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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Glindathegood

  1. 2 hours ago, L*ckySt*r said:

    I think she is too far involved in wanting to make 'statements' to the world to just put out a simple dance record like her debut. Not that I want her to repeat herself, but I would like to see her record something that has a similar feel and flare that she did with her first album. A slight of 1980's vibe wouldn't hurt. And please ditch the vocoder effects, Madonna! I don't care who helps her produce it as long as it is kept to a minimum of a few people. No raps, just fun pop, disco and rock like the good old days.  

    She never did rock, unless you mean before she became famous but her 80s  hit music wasn’t rock. 

  2. 3 hours ago, RebelMe said:

    Another Bedtime Stories would be nice :bothered:

    But I want another Holiday or Cherish from her, something just to have fun and appreciate life  

    Crave from Madame X gives me a Bedtime Stories vibe, but with a modern twist. She could expand on that. 

  3. I really like Madame X. I know she doesn’t want to repeat herself but she could expand on the global sounds with more Latin and African sounds mixed with modern electronics. 
    She hedged her bets a bit on Madame X but putting on some straight up pop and dance songs. What if she went full on with the world and global sounds? 

  4. When people say an 80’s sound what do they mean exactly? There were a lot of different types of music successful in the 80’s, but generally when I hear the words 80s music I think of synth pop like Human League, Howard Jones, Flock of Seagulls etc.  Madonna never had much in common with that kind of music, so I can’t see her pulling that off.  I think doing an 80s sound would be way too predictable since she was so successful in the 80’s. To me doing a nostalgic sound doesn’t work if you were old enough to do it the first time. 
    She probably would never do it, but I have always wanted her to do a Beatles like 60s psychedelic pop sound, sort of like Beautiful Stranger or maybe I’m a Sinner. 

  5. Very unlikely as long as streaming is included in the single charts. Has any older artist had a bit hit single since streaming was included? Everyone talks about Cher, but Believe was before the streaming era. 
    I personally think they should create a separate chart for the  most streamed songs, but not include that in the main charts. For me I often stream stuff I’ve heard about to just hear what it sounds like out of curiosity not because I actually like it.  I don’t think streaming is an accurate reflection of music people actually love. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

    At least she's not posting anything cringy now.

    I'd rather her instagram like this than when she moved to Lisbon and we got those daily selfies from weird angles or her Covid-19 diaries, her ruining Vogue, etc...

    Minority opinion, but I miss those posts. I like those because they showed her eccentric offbeat personality. Social media is so judgmental that everyone is scared to show any personality. I hope she wasn’t bullied not to post anything interesting or humorous anymore based on the comments.  I agree with the Black Lives Matters stuff, but for me it’s a bit repetitive and impersonal. 

  7. Good movie. But honestly it didn’t remind me of Madonna because the singer’s musical style was so different from Madonna’s. The character gave me Mariah Carey vibes, especially with the Las Vegas suggestion. I am surprised the article about the movie doesn’t mention Mariah because she seemed like an obvious reference. 

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