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Unapologetic Bitches
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mrsciccone last won the day on March 7 2021

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About mrsciccone

  • Birthday 02/01/1979

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  1. So funny that they forgot to brighten the middle parts in a d o‘s on the cover 😂
  2. BA & GST !!!!!!! Unfortunately I was too young then . Saw all the others afterwards (Except MXT as she cancelled my show and I got sick). Girlie Show is the hottest shit. Love it so much.
  3. The first ah is def from bedtime story. Enigma sampled JML on Mea Culpa you can hear M‘s sexy breathing. Totally hearable in the Orthodox Mix of the song
  4. The fuckup came because they named the anniversary just LAP like the album. Had the same issue. What you can do if you dont want to synch a track is to extend the audio with 10 sec of something, and then in itunes info tell the song to stop 10 sec before end and it wont synch but upload your file to the cloud. Like you have done your own remaster gE. but it would always synch to the original song. This works
  5. Thank you, worked. My projector is ready 🤓
  6. Shame sounds much better than what we have had before
  7. Someone released Madonna's Never Let You Go and Broken on iTunes named as Donna Queen lol: The songs are the original demos though
  8. Dwt Berlin Up for grabs absolut Madonna rit london rit arnhem 2x (1x pit) sst frankfurt sst vienna ct Amsterdam 2x mdna vienna rht cologne celebration paris
  9. Finally I was able to see it live. We flew to Paris and the crowd was just sooo worth it - to go there instead of Germany. Our tickets were amazing. 4th row, next to the stage, sitting. The arena is a dream. What can I say. The show is mindblowing I loved every single bit of it. In real the whole story stelling makes so much sense! I even liked Bob the Drag Queen. The bass was a force, lol. She looked so beautiful and happy and was in such a good mood. The show went by way to quickly! The new corset was so beautiful. My absolute favs: NRM, Everybody, LTT, ROL (omg), Bad Girl, Erotica PDP, I even liked BIM, what I normally don't, but it's fun with all the Fake-Madonnas. To me this is the show I enjoyed the most since DWT live. And I had so much fun during RIT, CT, STT & MDNA (RHT I didn't like). Thanks for the wonderful night M and finally it fells like good-old-M is back on stage. My least fav would we DAD. But everything was just soooooo gooood! And she sounded really good too. Here a loevely pic I took during Vogue:
  10. Mine was sent a month after ordering. Insane
  11. wasnt that for the sex release with a sheep bag?
  12. https://www.amazon.com/Rebel-Heart-LP-Deluxe-Explicit/dp/B00S2T3U6C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1PZSFUC1QJ9M8&keywords=madonna+vinyl+rebel+heart&qid=1697802563&sprefix=madonna+vinyl+rebel+hear%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-1 I don't know if someone already has posted this here. I saw it on FB. 31,18 $ but they are not sending to Europe. There are also copies available on ebay though. Now I only need a reissue of Celebration and Hard Candy to be satisfied
  13. On my copy manufactured US. I received it 2 weeks ago. Orderd from jpc.de
  14. Mine is US. I thought rerelease is only EU made in the Netherlands?
  15. Wow jealous guy is much better 😟 mike dean can produce like this? M wtf
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