DVD edition

    Rebel Heart Tour - Blu-Ray/CD digipak, 2CD, DVD/CD digipak, DVD amaray case, Blu-Ray

    So MDNA did get a digipak?

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