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Would You Like To Try

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Would You Like To Try

  1. When I release the recreation tomorrow it's gonna be called "Single Mix" not single Remix because it's not a remix but a mix of its own multitracks

    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      Thanks honey!!!!!

  2. Coming soon possibly tomorrow: The one and only Keep It Together - 7" Remix recreation

  3. Did Guy seriously leave Madonna for Donna Queen?After all Donna Queen is charting always so I guess she is never going to flop..
  4. That is even a worse idea than mine how do we come up with those lol!
  5. The B-Day Song Club - Daily Birthday Songs - Repeating of B-Day song every day - The club costs $20000000 million dollars by minute to enter - Tokischa is the guest in every club party - Sickick will DJ the meeting! - a Madonna off brand clone will be there always
  6. Releasing Next:Keep It Together Digital Remastered Single

    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      Another amazing pieceeeee!!!!!

  7. No I mean that some people might risk getting sued illegally uploading Madonna unreleased catalog to streaming so they can put it on their streaming playlists
  8. As long as the demos are copyrighted yes the money goes to her,but you can eevn use Spotify Local files if that was the case
  9. Putting all my Madenergy into the lawsuit going Madonna's way and not these "fans" way
  10. I think that everything the labels send to streaming has to be accepted ai or not
  11. I thank them but I definitely wouldn't risk getting sued for putting music on my playlist
  12. The bridge vocal style and the chorus breakouts I'd say are mostly notable similarities
  13. Tomorrow the keep it together 

    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      Your infos about a new release are better than M team....

    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      In sure  it will be another amazing remix!!!!!

  14. Haven't you heard already of Donna Queen? She will defeat Madonna soon as it seems since she is releasing two albums this year and Luchy Love by her just leaked and it's awesome just check the Broken and Never Let You go on apple music thread
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