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Rays Of Light
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Raio_05 last won the day on January 29 2021

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  1. Saw it on Reddit and loved it! I love how Madonna inspires fans with her imagery to produce amazing design work. I'd buy one but I'm poor right now... do you trade for a Madonna Monopoly?
  2. HOLY shit, it's actually the WHOLE performance
  3. Please give me a timestamp, I'm going CRAZY with this
  4. That's odd, Anitta has actually always been very vocal and critical of Bolsonaro on Twitter from what I've seen. There's even an interview from 2019 where she explicitly says that she doesn't support him at all: https://vogue.globo.com/beleza/gente/noticia/2019/02/em-entrevista-internacional-anitta-fala-sobre-o-presidente-eleito-jair-bolsonaro-e-sobre-seu-posicionamento-politico.html
  5. She's big mainly in Latin-America and Europe, I don't think she's that big in the US. Maluma too.
  6. PS: Maluma and Anitta are huge, let's not kid ourselves. Especially Anitta.
  7. I'm gonna forget this DVD is coming so I can stop stressing and be pleasantly surprised in a few weeks months years when it's released
  8. Does she control that, though? I think she has someone who's in charge of her social media... so she probably doesn't even know that Still bad, though
  9. But imagine if it DOES end up being released in April...
  10. Just kidding, I don't have sources.
  11. I just heard from a very good source that the DVD is coming out in April!
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