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Unapologetic Bitches
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RebelMe last won the day on April 28

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About RebelMe

  • Birthday December 21

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Bad Girl

Bad Girl (36/89)



  1. Guys, I need a little bit of help understanding something and I don't want open a new thread only because of it. What’s the difference between ‘Cherish’ from ‘Celebration’ (3:50) and ‘Cherish’ from ‘TIC’ (3:53)?
  2. Blond Ambition (and I would record the entire show to share it here after I came back lol) and Confessions Tour
  3. behave yourselves guys, bar is getting low over here
  4. CrowdFunding for Warning Signs and Desperately Seeking Susan. I'm in.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6-Kb9Ds7B_/?igsh=MTlzZWYxNWJpcms4 The caption saying that she’s a little bit unkind sometimes. Lol Ray of Light 2.0 not happening guys. Stuart Price, now it’s your chance, Confessions 2.0 here we go. (Joke alert)
  6. Wow, I didn't notice that! What an amazing surprise! If they decided to split the tracks, keeping them non stop, making a greatest hits album, I bet it would be a huge success. Those mixes sound so fresh!
  7. Well, it's not new music, but it's nice to have something fresh, I think Thank you, Stu! We need more collabs between M and you!
  8. I think 2024 has been a huge year for her and the amount of respect that she's receiving is surprisingly good. I hope it reflects on the success of her long-awaited new artistic material.
  9. Confessions Tour Sticky and Sweet Tour Blond Ambition Tour The Celebration Tour The Virgin Tour Re-invention Tour Who's That Girl Tour The Girlie Show Rebel Heart Tour DW Tour MDNA Tour Madame X Tour
  10. I'm curious to see the animated cover art of Bedtime Stories, and if they will place M upside down or not.
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