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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. The typical case of someone who wants to create controversy by any means even for the use of this or that pronoun and the funny thing is that he ends up agreeing with you at the end. How funny.
  2. You forgot to mention that he also produced a song for superstar Christina Aguilera: "Your Body" that many must have heard back in 2012. To be honest I'd rather Madonna work with Patrick Leonard or Shep Pettibone again. That would make me happier and I would be sure that both the creation process and the final product would be successful since they are great friends and the chemistry they have is indisputable and we can see it in the musical jewels they managed to create together. And why don't I think the same or do I have certain doubts about this collaboration between Madonna and Max Martin? Because each one of them comes with their personal egos: Madonna comes with the ego of being a musical legend and of being the best female artist of all time, and Max of being one of the most important producers on the music scene, so from now on I envision a fight between egos where everyone will try to impose their ideas and this can lead to the final product not being as perfect as it should be. Hopefully time will prove me wrong but if I had the power to choose I would definitely choose the first mentioned producers.
  3. Well, for me Confessions will be the best Madonna tour. Perhaps many voted for Blond Ambition because there is so much material available about this tour. On the other hand, Confessions only had a DVD and to top it off it was filmed in a place that left much to be desired due to the coldness of the public. Confessions Tour has better choreography, better highlights, better costumes, better tour ending, etc. All of that makes me feel like it's better than the Blond Ambition Tour but anyway, both tours deserve first place in the end.
  4. This tour would be like the Like a Virgin Tour of this era. A tour without many pretensions and that used the flag of the great successes as plan B to recover from the damage that her popularity suffered thanks to American Life. The casual public will definitely have liked it, but ultra fans like me left us wanting more, like we didn't reach an “orgasm” with this tour. Happily, the next tour that would come would not only make us reach ecstasy in seconds, but this time it would be us who would no longer be able to endure such perfection
  5. It just can't be! How this beautiful tour can end so low. Rebel Heart Tour was characterized by being a show full of nuances and rich in details that set it apart from other tours where the same script was always followed automatically. On this tour, Madonna put aside the image of a diva to interact and get closer to her audience, talk and joke with them as if she were another friend. Of all the tours, it is the one I most envy not having been on because who knows if I would have been one of the lucky ones who could have shaken her hand or interacted with her at Unapoletegic Bitch. Finally, this tour has one of the most demanding choreographies of all her tours: Holy Water, which I hope she will perform again on this 2023 tour as a way to celebrate her 40-year career. I definitely do not agree at all with this result.
  6. I disagree. Although I was sure that this tour would end in last place, I thought that it would not be because it was bad but because it was the least good of all. But seeing the low score that several people give this tour makes me wonder if I am the one who settles for too little or they are too demanding. If I had voted I would have given it a well-deserved 7. What a pity I did not have time to vote because my life is so busy with occupations.
  7. What more evidence than to review the views of the video and discover that in just 5 months it already exceeds 5 million views. A resounding and undeniable success. What does baffle me is the antipathy that many Madonna fans have towards this charismatic woman whose biography I personally find quite moving because, according to her own account, being poor and humble and not liking to work, she had to resort to prostitution to able to afford her drug addiction. Then she would realize the enormous talent she had for music, which would lead her to change her lifestyle forever before falling deeper into that vice that has destroyed so many lives in this world. Tokischa is a survivor whose life should be taken as an example for many who feel that they are trapped in a dead end that is what drug addiction represents and who lie to themselves by saying that they will never be able to stop using them. Tokischa's life is proof of this and now she is dedicated to criticizing the consumption of these substances and I am glad that she is a friend of Madonna and I look forward to new collaborations with her in the future because Hung Up 2022 ended up meeting my expectations, something that they did not achieve the two previous remixes.
  8. I will only say that there is so much information about Madonna's career that it would take an encyclopedia to know everything that has happened to her since the beginning of her career. I wonder if this will also happen with other artists, I mean having a musical career as nuanced and rich in detail as Madonna's and we're only talking about the beginnings of a new era (American Life), then music videos, tours, photo shoots, interviews, new eras, movies, etc. would come. As a fan, I recognize a certain ignorance regarding certain topics, but I hope with time to improve and increase my knowledge and increase my level of experience in everything related to the culture that this woman already represents and that is the cause of all of us being gathered in this forum despite our personal antipathies.
  9. Of all the covers of Madonna's albums, I prefer those that focus on her face and the emotions that Madonna wants to convey. The illusion of first love on the cover of True Blue, the unbridled eroticism and sensual ecstasy on the cover of Erotica, the spirituality and purity of the soul in Ray of Light, etc. In the case of American Life, one of my favorite albums, it is the coldness, harshness and insensitivity expressed in Madonna's gaze due to living in such a violent and bloody environment as war (and where death and suffering of the human being is an everyday thing) the emotions that I manage to distinguish. That is why I love that this was the official cover of all the alternatives that there were (like the one where she is holding a weapon) because there are no other elements that distract our attention and make us lose sight of the message that Madonna originally wants to convey.
  10. Beautiful photo that is already downloaded and saved on my hard drive. As an animal lover that I am, I will always love to see Madonna in a photo session accompanied by an animal. Thanks for posting it.
  11. Thank you. I was just joking with @SweetMadonna, I love reading her quotes and I have given many likes to her comments countless times. The truth is that I am surprised by the reaction of some users who have apparently taken it the wrong way and become defensive when I thought they were going to laugh at my comment but anyway I am clarifying that everything has been in a good way. I seriously mean it.
  12. Apparently you will no longer have the likes that you used to have because many have already copied the formula so you will have to invent a new phrase or you will end up going unnoticed. What a pity!
  13. Of course. Christina Aguilera has one of the best voices in the music scene, it's undeniable. Although it is true that she has lost relevance because of another artist who I prefer not to say her name. Well, okay I'll say it: Lady Gaga. But not her directly, but the press and her fans who did a dirty campaign against Christina, but anyway, hopefully one day Christina will recover the importance and global impact she had before. And it is so difficult to regain validity once you lose it and we verified it with so many great artists who unfortunately are being forgotten by the new generations despite continuing to offer wonderful albums.
  14. It's true, but my rejection of her for being a rapper was before her collaboration with Madonna since I changed my mind after seeing the close friendship that formed between the two and at the time I corrected myself and said that thanks to Madonna my perception towards Tokischa took a 180 degree turn and since then I have always defended their friendship and the song they made together. Unfortunately, many people in the world get carried away by stereotypes and end up falling into discrimination, be it based on race, nationality, religion, etc. But it is when, due to things in life, you get to know personally that person that you reject so much, is that you realize that you were wrong all along and you lost the opportunity to meet someone wonderful who could have added to your life. That happened to me with this woman, Tokischa. I put aside my prejudices when I saw that thanks to her I finally saw a Madonna that I hadn't seen for a long time: funny, cheerful, irreverent, leaving her comfort zone and adapting to the style of Tokischa and having a good time during the whole process of shooting the music video. Not to mention the times they went out to social events together. I've never seen Madonna do this with another female artist. That is why I would love for them to do a collaboration similar to Hung Up 2002 again. If you ask my opinion I think Into the Groove would be the perfect song for it.
  15. Well, the central idea of my message was the sincere wish that Madonna finally has a stable partner, something that cannot be compared to having several occasional partners over the years and that do not add anything to your life. I remember the time when she was married to Guy Ritchie and the level of excellence her musical career reached: probably Guy with his opinions and life experience had a lot to do with it. A perfect example would be that beautiful video they made together: What it feels like for a girl. Coincidentally after their separation it was evident that her career was not the same again. And yes, I apologize and correct myself by saying that Madonna will probably end up alone at the end of her days because it was very abrupt on my part, but as a fan I wish the best for her. Definitely this "new partner" (not only I say it but all the press) joins a long list of occasional and disposable partners (an assertion based on Madonna's love history after her separation from Guy Ritchie) and that will probably pass without pain or glory like the previous ones that never transcended beyond being Madonna's partner and being simple sexual objects. But it is never too late to rectify, to return to the right path and when that happens I will celebrate it like any fan who wants the best for their favorite artist and life inspiration.
  16. I am not lying when I say that My happiness reached immeasurable levels when I saw the title of the post and thought that it was a collaboration with the Goddess Christina Aguilera. I thought that my long-standing wish had finally come true, but when I found out that it was another Christina, my overflowing happiness plummeted in a matter of seconds. However, I decided to give this artist a chance and I listened to some of her songs on Youtube and I didn't dislike her style. I only hope that Madonna has a wide participation in the songs where she will lend her wonderful voice and not like Justin Timberlake in Hard Candy who, despite appearing in several songs, his participation went almost unnoticed To be honest I doubt that this collaboration will be as successful as the beautiful song she did with Tokischa that already has 5 million views on Youtube in just 5 months and this is because Christine is not that popular globally but definitely the song it will be like a breath of fresh air after so many contrived and synthetic remixes. I do not have any doubt about that.
  17. The meaning of the word troll is someone who aims to turn a polite and heightened debate with different points of view into an endless discussion with disrespect and personal insults towards the other members of the debate, the troll loves to sow chaos and attract all attention to himself and make absurd and illogical comments or questions. If you can't tell the difference between a troll and someone who genuinely disagrees with some action or characteristic of their favorite artist, it's not my problem. But what I do not accept is that you question my fanaticism and that of many people who do not think the same as you and who are not trolls at all because when the case has occurred they have fully justified their positions, something that trolls do not do. Being more open-minded and tolerant is good advice. And also take meditation classes so as not to lose control and react violently and insulting the alleged trolls. By the way, resorting to insults is precisely a characteristic that also serves to identify the much feared trolls. What a coincidence.
  18. Well, let's remember that celebrities do not have a private life, it is the price of fame and they know it very well. Let's also remember that we are not talking about an ordinary woman who leads a low-key life and does not post her private affairs on social media. We are talking about Madonna, a world superstar whose life is of course of interest to both the press and the fans who love her so much and although in the past Madonna led a super discreet and reserved life and did not talk about her personal things and we respected that now things are totally different because she herself publishes her entire life on social networks and invites us indirectly or implicitly to give our opinion, to express our approval or rejection or to judge her actions. That the opinions are not favorable or what she expects, as is my case in this particular issue of her new partner, are risks that they must assume but to say that it is nobody's business to talk about Madonna's new partner is quite inconsistent for say the least.
  19. Well, she should if she doesn't want to end up completely alone until the end of her days. Let's keep in mind that her children will grow up and leave, her close relatives will already have died and she won't even have the company of a pet because her dislike for animals is well known (let's remember the case of those beautiful Chihuahua dogs Rosita and Evita). Personally, I would not like that ending for Madonna, so I am still hoping that when it comes to love, she begins to act with maturity once and for all and stops dating so many opportunists who are attracted to her by her fame and her money. . And time goes by so fast lately.
  20. Madonna narrated many of her fantasies in the book Sex, but this one specifically with the minor seemed inappropriate to me because by naming the sexual experience with the minor as ONE OF THE BEST OF HER LIFE, she was indirectly promoting other people to experience it as well motivated by curiosity. Now, many countries establish 16 or 14 years as the minimum age of sexual consent, because they think that at that age the adolescent has already reached the necessary mental maturity to consent to being with someone much older than him. We are definitely in other times, the mental maturity that was previously reached at 18 is now achieved earlier due to the advancement of technology and access to information. If you feel that you already have the necessary mental maturity to be with someone older, there should be no problem, but always review the laws of your country to avoid legal problems, in this case for the adult
  21. I am not happy about this news of the supposed new boyfriend because I want Madonna to have a stable partner and these last couples do not have the right profile for it. Rather, they seemed to me to be simple sexual objects that generated initial enthusiasm for Madonna but soon ended up discarding them. In addition, the statistics say it: when there is a huge age difference between a couple, regardless of gender, the possibility that they will not last long is very high for various reasons that I preferred not to delve into. I will be happy when I see that Madonna has someone more mature and successful in her personal life as a partner, someone at her level and until now after Guy Ritchie I have not seen any.
  22. I love reading comprehension! It was one of my favorite courses in school. Well, reading the text I see that too many details are highlighted that make it clear that we are not talking about an 18 or 19-year-old (who would be practically of legal age and therefore the fantasy would no longer make any sense) but of someone of 14 or 15 years old: The fact of preferring to use the word teenage boy (which, although it is true, also includes 18 or 19-year-olds, almost no one says or thinks of that word to refer to them), presuming that the boy is virgin and inexperienced in sex (something that would be rare in someone of 18 or 19), the detail of little pubic hair (which appears from the age of 13) and the fact that he is going to school but never goes to classes for spending all the time with "Madonna" in her apartment and that due to a feeling of guilt, she decides to leave him some tasks so that he does not totally waste his time. Then his parents kick him out of the apartment, probably as a punishment for discovering that he never goes to school and for his misbehavior or rebelliousness, and when the boy decides to spend the night with "Madonna" again we see that he is a minor when she tenderly compares the size of her body with his and when she highlights his natural astonishment at being with a naked woman in bed for the first time. I don't know if this fantasy shocked many people at the time because I remember that Madonna gave a boy a passionate kiss during the Who's that girl tour (one of the best moments of the show by the way) and it seems to me that nobody censored that scene. Of course, something that would not have happened if instead of Madonna it had been a man kissing an underage girl or boy. Contradictions and double standards of the time that accepted certain things and condemned others. Something that we continue to see today where minors are supposedly more protected but are allowed to listen to songs with dirty and disgusting lyrics or perform excessively suggestive and sexual dances and what more atrocities will we see in the future, I don't even want to think about it.
  23. To be honest these latest Madonna releases have me very baffled. Some have the quality one expects while others leave a lot to be desired. In the past, Madonna was more seriously involved with all material that was related to her: photographs, album covers, singles, remixes, etc. Now I feel that she no longer has the same motivation as before and I don't think it's for reasons of time since her children are grown, she doesn't have a formal partner, she doesn't have other known jobs, so why this lack of professionalism when delivering quality products and instead we receive fake remastered remixes, album covers with damaged printing, music videos that remain in 360 quality when other artists already have their videos in 4k, etc. Her fans deserve the best and some of us have even become very perfectionists and very demanding, influenced by herself. That is why these latest releases disappoint me and make me doubt if the motivation for her career as an artist is still intact or has fallen into stagnation and where she is no longer interested in getting involved in anything and leaves everything to incompetent people who are not interested the quality of the product and only generate money. Those who love what they do will always seek to do their best ALL THE TIME. It's just an observation because as a fan I don't want to feel like I'm criticizing her or talking bad about her.
  24. I don't know whether to vote based on the DVDs released from the tours or the YouTube videos. What I mean is that if I voted based on the dvds, the Confessions Tour would have a very low score because the show looked very static and cold (and I'm not referring to the public's reaction) and many presentations were badly edited, for example Music, Lucky Star or Let it will be and if it weren't for Youtube I would not have discovered how wonderful these performances were. Another example would be the Madame X Tour in which many songs were cut: Something I will never forgive the editor of this tour for is criminally cutting the final part of Come Alive or not including Crave in the edit. That's why I haven't voted so far because I don't know what to base it on to be able to give a fair score for each of the tours.
  25. To be honest, I am one of those who stayed with this version sold by the press of the poor addicted brother abandoned by the millionaire sister and who, having no money, had to go and live under a bridge. I remember that this news was headlined in various press outlets around the world and I think that Madonna should have come out to clarify things at the time because as we all know, silence is consent, and many people were left with that image of the evil sister. Even now, with the death of her brother, the media continue to report the sad news but remember, in a morbid way, that he lived for many years under a bridge and without money when the truth of the story is totally different from the one told by the press but unfortunately only the fans know about it (I just found out thanks to this forum) and people close to the family. I am not one to enter the social networks of artists, not even those of Madonna, but does anyone know if she published something regarding the death of her dear brother? A photo or a goodbye message? I would like to see it. Thank you.
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