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Unapologetic Bitches
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survivalartist last won the day on January 13 2020

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  1. They're really feeling some kinda way about Anitta on Instagram, aren't they? Very passionate, very every other comment...

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    2. Fighter


      tbh I dont know who she is

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Ditto Fighter !
      I'll reserve judgement when ANY song comes out ? xx

    4. poserdemadonna


      13 hours ago, Fighter said:

      tbh I dont know who she is

      Brazilian singer, who self manages her career. She's the biggest star we have nowadays. She worked with Diplo on a track called "Sua Cara". She was born and raised in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, and her songs often talk about living there.

      However, when it comes to standing up for human rights, she remains silent. When Marielle Franco, a politician who also came from the slums, was murdered, she didn't say a word for days. When she finally said something, it was like "I wasn't going to talk about this, but since many of you asked me...". Many public people here in Brazil were talking about her murder and her life works.

      During last year's election, while many singer who are supported by the LGBT community positioned against Bolsonaro, she said "my vote is secret, I ain't telling you". Like, Daniella Mercury, Luiza Sonza, Maria Bethania, Pitty, among other famous Brazilian singers were posting against that candidate.

      Now, another singer, called Nego do Borel, made transphobic comments towards Brazilian trans YouTuber Luiza Marillac. Anitta was recording a live DVD when she called him onstage, who was instantly booed. Anitta tried to defend him, which only made things worse for both of them.

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