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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Sultrysully

  1. Can you even imagine what Revel Heart was supposed to be before the leaks? I love it now but damn!
  2. I wish.... People would have to admit her genius though and they do not seem to ever be able or willing to do so.
  3. The last three eras... I liked a lot and I have loved her since True Blue. Madame X is in my top three but I get that we all love different things. Thankfully, Madonna is diverse enough for her entire fanbase.
  4. My mother definitely was a fan. She took me to the Who's that Girl Tour. My dad would pop in my Virgin Tour VHS, anytime that he wanted me to be in the livingroom. Apparently, Madonna brings the NASCAR fans and the gays together. Haha My daughter listens to a lot of Madonna when she misses me. Her favorites are the I'm Breathless album and American Life. My son, not so much.
  5. Yaysssssss! It is monotonous to complain about something that we have not even heard. What is wrong with people? Hear it, decide, and allow the rest of us to enjoy. There are many songs by many artists that I do not care for.... but I do not sign up for fan blogs and then moan endlessly about how bad the song is, especially when I have not even listened to it. Pathetic!
  6. I would have chosen The Immaculate Collection had it been an option. I went for Like a Virgin as it contains more general public hits than Like a Prayer. Personally, it is my least favorite of all of the albums (although I still like it) but it is her Thriller or Purple Rain. I do think that the Immaculate Collection would be the most played if she were to pass. The GP loved that first decade so much.
  7. Right! It was called "Erotica".
  8. Loved Me Against the Music, 4 Minutes, Medellin, Bitch, I'm Loca, Be Careful With My Heart, Levitating and Take a Bow!
  9. I actually like her featurings.
  10. I am going to shows #2 and #3 so I will not have to worry about spoilers as long.
  11. The Interscope Covers were all great!. MDNA is fire and Madame X is stunning.
  12. Not charting on a pay for play chart does not make any song a "flop"; Not for Madonna or any other artist, especially ten, twenty, thirty or forty years into their career. I cannot believe some people's reliance on the Billboard chart to determine what constitutes a great song or high art. Madonna has sustained the quality of her work for four decades. I certainly cannot describe any of her efforts as subpar. Look at efforts by her contemporaries. Many of them peaked creatively and then put out complete, uninvested garbage. Madonna is definitely in a different universe altogether and I am grateful for it.
  13. This is just the weirdest release. Multiple versions, depending of what version you are streaming.
  14. All of my headphones are terrible on the updated Atmos version. The added high hat on the first two song Irene's the songs unlistenable with headphones.
  15. Is it my imagination or are they using the wrong version of Material Girl too? I thought the Immaculate Collection had some edutbof a remix were back up singers sang alone at tge end.
  16. "Dick... that's an interesting name... My bottom hurts just thinking about it". - Now I'm Following You Pt. 2.
  17. Interesting perspective. I kinda agree. I enjoy it much more now. It feels more inspired by her earlier sounds which have grown to be timeless.
  18. I too am in the "where in the hell are the personally curated, expanded editions" club but I do not understand any of the personal attacks on other fans or on Madonna for that matter. It is not like Madonna is sitting around and doing nothing. She has been releasing remixes to streaming platforms, releasing collectible vinyls for RSDs, and remastering her expansive video catalog. It is worth mentioning that she is also prepping for a massive tour. And please stop comparing Madonna's career to any of her contemporaries. Many of them have no career outside of releasing the old stuff. Madonna has a kick ass album that is less than four years old. More importantly, must we fight amongst ourselves? Be kinder to people and remember that none of us are genuine experts on each and every one of the many industries Madonna has a stake in. I actually learn a lot from many of you. So use a bit of humility with others. Let's all keep learning together. Keep this forum an innovative space. Keep this forum a special place. And keep this forum a safe space. 🙏
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